Besides maybe Gideon, what other Planeswalkers' (lol Skywalkers) magic has no possible psionic equivalent?
Ajani, Domri (hate him) Elspeth, Garruk, Karn, Kiora, Liliana, Nissa, Tezzeret, and Tibalt.
We don't know enough about Tamiyo so...
An argument could be made for "mental psionic bonding" in the case of Domri, Kiora, and Garruk but... to be frank, that seems an extra layer they just don't need, except in the case of Kiora, who has the whole aquaman angle to take. It serves the character better for Garruk to just have well trained trophies, play up the Predator angle. I don't care enough about Domri, so whatever.
Of the possible uses of natural, mentally based psionic abilities, we have Ashiok, Bolas, Chandra, Dack, Jace, Koth, Ral, and Xenagos.
However, there in, Ral and Chandra both
feel more appropriate as tech based characters because there isn't any real reason for them to HAVE kinesis.
Notable absences from both above lists are Sarkhan and Vraska, who I think benefit best by Sarkhan being capable of metamorphosis and Vraska just having alien biology.