I agree it's very high skill. Maybe too high for me, I am going to get repeated creamed by more experienced players (or else I will draft bears.dec and hope they miss land drops)
I think the morph+wedge is a very clever development mix. I think the clan abilities are a bit forced and awkward for draft... except Raid, that one is pretty nice.
What I found interesting is that I had a bunch of morphs that cost 5 to flip and 6 to hard-cast. So I would often cast them on turn 4 and play a non-morph on 3. But then I realized that this is actually telegraphing a 5 mana flip and lands in hand.
This is an important thing for you to note: a creature that unmorphs for less than 5 will always die to something with two power. When you are facing down an attacking morph, look at their mana.