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 Post subject: Re: Random Plane Creator
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:59 am 
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I was going over the numbers here to get an idea of the ratios/statistics, and I realized that the very first table Arcades set up, for plane size, is missing 14. I imagine it was an oversight, but what I'd like to ask how this should be rectified if it is: attach the 14 to the two options it's in-between, or shift the table around to give another option a slightly higher ratio?

The current ratios are thus:
1 Size of an island. (5%)
2 Size of a small continent (~Australia). (5%)
3-7 Size of a large continent. (25%)
8-13 Size of a supercontinent or a few continents. (30%)
14 (5%)
15-17 Earth-sized. (15%)
18-20 Bigger than Earth. (15%)

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 Post subject: Re: Random Plane Creator
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:40 pm 
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Pfff you've just discovered the secret feature. 14 is there of course, it's just invisible. It's only for premium subscribers. Good art isn't meant to be given away for free for just any pleb to enjoy, it's meant to be used as a tool of profit!

No actually 14 should give "Earth-sized."

Welcome to the plane of Ow. It is a small plane that is a flat world, and its land is mostly pastoral. It is a fairly average place, with numerous small, separate empires. Here, things are pretty normal, all things considered. Enjoy your stay!
The Plane of Ow. I'd expect it to be more violent or at least to have hazardous falling objects all over.

I could so get addicted to these random generators.

Raven, which size option does "decent-sized" mean?

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 Post subject: Re: Random Plane Creator
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:53 pm 
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Raven, which size option does "decent-sized" mean?

It represents the "8-13 Size of a supercontinent or a few continents." option. I couldn't think of a quick, clean way to say it. If you have a way you would rather I phrase it, I'd be happy to make the change.

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 Post subject: Re: Random Plane Creator
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:15 am 
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I'd use miniscule, tiny, small, medium, large, huge for the sizes. A plane the size of an island is smaller than "tiny."

Now, here's a silly planeswalker generator to go with the silly plane generator:

I modified the random namer to use sounds instead of just letters, and took the liberty of adding some classes that are really missing from the creature types (just as I already had with races).
Magic colors and types may or may not make any sense.


Unless I'm trying to be sarcastic or humorous, most of my posts are extremely literal. Please don't "read between the lines" because there's nothing in there.
If something isn't extremely explicit and blatant then I wasn't thinking it. I'm incapable of sublety and don't know how to imply things. I never knowingly "imply" anything, ever.

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 Post subject: Re: Random Plane Creator
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:31 am 
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Alright, I tried to make the names a little better and also make the magic actually reasonable. Races are made reasonable for canon planes, but non the MEM ones yet.


Edit: Got a serious problem with the new native race calls:
Petogho Zo is a newly ascended planeswalker from Irujeo`u. Once, she was just an Udodhdiug Rogue Scientist who enjoyed stealing in her spare time -- until she ascended in a moment of wondrous enlightenment! Now, she travels the planes, improving her green fungomancy.

Yd is a planeswalker from Saiaaiippe. Once, he was just a Gigantic Ayamkhrloee Barbarian who enjoyed theatre in his spare time -- until he ascended in a moment of divine revelation! Now, he travels the planes, improving his black sangromancy and blue hydromancy.

They work just fine if it's a set plane, even if it has no set race list, but get all messed up if it calls for a new plane name. Either the plane is named after a race, or the race is gobbledegook. I'm using the same type of race call as the (planer native) in the story prompt generator. Can anyone tell what the issue is in my code?

Unless I'm trying to be sarcastic or humorous, most of my posts are extremely literal. Please don't "read between the lines" because there's nothing in there.
If something isn't extremely explicit and blatant then I wasn't thinking it. I'm incapable of sublety and don't know how to imply things. I never knowingly "imply" anything, ever.

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 Post subject: Re: Random Plane Creator
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:40 am 

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I think that might just be one of the dumb bugs that's inherent in this kind of shaky system unfortunately :/


Ozrhytcha is a planeswalker from Shiyyij. Once, zie was just a Tsvuas Druid who enjoyed religion in zir spare time -- until zie ascended in a moment of wondrous enlightenment! Now, zie travels the planes, improving zir red lithomancy.

Thank yoooou for including nonbinary pronouns u_u

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 Post subject: Re: Random Plane Creator
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:21 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Random Plane Creator
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:54 pm 
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I think that might just be one of the dumb bugs that's inherent in this kind of shaky system unfortunately :/
But... but... it works on the plot generator! :(

Thank yoooou for including nonbinary pronouns u_u
Of course! I hate how no forms in my country ever, ever do.

Edit: At least the race lists are now correct for every plane for which I have the info -- even the ones that aren't in the new archive yet.

Llim is a planeswalker from Janhapurh. Once, he was just a Garuda Aven Scientist who enjoyed music in his spare time -- until he ascended in a moment of divine revelation! Now, he travels the planes, improving his blue pranks, black sangromancy, and green summoning.

Bydhygl Iwapyadhynkhy is a planeswalker from the rogue plane Acharu. Once, she was just a Treestar Rebel Nomad who enjoyed gardening in her spare time -- until she ascended in a magical experiment gone awry! Now, she travels the planes, improving her white hieromancy.

To`eekhby is a planeswalker from Sertaria. Once, he was just an Afresan Snake Barbarian Rogue who enjoyed stealing in his spare time -- until he ascended in a desperate escape from a nightmarish fate! Now, he travels the planes, improving his black plague-magic.

Can somebody please tell me what to put for Aliavelli and Ellysium?

Edit 2: After a gigantic overhaul I'm much happier with the name generator. It's designed to produce names that don't look English, but the impossible mouthfuls should be gone now. Also I removed the random plane feature from the planeswalker generator. I don't know why it broke.

O is a planeswalker from Ihn Gallad. Once, it was just a Teenage Gigantic Flamekin Farmer who enjoyed sports in its spare time -- until it ascended in a moment of divine revelation! Now, it travels the planes, improving its red summoning and green elementalism.
Gigantic Elemental, Tiny Name.
Oapfumbaop is a planeswalker from Valjan. Once, he was just a Teenage Gigantic Cinder Coward who enjoyed fanfic in his spare time -- until he ascended in a magical experiment gone awry! Now, he travels the planes, improving his red destruction spells.
Now there's a name more worthy of a giant teenage elemental.

Edit 3: I finally figured out I could make the "new plane" a separate prompt that doesn't call #plane. Behold!
Uvwip is a planeswalker from Mousmea. Once, zie was just an Young Orochi Assassin who enjoyed music in zir spare time -- until zie ascended in a moment of befuddlement! Now, zie travels the planes, improving zir blue metamagic.

Unless I'm trying to be sarcastic or humorous, most of my posts are extremely literal. Please don't "read between the lines" because there's nothing in there.
If something isn't extremely explicit and blatant then I wasn't thinking it. I'm incapable of sublety and don't know how to imply things. I never knowingly "imply" anything, ever.

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