I'm neither a terrible player nor inexperienced. I finished 4th of 44. A lot of the other Abzan players in the top brackets were also neither terrible nor inexperienced, and many of them also had to grind their way through the end of the alotted time to come away with their wins and draws to get there. The Abzan cardpool is designed to grind the creature combat to a halt and then eventually turn the tide.
Appreciate the broad brush though. "I won fast, so everyone who won slow must suck!"
Cool story about that 4 out of 44. I got first out of 109.
Oh, I thought we were bragging about things that don't matter at all.
The Afghan card pool is designed to be grindy, maybe. Does that mean you should always assume you play grindy? Not at all. You have a ton of 2 power 2CMC guys, and you have some of the best 3 drops in your colors. Mardu Hateblade is no joke, nor is Ruthless morph guy. I saw plenty of people playing straight WBG that were winning as fast as I was. The one Sultai player I saw was making short work of people (nobody actually picked Sultai). My last round opponent was playing an Abzhan deck that only lost because Butcher of the Horde is such a bomb.
You know who I saw going to time every round? The people who you only ever see for pre-releases at the bottom tables.