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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:35 am 

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You Discard

13 x Island
6 x Swamp
5 x Mountain


4 x Vapor Snag
1 x Artful Dodge - it's there for the flashback in the graveyard and to force through chaos skulker insanity
4 x Voyage's End - To scry or not to scry....
4 x Think Twice - Weeeeeeeeeeee so many draws
2 x Chasm Skulker
3 x Guard Gomazoa
1 x Time Warp
1 x Roil Elemental - I was like, well this needs another mid or big - beef creature, maybe both. Ok, both. Yours and opponents.
1 x Thassa's Bounty - Pick your own library if you have Charmy Devils out, but this makes Skulker happy too.

3 x Mind Rot - Pick 2 worst cards you have yet? OK. Bam! BURNING INQUIRY
2 x Monomania - "Oh, keep one, huh? Sigh Ok" - BURNING INQUIRY

4 x Burning Inquiry
2 x Charmbreaker Devils -

2 x Sphinx Bone Wand
2 x Dinrova Horror

So I figured one day I was going to make a 4x Burning Inquiry deck work. A challenge. So here it is. If nothing else, this is a very frustrating deck to play against. I don't like playing random people with it because the true use of Burning Inquiry is to be disruptive, annoying, and give you negative karma. A Grief Deck. At least that's how this feels. This deck does not seem to care whatsoever what your opponent is putting out, it's all going to take a quick stop back in your hand before hitting the graveyard. IMO Burning Inquiry is made to be played thusly:

- First rule of this card is you can't love your other cards. Play the lands and engine cards (Charmbreaker / Sphinx Bone) first of course, but get used to the fact that you are going to purposefully disrupt your own hand, and to that it's all about timing...You can think of it as randomly swapping your hand out for your library. It's a very in the moment kind of card, like when you have 5-6 cost cards and 1-2 lands out. Play it then.
-Important to watch people mulligan or not mulligan, and decide if you want your hands that have BI in it right away or not. BI can fix crappy hands too, as well as yours. Play it once you think they have settled on their plan, like after their 2nd Cultivate'd land is put out. You have a chance to feed or flood the cards they do hope to have, so it's got to be timed best you can. An older version of this had 2 Quicken just to smack this down on their turn right after they draw or attack or end of their turn, but all that's the wrong time it feels. Cast it before your combat phase.
-Vapor Snag - their ugliest/favorite card that they just put out last turn and are now attacking you with, bounce to their hand then add some Burning Inquiry and watch to see if it was one of the random discards.
-Mind Rot / Monomania / Dinrova Horror - Oh they have that card they are just holding onto so hard, you can feel it, so, thats when to Mind Rot them down 2 cards (they throw out less useful) and you hit them with B.I. and then they discard it. And curse you.
-Chasm Skulker - total accident learning this one, but, bam, it's like a permanent sorcery Giant Growth just for this dude.

Anyone else force 4x Burning Inquiry into a deck with success? I'd love to know.
Happy Karma Lowering!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:03 am 
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I don't even know if I like the deck... But I super enjoyed the description... Bravo.

I'll check it out for sure, lol!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:45 am 
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I'm not so sure about the single thasa'a bounty, I think you would be better off with an Inspiration (or maybe a 3rd Dinrova). It also looks like 3 Mind Rots and both Monomanias might be a bit too much, but I could be very wrong here.

As 0045 said, I love the description and thought you put behind Burning Inquiry. I have to say I've never really even thought about building a deck around it or putting it in any build, lol. This deck looks very interesting. Could be a lot of fun.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:07 pm 

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Another use I've explored - I've copied what looked like the best options for straight blue mill deck out of another thread and threw 4x Burning Inquiry in it. ... It adds a bit of speed there too.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:13 pm 
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Yeah I tried building a Burning Inquiry deck, But felt I was hurting my self more every time I ran it. But it was fun.
Good Description with your deck. I'll have to try it one night to see.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:11 pm 
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Another use I've explored - I've copied what looked like the best options for straight blue mill deck out of another thread and threw 4x Burning Inquiry in it. ... It adds a bit of speed there too.

But there is not a single other element of mill outside the one bounty. I mean the 4x BIs are a bit of mill too, but 4 BIs and a bounty isn't going to mill anyone to a win. That's why I was confused.

iOS Username: minddrifter
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:44 pm 

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No no I mean, I missed mentioning a use for Burning Inquiry, and that's that it can be used to mill. - IN a mill deck.

And Pyxis, too.

Having said that, this does have a mini-mill built in if you have 1-2 Charmbreaker Devil out.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:36 pm 
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Hey Jeff, check out my Izzet mill deck, similar theory with burning enquiry and flash back spells but built more as a control deck.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:51 pm 

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Burning Crabs - awesome!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:49 pm 
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I can't see Burning Inquiry being any use until the DLC arrives and we get a set of Unearth creatures. When they arrive, putting it in a Grixis Flashback/Unearth deck should be worthwhile. Chasm Skulker and the :u: and :r: spell trigger creatures should give you additional value.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:06 pm 
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I'm surprised no one has so much as mentioned my Grixis Combo Deck. This thing is brutal! Just constant removal and triggers; your opponent has no idea what the hell is going on. You need to know how each of the cards interact with each other so you know how best to use them and how to react to what your opponent does. It's very much a reactionary deck. It's definitely one of my favourite decks to play, I keep going back to it.

"Don't underestimate the aerodynamic qualities of the common goblin."

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:41 pm 
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djAMPnz wrote:
I'm surprised no one has so much as mentioned my Grixis Combo Deck. This thing is brutal! Just constant removal and triggers; your opponent has no idea what the hell is going on. You need to know how each of the cards interact with each other so you know how best to use them and how to react to what your opponent does. It's very much a reactionary deck. It's definitely one of my favourite decks to play, I keep going back to it.

I think it is mainly due to Grixis being such a really strong color combo that most of us have a deck we are extremely happy with already. I'm sure your deck is good but I have had such great success with Hakeem's Grixis control that unless I just see something off the wall different that grabs my interest then I'm not really going to jump ship. I feel the same way with my Jund and Esper builds, they have given me such amazing results, that even though there are plenty of other really good builds, I'm not very interested in trying them unless they are really different and unique.

I'm not saying your build isn't powerful but it doesn't look all that different or interesting to me (I'm not dissing it, I don't want you to think that because it kinda sounds like I am, but it isn't meant that way).

There's a build on this thread, one of the first few builds IIRC, based off of defenders that was really different, a lot of fun to play, and worked really well. Something really unique like that, and some of your other builds I have seen, are really the only thing that grab my interest anymore.

iOS Username: minddrifter
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:38 am 
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:53 am 
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Here is my updated Grixis control list post-DLC. The main revisions were cutting the playset of Bolt of Keranos in favor of Resounding Thunder because it's an instant and easier to cast overall. I added Savage Lands instead of Rakdos Guildgate (good call 2best) because I can reasonably expect to see one of them by the time I get to eight mana when the cycling ability of Thunder comes online. I completely removed Flesh to Dust because the cycling on Thunder is very powerful and can kill most things on its own. The only other major changes were in the manabase where the trilands give me extra sources of all my colors and just make the mana better overall, which is always good. I've also discovered the nonsense that is Obelisk of Alara, so I've chopped the Bone Wand and Kozilek to fit them in.

I've since updated the deck again by replacing the Ogre Jailbreakers with Traumatic Visions, replacing Stormbreath Dragon with Banefire, and cutting back to one Obelisk to squeeze Kozilek back in. With the Jailbreakers gone, I replaced the Dimir Guildgates with Arcane Sanctums to enable the Obelisk's white mode, as well.

If you like to play control then this is the deck for you. It just kills everything.

[manapie 90 -w u b r -g][/manapie]

Grixis Control

A one vs. one deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (4 :creature: , 31 :instant: , 25 :land:)

Cost 4 cards
Cost 4 cards
Think Twice
Cost 13 cards
Anger of the Gods
Auger Spree
Resounding Thunder
Tribute to Hunger
Cost 4 cards
Cost 4 cards
Traumatic Visions
Cost 2 cards
Inferno Titan6/6
Obelisk of Alara
Cost 2 cards
Rune-Scarred Demon6/6
Cost 1 card
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth12/12
Cost 1 card
Land25 cards
Arcane Sanctum
Crumbling Necropolis
Izzet Guildgate
Savage Lands

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Last edited by Hakeem928 on Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:15 am, edited 8 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:08 am 
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Quick and dirty theoretical Grixis Unearth deck using DLC. Obviously needs a lot of testing and is just a basic conceptual shell at the moment.

23 Lands

3 x Hedron Crab
3 x Hellspark Elemental
4 x Brackwater Elemental
3 x Necromancer's Assistant
4 x Viscera Dragger
2 x Jalira, Master Polymorphist
2 x Ogre Battledriver

4 x Artful Dodge
4 x Think Twice
4 x Auger Spree
2 x Rescue from the Underworld
2 x Warstorm Surge

You self-mill and draw into Unearth creatures, and attack, assisted by Warstorm, Battledriver and Artful Dodge. Literally half the deck can be cast from the graveyard, so you should always have options, and Rescue and Jalira give you additional options for creatures that are about to be Exiled due to Unearth.

Although Unearth states that if a creature would leave the battlefield, it gets Exiled instead, Rescue will still recover the creature from that zone if sacrificed as it doesn't explicitly state it will only recover the sacced creature from the graveyard. This also has the benefit of resetting the creature's Unearth status.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:14 pm 
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Hakeem, I think resounding thunder would fit well here in place of Bolt of Krenos, subbing in 3 savage lands in place of rakdos allows you the option of cycling it too. If you think you wont miss the scry from the bolt.



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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:02 pm 
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You're most likely correct, I'd wager that the instant-speed and easier mana cost is worth more than Scry 1. I don't know if my OCD will let me do it, though, we'll see when the expansion drops!

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:35 pm 
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Since the expansion has rendered multiplayer useless on the Xbox 360, I decided to start updating my old builds rather than brewing because I want to test new decks in a live environment. You can find my updated Grixis Control list here.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:14 pm 
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Hakeem: I don't know if cutting all your Flesh to Dusts is the right call. The only real weakness the deck had before was against big bombs.. removing Flesh to Dust further exposes it. For instance: No card in the deck except Tribute to Hunger can kill Pelakka Wurm, Kozilek, Griselbrand, Terra Stomper, Palisade Giant, etc. If Tribute to Hunger wasn't so conditional, I feel this would be less of an issue.

I have played the hell out of that deck, one of the few I've netdecked.. and the only decks it ever struggled against were decks that jammed bomb after bomb.. like your Fattledriver build. It's even weaker against that matchup now.. I'd find a way to get some more spells in there that don't do X amount of damage. More unconditional killing is needed.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:22 pm 
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I think Tribute deals with those early bombs well enough because this deck keeps the board squeaky clean. Right now I'm speculating on the cycling ability of Resounding Thunder as a way to kill just about anything outside of a Stomper or Wurm. I always have the option of using multiple cards to deal with a singular threat, as well.

I concede that the deck is weak to multiple high-toughness threats, but it always was.

Perhaps we should cut Stormbreath Dragon? :p

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