There's an unblockable blue common 3/2 for 5 or a morph cost of 3 in khans.
Grim doctor makes me wary of vineglass vampire current version,I saw that in some sideboards.
Multicolored land that can tap for their color right away are usually rare to sell sets, if we feel that the current verion is too powerful we can change them to require a permanent card, but it will probably work out okay this way too.
Nonflying black spirit tokens aren't really a thing, maybe change the subtype or color?
Candy witch doesn't seem green.
Grotesque harlequin: I can't remember red cards with that ability, maybe intimidate?
Scarecrow is nasty at that cost+ ability at uncommon,but I don't think that we want a two drop costing double green, so we could probably keep it that way.
Wineglass vampire feels oppressive too, I'd prefer it a bit more pushed stat wise but requiring 3 life since then the decision of paying life becomes less trivial, but maybe raising the guise cost to
to stop it to protect big things the turn they entered the battlefield creates interesting decision trees too .
Since we only have 2 creatures with boo the 3/2 green one could be a 2/3, that way is going to block more times.
Pumpkinhead hydra could have vigilance maybe? I think there was an
hydra in M14 with some other effect and it wasn't that strong in limited, and it would make it's other ability more relevant.