[manapie] tagBasic useColorlessWhiteBlueBlackRedGreenAzoriusOrzhovBorosSelesnyaDimirIzzetSimicRakdosGolgariGruulEsperJeskaiBantMarduAbzanNayaGrixisSultaiTemurJundGreenlessRedlessBlacklessBluelessWhitelessRainbow
The [manapie] tag creates an image representing a combination of Magic colors. The image on the left was created with the following tag:
[manapie 180 w -u b -r -g][/manapie]
The number gives the size in pixels. All five color letters are required (in lowercase). Put a hyphen before the letter to turn off that color.
Custom textThe text automatically shows the name of the given color combination. If you want different text, put it between the opening and closing tags.
Ooh, pretty!ColorlessWhiteBlueBlackRedGreenAzoriusOrzhovBorosSelesnyaDimirIzzetSimicRakdosGolgariGruulEsperJeskaiBantMarduAbzanNayaGrixisSultaiTemurJundGreenlessRedlessBlacklessBluelessWhitelessRainbow
[manapie 150 w u b r g]Ooh, pretty![/manapie]
No text at allIf you want to have no text at all (for example if the image is meant to be a small icon), put something between the tags that doesn't display. Unfortunately a space character won't work, but a line break tag does the job [br][/br].
And now, class, we shall discuss the wedge color combinations...Code:
[manapie 50 -w u b -r g][br][/br][/manapie]
Firefox usersWhen viewed in Firefox, the mana symbols are blotchy at small sizes. Firefox has a bug in the way it resizes vector images, which should be smooth at any size. Hopefully this will be fixed in a future version of Firefox.