This is my take on the Jund Devour archetype:
In my opinion the strategy goes through 3 phases:
1) Create a maximum of tokens and creatures, attacking as much as possible.
2) If you cannot win simply with 1), stall the game until you can play one of your wincons.
3) Play one or several of your wincons and end the match asap.
After some testing, I also feel like the deck is very vulnerable to fliers, so it is essential you deal with them in a proper manner, which I will explain further down. Below I will detail the role I think each card fills in the deck and how they fit in the whole strategy.
Multicolored:Ground Assault: One of the best removal spells in the game, it fits perfectly into this deck. Due to the low number of removal spells in the deck it should be used wisely but can be used to remove problematic creatures and particularly fliers.
Kathari Bomber: This card's role as a token creator is obvious, but this is also one of the few creatures with flying in the deck, so it can also be used for early defense against decks with fliers. The unearth cost is expensive, but at least it gives you an option to use him again as a token creator if you had to use him for defense or something.
Sprouting Thrinax: Great cost/value early on and also a wonderful token producer. On top of that it can help you stall the game in phase 2) by dissuading your opponent from attacking. Overall an essential card in this deck IMO.
Black:Quest for the Gravelord: This card is also great as it can have a role in pretty much every phase of your gameplan. Early on it can provide a big creature if the opponent is not careful enough. It is also a great dissuasive measure preventing your opponent from attacking. And finally, in the later game it can be especially devastating with
Doubling Season and/or
Warstorm Surge in play.
Scavenger Drake: To be honest I don't really like this card so much as it starts as a 1/1 for 4 mana, so there is no immediate value. However aside from your removal tools this is your only way to deal with big fliers and it can also be a wincon by itself if your opponent has no answer to flying, so it still has its place in this deck IMO. It grows exceptionally fast with devour creatures and with
Doubling Season.
Red:Krenko's Command: Very obvious choice for cheap token production and early aggro. I don't think there is much need to explain here.
Goblin Rabblemaster: Originally Jade Mage was in its place, but I found the Rabblemaster to be much more effective in general. Since you have a lot of goblin tokens in this deck and generally want to keep them alive as much as possible, it may look like a bad idea to have him in. But it works great with cards like
Quest for the Gravelord or
Doubling Season, generates tokens constantly and serves as another wincon against slow decks, allowing you sometimes to win as early as phase 1). Also makes a great target for
Chorus of Might if you have enough goblins in play.
Thorn-Thrash Viashino: Well, people have already discussed about it in this thread but I personally think this guy is an absolute bomb. It can simply win games by itself with his trample ability. You can play him as early as possible with relatively few creatures in play if needed: with this deck it easily has the potential to become a 6/6 or 8/8 by turn 4. Or you can just wait for
Doubling Season and or
Mycoloth to be already in play and make him absolutely gigantic before swinging for the win.
Warstorm Surge: Not absolutely necessary in this deck, but its synergy with devour and token producing creatures is very obvious. It's mainly here as an additional wincon and as a way to regulate the enemy's board with creatures entering in play. If you play
Mycoloth with this in play you can deal potentially game winning damage, and if it's not enough you can just wait your next turn for what is essentially tailored board wipe.
Green:Elvish Visionary: Early creature to help filter through your deck and also provides a cheap body to sacrifice later on. Not much else to say, this deck needed some cheap draw and I think this the best option for these colors.
Chorus of Might: A much underused card, but IMO it is a star in this deck and fits perfectly in it as a wincon. First, this is the cheapest way to give trample to a creature in our current card pool barring the green Paragon which hardly fits in a 3-color deck. Second, it boosts the power and toughness of one creature by the number of creatures you have in play, which will usually be a lot. With
Mycoloth in play, this card is pretty much autowin, but you can also use it early on to kill your opponent's most annoying creatures when he carelessly chooses to block with them.
Doubling Season: Almost every card in this deck plays with either counters and/or tokens, so the choice to include this card is pretty much self explanatory. I don't think it can win the game by itself, but it just combines so well with other cards that it can make a difference by making your victory faster or giving you more tokens/counters to stall the game if you need to wait for your wincons.
Mycoloth: The sole presence of this card makes the deck a lot more threatening. It has the double role of wincon and massive token producer. Two ways to use him: either early on to have a massive token producer engine and fuel
Chorus of Might or
Thorn-Thrash Viashino or later in the game to get him very big and pull out the win with
Chorus of Might,
Warstorm Surge or simply by a token swarm.
That's pretty much it, I used to include
Kresh the Bloodbraided in the deck but I didn't really like it. IMO
Mycoloth is just way better for its token production effect and gets very big immediately. Kresh suffers from pretty much the same problem as
Scavenger Drake in that he needs time to get big, but more than that his main problem is that he doesn't have any built-in evasion capacity. Assuming he was in this deck,
Chorus of Might would almost always be better used on
Mycoloth as he will already be big enough and can benefit immediately from trample.
Sorry for the long post, but if you have any advice or opinions on this deck, I am always open to comments.
2014/11/18: Some small changes on lands, -1 Forest, -1 Mountain, +1 Golgari Guildgate, +1 Rakdos Guildgate
2014/12/31: Small changes but makes the deck stronger in general. -2 Jade Mage, +2 Goblin Rabblemaster, -1 Forest, +1 Mountain