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PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:45 am 
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Double posting isn't that bad as long as it is relevant, which in this case I think it is.

I've also tried a vamp build a few times and tbh I don't think we have enough good vampires to have a truly successful one. Some of them are decent and can get some wins...but they are not "top tier" decks. I think making it fast and aggressive is the best way to go, with 4 Furors. Again, a true vamp deck with what we have won't be all that great vs. the better decks.

iOS Username: minddrifter
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:52 pm 
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Yup, I've come to same conclusion. It's either too slow to overcome control/tokens or - again - slower than most RDW decks. We need more draw and removal for the control version of this build or more quality vamps for the aggro version.

"God takes care of himself and you of you" - Isaac Brock

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:01 pm 

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Tried to build a vamp deck.

Put in cruel sadist instead of another one drop.

Took out bloodcrazed neonate because it just sucks and I didn't want to run the red and black auras required to make it not suck.

Realized Child of Night wasn't much better and there weren't any good lords or frankly any good vampire tribal cards in general.

Realized halfway in that vampire tribal had turned into rakdos discard control.

Gave up on it as not worth the effort.

Went back because I'm stubborn but still couldn't find a way not to get destroyed by a bunch of 1/1 tokens without running a lot of auras I don't like.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:19 pm 
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I did have some not terrible vamps decks, I managed to improve them by removing the vamps.
If you go for clearing the path approach, you are better of with cards like kiln and rabblemaster while putting counters on quest and rockslide.
If you are going with auras you are better of with heroes, the regen skeletons and broodkeeper.

Vamps have only 2 tribal cards, blood tribute is too expensive when most your vamps are at 2,3 mana and with bad fit with the lifedrain enchantment, and no way to push damage when you don't have board control.

Playing heir on turn 3 really hurts your chances of actually connecting with your vampires, and rakdos is so full with other awesome 3 drops.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:28 pm 
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Identity: ItsreallyDJ0045
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Deck: Fallen Heroes (Contains Premiums)

Counts : 60 main

4 Deviant Glee
3 Tormented Hero
2 Agent of the Fates
2 Graveborn Muse
4 Flesh to Dust
2 Indulgent Tormentor
2 Rune-Scarred Demon

4 Satyr Hoplite
4 Krenko's Command
2 Goblin Rabblemaster
2 Ogre Battledriver
2 Burning Anger
2 Wrecking Ogre

3 Darksteel Ingot

4 Rakdos Guildgate

Basic Land:18
7 Mountain
11 Swamp

Description: I felt that there was probably a fairly powerful deck in Rakdos so I set out to find it. I wanted something aggro, but that still had mid game, and late game capabilities. This is the best I've come up with so far. This deck starts fast and can finish explosively, thanks to the Ogres. It's loaded with combos, and power cards, and I think it works pretty well.

Some possible questions and answers:
Why Deviant Glee? trample is extremely relevant in this deck, especially thanks to possible double strike, but even just the rabble master can become super nasty with it on. Also, it just performs better than inferno fist in this deck - the extra butt size, the trample, the no cost (including use), all of it.
Why Graveborn Muse and Indulgent Tormentor? Just a fan of card draw in general. No need to support Muse, 1 card extra/turn is all you'll ever need.
Why Flesh to Dust? This deck really needed targeted removal. One Baneslayer and it's GG, so why not unconditional. :-) (I tested Auger Spree, and it actually under performed F to D for me.)
What do I tutor for? In almost every case you tutor for Burning Anger, or the Wrecking Ogre - Rarely you'll need/want F to D.

Note: the mana base is not quite right in this deck. I'm really hoping for more Dual land options, because right now it's a bit short on Red mana, and needs a couple more sources. For that reason, and that reason alone, it may make sense to replace Ogre Battledriver with another less red intensive spell. That said, I haven't had much trouble playing it when I've had it, I'm just mentioning it for alternative builders.

EDIT: per Monk -2 Ogre Battledriver +2 Galvanic Juggernaut is a very interesting idea.

Last edited by DJ0045 on Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:34 pm 
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How are you finding 22 land with 12 5+ drops, it seems very low without and card draw.

I did see the ingots but with 22 land even hitting your first three is not reliable.

Edit: if your running burning anger you should try galvanic juggernaut, it also works well in an aggro shell with deviant glee, it could replace battledriver

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:37 pm 
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Monk1410 wrote:
How are you finding 22 land with 12 5+ drops, it seems very low without and card draw.

I did see the ingots but with 22 land even hitting your first three is not reliable.

I haven't had trouble, but I am worried about the mana base as I mentioned in the post. I would totally support going to 25 land instead, or 23 with two ingots. I've been experimenting a lot within my builds with 22 lands + 3 ingots. For the most part it's been consistently ok.

Edit: I'll test Juggernaut, thx for the cool idea!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:31 pm 
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I think that 24 or 25 land is better than 22 land plus 3 ingot in my opinion but that is from experience with other decks, I have not tested this one.

I would probably drop both battledriver and 3 ingot for 2 mountain and 3 juggernaut. Sweet deck though.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:35 pm 
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Thanks! and I'll try the same. If I like it, I'll swap it in my post (with credit of course).

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:39 pm 
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The only other change I could see making without testing would be adding some number of shock, probably 3 over 2 flesh to dust and 1 wrecking ogre, in my red decks you never need 2 ogre.

Hope the changes help.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:46 pm 
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Monk1410 wrote:
The only other change I could see making without testing would be adding some number of shock, probably 3 over 2 flesh to dust and 1 wrecking ogre, in my red decks you never need 2 ogre.

Hope the changes help.

I'm not so sure. In testing, I really needed those flesh to dusts. They were total life savers a bunch of times. I was very surprised, btw. As soon as I removed them, the deck got destroyed consistently when it didn't win quickly. As for the wrecking ogre, no way that goes with battledriver still in - if battledriver goes out, then maybe. It's a hasted 5/3 double strike on turn 5 with battledriver in play, and it's on curve. That can win games all on it's own, trust me on this. You want that card in your hand, and of course +3/+3 double strike as an instant on any card, is just plain sick - I've killed with a hasted goblin, from the rabblemaster. I'd consider 4 wrecking ogres if we had them - love that card, lol!

Edit: Honestly, I think the deck will be better with the battledrivers in... the more I think about it, the better they actually are. They're great with Rabble Master, all of the 1/1s, Wrecking Ogre, etc... I think they actually have to stay - at least in my version.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:16 am 
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Hello everyone, I am new to this forum, seen many veterans designing powerful combos, I'd like to share mine in Black/Red, feel free to drop your opinions and suggestions please

Deck Name: Suicido Rushing (60 cards)

2XRakdos Guildgate

2XBloodflow Connoisseur
2XTribute to Hunger
1XShadowborn Demon

2XQuest for the Goblin Lord
4XGoblin Arsonist
3XKrenko's Command
2XGoblin rabblemaster
3XRockslide Elemental
3XRaid Bombardment
4XAct of Treason
2XPortent of Betrayal
2XAuger Spree

The main point of this deck is to summon more tiny goblin to attack, if they die then Rockslide Elemental grows, if they would die in vain, then sacrifice them by Bloodflow Connoisseur, then both she and the rock grow, if you have more land then you can sacrifice opponant's powerful creatures by gaining control of them before this turn ends, this deck has only mere defending points, like you control opponent's flying units then sacrifice them, when your units grow bigger, Fling them out to win with SUISIDE

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:34 am 
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Nice looking build Kirah, I like it. It is a mix between an aggro deck and steal/sac deck but doesn't look to compromise either goal. Welcome to the forums!

I'm not so sure about having both Quest for the Goblin Lord and Raid Bombardment. I think I would toss the quests and add a couple Pharika's Chosen here.

Also I don't think Shadowborn Demon fits this build all that well and I would replace him with a 3rd Portent of Betrayal or a 4th Fling maybe.

I also think Auger Spree is better than Tribute to Hunger and would play a full set of Augers instead.

How is the mana base working? Only 5 Swamps and 2 Gates with Bloodghast? I might swap out 2 Mountain for 2 more Rakdos Guildgate.

One more note, you list 3x Bloodghast but we only have 2. Maybe this was a 3rd Bloodflow Connoisseur?

iOS Username: minddrifter
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:05 am 
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If connoiseur and rockslide are the champions of the deck, you can play more act of treason / portent of betrayal and combo with corpse blockade to sac. I love corpse because it's a solid 1/4 wall and helps kill a stolen creature.

But my additions change the decks direction. Overall, blasting station may see use in this deck, and I agree with nebula about taking out quest, bombartment and tribute. Far too slow

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:33 am 
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I'm ok with bombardment in this deck, just not along with quest.

iOS Username: minddrifter
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:13 pm 
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Nebula wrote:
Nice looking build Kirah, I like it. It is a mix between an aggro deck and steal/sac deck but doesn't look to compromise either goal. Welcome to the forums!

I'm not so sure about having both Quest for the Goblin Lord and Raid Bombardment. I think I would toss the quests and add a couple Pharika's Chosen here.

Also I don't think Shadowborn Demon fits this build all that well and I would replace him with a 3rd Portent of Betrayal or a 4th Fling maybe.

I also think Auger Spree is better than Tribute to Hunger and would play a full set of Augers instead.

How is the mana base working? Only 5 Swamps and 2 Gates with Bloodghast? I might swap out 2 Mountain for 2 more Rakdos Guildgate.

One more note, you list 3x Bloodghast but we only have 2. Maybe this was a 3rd Bloodflow Connoisseur?

Hi Nebula, your suggestions work for me, I did use Quest for the Goblin Lord before and other enchantment, the swamps are better on 8 cards, and Shadowborn Demon is just an unit for air defending, plus, he sacrifice token can give Rock counters, but it's OK if we drop him, drop quest and add others are right, this card conflicts with Raid Bombardment, and I used to put 4 Pharika's Chosen but I found they come out too slowly, one or two of them don't treathen your opponant to block or attack. And thank you for noticing the wrong number I put, only two Bloodghast sorry

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:27 pm 
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beeswax wrote:
If connoiseur and rockslide are the champions of the deck, you can play more act of treason / portent of betrayal and combo with corpse blockade to sac. I love corpse because it's a solid 1/4 wall and helps kill a stolen creature.

But my additions change the decks direction. Overall, blasting station may see use in this deck, and I agree with nebula about taking out quest, bombartment and tribute. Far too slow

Hi Beeswax, how do you manage the corpse blockade at battle field? you add the defensive point into the deck but what a shame it's not Reach one, I once put them into the deck but I replace them with some more flexable cards, because this deck is the one tries to attack every turn if available lol~~

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:57 am 
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Kirah_WoNg wrote:
Nebula wrote:
Nice looking build Kirah, I like it. It is a mix between an aggro deck and steal/sac deck but doesn't look to compromise either goal. Welcome to the forums!

I'm not so sure about having both Quest for the Goblin Lord and Raid Bombardment. I think I would toss the quests and add a couple Pharika's Chosen here.

Also I don't think Shadowborn Demon fits this build all that well and I would replace him with a 3rd Portent of Betrayal or a 4th Fling maybe.

I also think Auger Spree is better than Tribute to Hunger and would play a full set of Augers instead.

How is the mana base working? Only 5 Swamps and 2 Gates with Bloodghast? I might swap out 2 Mountain for 2 more Rakdos Guildgate.

One more note, you list 3x Bloodghast but we only have 2. Maybe this was a 3rd Bloodflow Connoisseur?

Hi Nebula, your suggestions work for me, I did use Quest for the Goblin Lord before and other enchantment, the swamps are better on 8 cards, and Shadowborn Demon is just an unit for air defending, plus, he sacrifice token can give Rock counters, but it's OK if we drop him, drop quest and add others are right, this card conflicts with Raid Bombardment, and I used to put 4 Pharika's Chosen but I found they come out too slowly, one or two of them don't treathen your opponant to block or attack. And thank you for noticing the wrong number I put, only two Bloodghast sorry

So this is the list I came up with after tinkering and testing for a while. It did good vs. most decks. The only thing that got me were spider spawning decks, but then again I don't think any deck has a very good chance vs. spider spawning outside a pure counter deck.

"Kirah_WoNg's Suicido Rushing (Nebula Remix)"

7 x Swamp
10 x Mountain
4 x Rakdos Guildgate

4 x Goblin Arsonist
4 x Shock

2 x Bloodghast
3 x Fling
4 x Krenko's Command

4 x Bloodflow Connoisseur
2 x Goblin Rabblemaster
3 x Rockslide Elemental
3 x Raid Bombardment
4 x Act of Treason
4 x Auger Spree

2 x Portent of Betrayal

I found I needed more land as you pretty much need 3 land for this to operate efficiently and having 4 or 5 isn't a bad thing. 21 land instead of 20. I also felt a couple more Swamps were needed.

I also found Pharika's Chosen wasn't quite cutting it for the same reasons you mentioned Kirah, so I dropped them from my original suggestion.

I also see your point about Shadowborn, he might not be as bad as I was thinking, but with such a low mana-base I still think it is better to leave him out in this case. If I added him I would probably go down to 1 Portent.

iOS Username: minddrifter
Steam Profile Name: minddrifter
BattleTag: minddrifter#1397
NGA: Formerly known as "Nebula"

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:50 pm 
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Nebula wrote:
Kirah_WoNg wrote:
Nebula wrote:
Nice looking build Kirah, I like it. It is a mix between an aggro deck and steal/sac deck but doesn't look to compromise either goal. Welcome to the forums!

I'm not so sure about having both Quest for the Goblin Lord and Raid Bombardment. I think I would toss the quests and add a couple Pharika's Chosen here.

Also I don't think Shadowborn Demon fits this build all that well and I would replace him with a 3rd Portent of Betrayal or a 4th Fling maybe.

I also think Auger Spree is better than Tribute to Hunger and would play a full set of Augers instead.

How is the mana base working? Only 5 Swamps and 2 Gates with Bloodghast? I might swap out 2 Mountain for 2 more Rakdos Guildgate.

One more note, you list 3x Bloodghast but we only have 2. Maybe this was a 3rd Bloodflow Connoisseur?

Hi Nebula, your suggestions work for me, I did use Quest for the Goblin Lord before and other enchantment, the swamps are better on 8 cards, and Shadowborn Demon is just an unit for air defending, plus, he sacrifice token can give Rock counters, but it's OK if we drop him, drop quest and add others are right, this card conflicts with Raid Bombardment, and I used to put 4 Pharika's Chosen but I found they come out too slowly, one or two of them don't treathen your opponant to block or attack. And thank you for noticing the wrong number I put, only two Bloodghast sorry

So this is the list I came up with after tinkering and testing for a while. It did good vs. most decks. The only thing that got me were spider spawning decks, but then again I don't think any deck has a very good chance vs. spider spawning outside a pure counter deck.

"Kirah_WoNg's Suicido Rushing (Nebula Remix)"

7 x Swamp
10 x Mountain
4 x Rakdos Guildgate

4 x Goblin Arsonist
4 x Shock

2 x Bloodghast
3 x Fling
4 x Krenko's Command

4 x Bloodflow Connoisseur
2 x Goblin Rabblemaster
3 x Rockslide Elemental
3 x Raid Bombardment
4 x Act of Treason
4 x Auger Spree

2 x Portent of Betrayal

I found I needed more land as you pretty much need 3 land for this to operate efficiently and having 4 or 5 isn't a bad thing. 21 land instead of 20. I also felt a couple more Swamps were needed.

I also found Pharika's Chosen wasn't quite cutting it for the same reasons you mentioned Kirah, so I dropped them from my original suggestion.

I also see your point about Shadowborn, he might not be as bad as I was thinking, but with such a low mana-base I still think it is better to leave him out in this case. If I added him I would probably go down to 1 Portent.

Hi Nebula, it seems this deck is the final haha, you were so right when we face spider swamp, the black green, is the toughest opponent, in my country (China) people said black green is the smoothest deck, you don't need to worry lands no need to worry your creatures die, the only way to win the spider deadlock case is to use black white, the war without gunfire

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:44 am 

Joined: Aug 02, 2014
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Kirah_WoNg wrote:
Nebula wrote:
Kirah_WoNg wrote:

Hi Nebula, your suggestions work for me, I did use Quest for the Goblin Lord before and other enchantment, the swamps are better on 8 cards, and Shadowborn Demon is just an unit for air defending, plus, he sacrifice token can give Rock counters, but it's OK if we drop him, drop quest and add others are right, this card conflicts with Raid Bombardment, and I used to put 4 Pharika's Chosen but I found they come out too slowly, one or two of them don't treathen your opponant to block or attack. And thank you for noticing the wrong number I put, only two Bloodghast sorry

So this is the list I came up with after tinkering and testing for a while. It did good vs. most decks. The only thing that got me were spider spawning decks, but then again I don't think any deck has a very good chance vs. spider spawning outside a pure counter deck.

"Kirah_WoNg's Suicido Rushing (Nebula Remix)"

7 x Swamp
10 x Mountain
4 x Rakdos Guildgate

4 x Goblin Arsonist
4 x Shock

2 x Bloodghast
3 x Fling
4 x Krenko's Command

4 x Bloodflow Connoisseur
2 x Goblin Rabblemaster
3 x Rockslide Elemental
3 x Raid Bombardment
4 x Act of Treason
4 x Auger Spree

2 x Portent of Betrayal

I found I needed more land as you pretty much need 3 land for this to operate efficiently and having 4 or 5 isn't a bad thing. 21 land instead of 20. I also felt a couple more Swamps were needed.

I also found Pharika's Chosen wasn't quite cutting it for the same reasons you mentioned Kirah, so I dropped them from my original suggestion.

I also see your point about Shadowborn, he might not be as bad as I was thinking, but with such a low mana-base I still think it is better to leave him out in this case. If I added him I would probably go down to 1 Portent.

Hi Nebula, it seems this deck is the final haha, you were so right when we face spider swamp, the black green, is the toughest opponent, in my country (China) people said black green is the smoothest deck, you don't need to worry lands no need to worry your creatures die, the only way to win the spider deadlock case is to use black white, the war without gunfire

As far as dealing with a Golgari spiders deck, there are few things more enjoyable in this game than dropping a nice fat Suffer The Past on him and emptying his graveyard of creatures. You can just picture the look on the other guy's face as all his potential spiders vanish into exile. I added it to my Orzhov lifegain-abuse deck with that exact situation in mind(not to mention that it can actually be an EVIL card in that deck). :)

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