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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:31 pm 

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They started this a while back and when they did I got in touch with Ant Tessitore and offered our services. Now that it's over, it might be time to reach out again with offers of aid or collaboration.

Unfortunately Ashiok plays a major role in the plane making it M:EM-incompatible under current rules buuuut that's no reason for us not to encourage them in pushing the project further into their own Gathering Magic: Expanded Multiverse. Having a second group out there could be cool, you know?

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:34 pm 
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Unfortunately Ashiok plays a major role in the plane making it M:EM-incompatible under current rules buuuut that's no reason for us not to encourage them in pushing the project further into their own Gathering Magic: Expanded Multiverse. Having a second group out there could be cool, you know?

It would protect the project from destruction, as long as we're located on opposite ends of the galaxy...and we're unaware of each other...uh oh.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:35 pm 
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If the two groups were mutually compatible and able to occasionally (with coordination, of course!) share planes or characters or directly collaborate on stories, that would be even cooler.

Not that there's anything wrong with them allowing canon characters in their own project.

Today as I vacuumed I was daydreaming about a giant Continuity Repair project, in which all the pre-revision stuff AND post-Mending stuff (ongoing, of course) and anything else post-revision that breaks continuity would get re-written as fanfics that fit neatly within revision-to-Apocalypse continuity.

Unless I'm trying to be sarcastic or humorous, most of my posts are extremely literal. Please don't "read between the lines" because there's nothing in there.
If something isn't extremely explicit and blatant then I wasn't thinking it. I'm incapable of sublety and don't know how to imply things. I never knowingly "imply" anything, ever.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:14 pm 

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Honestly, I've been pondering for AGES about doing an Epic Poem based on the fall of Vithia, I just haven't had time or been in the right mindset for it. And there've been suggestions in the past of covering material like the Planeswalker War. Szat was even working on a Legends III saga for a while.

It's a matter of what is likely to be contradicted in the future, basically. That's what we've always stayed away from.

But a crossover event with these people, if they can get their stuff off the ground? That'd be a m a z i n g.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:20 pm 
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But a crossover event with these people, if they can get their stuff off the ground? That'd be a m a z i n g.

That would be cool.

Also, I should note that I always misspell "amazing." I always forget it has so many spaces in it...


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:53 pm 
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It's a matter of what is likely to be contradicted in the future, basically. That's what we've always stayed away from.
Pre-revision stuff is unlikely ever to be touched. As for the rest...

If they contradicted one of the Repairs, then the Repair would need to be re-repaired. It would be a never-ending project anyway since they don't care about continuity or coherence anymore.

When they contradict their own dang canon, the Great Repairing would ignore or reconcile their retcon anyway.

Unless I'm trying to be sarcastic or humorous, most of my posts are extremely literal. Please don't "read between the lines" because there's nothing in there.
If something isn't extremely explicit and blatant then I wasn't thinking it. I'm incapable of sublety and don't know how to imply things. I never knowingly "imply" anything, ever.

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