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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:30 pm 
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It wasn't nice (maybe not quite mean, except maybe that last statement, much like your steaming pile statement) and it wasn't very informative imo. Was it heartless? I wouldn't go that far, I was just saying overall sometimes people can be.

iOS Username: minddrifter
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:15 pm 
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Wasn't very informative??

I pointed out a concern involving assassinate that causes the big early weakness to become even more glaring.

I pointed out ways to have better early staying power. Considering that's a massive weak point of the build, I wouldn't label the information "not very informative".

In closing my "harsh statement" was more intended to be a "Maybe you should conduct further testing to truly see the weaknesses I have pointed out." Type of statement with a smudge more roughness that wasn't meant to truly be demeaning. I am in person, a "rough around the edges" spoken individual. But I honestly don't feel that I worded the closing statement THAT harshly.

EDIT: I just realized that my original post had a little more depth to my anti assassinate stance in his deck that didn't make it to being posted so it does look worse than it would have.

I stated that assassinate causes his early issues to be further glaring as he HAS to get hit by the attackers in order to kill it (generally).

I have to admit I chuckled a little at Hakeem's steaming statement..



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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:36 am 
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Well this blew up.. anyway I wanna make a good impression, so lets backpedal a bit here

best no hard feelings, of course I'm here for constructive criticism, I think my previous experience in a mill thread that got deleted.. jaded me a bit. Sorry!

Anyway about my deck, it's just fat creature ramp and I still don't think ground assault or anger of the gods are reliable enough. I could add planar cleansing and maybe 2 more early game cards, but honestly the deck does work overall.

It's my understanding the forum is to share ideas as well as get your own decks critiqued, and I posted my deck to throw it in the mix.

Anyway hope theres a happy future in all of this, sorry for the stir.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:18 am 
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No hard feelings at all here.

I would like to say that tweaking your land setup would greatly negate the concerns you had with assault and anger. Especially when considering that assassinate is the only black spell you have that isn't 5+ cmc and you don't NEED to draw black early, you could have less black sources and up your red and green sources to increase the chances of drawing them early. If you drop the gamoza (I do realize its good), then you also don't need to worry about blue early which further allows you to raise the green and red consistency.

In doing this you can really up your early game.

I would also ask, why run two Flesh to Dust when you could run the other two Angelic edict instead. It removes the creature from the game instead of to the graveyard and also doubles as enchantment removal.. considering that exiling it is virtually always better here than preventing regeneration. And they both cost the same. (Actually the Angelic edict is easier since there is only 1plain and 5 colors instead of the two swamp 4 colors cost of the Flesh.)

I would recommend getting in the third Wall of Omens
Chucking out the assassinates for assualts (work in all 3)

-2 assassinate -2 guard gamoza(Im sure thats spelled wrong both times..)
+3 ground assualt +1 wall of omens.

And going deeper than what I have been hammering on. In general you are SUPER top heavy.. so instead of exchanging Flesh for Edict I say just cut the flesh and put in the two angers.

-2 Flesh to Dust +2 Anger of the Gods

I would also recommend working in the other two visionaries as well to get you deeper into your deck. (Helps flush out your mana concerns quicker and an added early blocker)

If you look at your setup.. 18 cards require 5+mana (Most of the time genesis isn't looking to be cast with 3 or 4 mana anways but he can be so I didn't include him in the 5+). This means HALF of your non mana cards can't be cast until 5 mana are present and that isn't factoring in the colors that are needed for all those different colored 5+drops..

You have 0 for 1 cmc
4 for 2cmc

That means there is a HIGH probability you wont be doing ANYTHING until turn 3 at the soonest. On turn 3 you want to be ramping or clearing the board of the early threats they have on the table.

To have the excuse of being 5 colors. You can easily cut an Indulgent Tormentor or Stormbreath for Soul of Ravinca.

Lastly some other cards that can help you early on are obviously Shock and Think Twice. May be wise to try working them in there. (More importantly the shocks)



Steam Handle: ibestest
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:22 am 
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Now that is what I would call very informative and very constructive. ;P

I was going to make the same point about ditching Flesh for Edict as well. Edict is better in pretty much every single way (as 2bestest detailed).

iOS Username: minddrifter
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NGA: Formerly known as "Nebula"

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:08 am 

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Here is my current 5cc list. It does very well against the current meta, though if I have a slower hand, tokens and early aggro can be troublesome. I have modified the deck to help combat these issues with early aggro and it has been doing a lot better since. Without further ado, here is the list:

(Premiums Included)

Maelstrom Brew

2 x Plains
1 x Island
2 x Swamp
2 x Mountain
3 x Forest
1 x Azorius Guildgate
1 x Izzet Guildgate
1 x Rakdos Guildgate
1 x Selesnya Guildgate
1 x Boros Guildgate
1 x Dimir Guildgate
3 x Gruul Guildgate
1 x Simic Guildgate
2 x Golgari Guildgate
2 x Orzhov Guildgate

3 x Wall of Omens
1 x Baneslayer Angel
2 x Planar Cleansing

2 x Negate
1 x Soul of Ravnica

2 x Rune-Scarred Demon

2 x Anger of the Gods

4 x Elvish Visionary
4 x Cultivate
3 x Saruli Gatekeepers
2 x Pelakka Wurm

3 x Darksteel Ingot
1 x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

1 x Maelstrom Archangel
2 x Augur Spree
3 x Ground Assault

Card choices are as follows:
Wall of Omens/Elvish Visonary - Early aggro defense and cantripping goodness.
Planar Cleansing/Anger of the Gods - What is control without board wipes?
Cultivate/Darksteel Ingot - Color fixing and ramp. We do run 5 colors...
Saruli Gatekeepers - The latest addition to the deck (replacing Phyrexian Rager). 2/4 is great against the aggro meta and 7 life is great when you are trying to come back from fast beats
Pelakka Wurm - 7/7 Trampler for 7 and it gains you 7 life? And it cantrips when it dies? Yup. Great finisher and stabilizer.
Baneslayer Angel - Duh
Maelstrom Archangel - AMAZING. sneaks in threats early or if you don't have the for the wurm, etc. Casting a turn 5 Kozilek is absurd. Doing it with counter mana to back it up? GG
Kozilek - Not only is it the fattest ass in the game, but it serves double duty by allowing us to loop our deck.
Soul of Ravnica - So frickin' good! With the angel, you get 5 cards a turn from it. Most times she can net me 3 cards a turn. Just a great draw engine.
Negate - 1 blue is not very restrictive, and we can handle creatures with removal. Best protection the pool has to offer for this deck
Rune-Scarred Demon - Tutors on a 6/6 flying body? Well, yeah we run it.
Augur Spree/Ground Assault - Best spot removal we have available. I have won a few games because I Augur Spreed my own creature to deal additional damage.

Any thoughts, critiques, what have you, let 'em rip!

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:57 pm 

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If I'm to make a broad criticism, not aimed at anyone in particular is that there is a serious lack of mercurial pretenders in decks and I'm curious why.
To me it's such a natural card to run in a 5 color deck. You can essentially go Rune-Scarred Demon into Rune-Scarred Demon (in case the first one dies) into Mercurial Pretender and essentially have cards on demand.
It goes so well alongside the big guys as well since we tend to ramp and have a ton of lands.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:15 pm 

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I don't because I don't have the room. It is too expensive to be a sometimes dead card. Late game it wins games, yes. But early to mid game you are trying to stabilize or maintain control and you don't usually want a 5 mana wall of omens. And it can get you 2-for-1ed a lot. Shock, augur spree, reprisal, vapor snag, even flesh to dust can come down when you drop it.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:26 pm 

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Premiums!!!! some of em well here is my 5 color deckliist i just made today! have yet to test it but if you see anything that i should change or do let me know...
azorius guildgatex1
rakdos guildgatex1
boros guildgatex1
golgari guildgate

wall of omensx2
baneslayer angelx1
aegis angelx1
wind drakex2
phyrexian rangerx1
rakisn heirx1
elvish visionaryx2
maelstorm angelx1
dinrova horrorx2

spells and others
hunt the weakx2
elixir of immortalityx1
traveler's amuletx2
hall of triumphx2
treasure findx2

thats my whole decklist pls let me know what you think !!!

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:43 pm 
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I think you should autocard.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:15 am 
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:22 am 

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Posts: 108
I don't understand a thing about your list. The color distribution is way off in your lands, a lot of 1 and 2 ofs randomly, no synergy between cards, no real theme to speak of. Hall of triumph?! What?! Do you have any reasoning behind your card choices? You have no boar wipes, and hunt the week will do squat for you with all of your small creatures. Not trying to be mean, but it feels like you just picked cards out of a hat.
Premiums!!!! some of em well here is my 5 color deckliist i just made today! have yet to test it but if you see anything that i should change or do let me know...
azorius guildgatex1
rakdos guildgatex1
boros guildgatex1
golgari guildgate

wall of omensx2
baneslayer angelx1
aegis angelx1
wind drakex2
phyrexian rangerx1
rakisn heirx1
elvish visionaryx2
maelstorm angelx1
dinrova horrorx2

spells and others
hunt the weakx2
elixir of immortalityx1
traveler's amuletx2
hall of triumphx2
treasure findx2

thats my whole decklist pls let me know what you think !!!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:59 am 
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Premiums!!!! some of em well here is my 5 color deckliist i just made today! have yet to test it but if you see anything that i should change or do let me know...

5 x swamp
5 x plains
5 x island
5 x mountain
5 x forest
1 x azorius guildgate
1 x rakdos guildgate
1 x boros guildgate
1 x golgari guildgate


2 x wall of omens
2 x elvish visionary

2 x wind drake
1 x phyrexian rager
1 x rakish heir

2 x archaeomancer

1 x baneslayer angel
1 x maelstrom archangel

1 x aegis angel
2 x howlgeist
2 x dinrova horror

Spells and Others

1 x elixir of immortality
2 x traveler's amulet

2 x treasured find

2 x arrest
3 x cultivate
2 x hall of triumph

2 x hunt the weak

thats my whole decklist pls let me know what you think !!!

Some Adjustments


So lets make a list from a few of the suggestions I threw out there. Just an example.

5-color Deck Example

Mana Base

I hope this helps and makes enough sense. Sorry for the wall of text worth of reading.

Hakeem928 wrote:
I think you should autocard.

Wow that was insightful.....

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:49 am 

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Posts: 2
thank you neqtan for the advice it was much helpful unlike some..

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:30 am 
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Autocarding will get you more positive feedback; you asked what people thought and I told you. I was being helpful, in my own way. :)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:14 am 
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First post and thats all you can offer? Is that how helpful others were to you when you first started playing?

Being a first post the least you could have done is explain how to autocard. But also being that your a bit of
figure around here, you should of offered more than just that. Or not said anything at all...

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:17 am 
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Hakeem928 wrote:
Autocarding will get you more positive feedback; you asked what people thought and I told you. I was being helpful, in my own way. :)

I have to agree with Hakeem. When I see a list that isn't auto-carded I don't even bother looking at it (and that is pretty much any of us). It is just too much of a hassle. So yes, please auto-card. ;)



1 x Shock
1 x Mountain

Quote this post, that's how it is done. Either way works.

iOS Username: minddrifter
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:33 am 
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Really Nebula? You honestly cant look at a list and know what the cards are without auto carding? We have been staring at these cards for at least a month. I know what the majority of the pool is by name and or picture.

Besides its a newcomer and instead of stepping up to lend hand or advice like those that helped you when you were just starting. You say nope Im not going to waste my time cause the list aint autocarded!? Thats pathetic. Its only been a short while that this autocard feature has been in use. Its one thing to not say anything cause you dont know but because its inconvenient is piss poor.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:40 am 
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Yikes, chill out Neq, I'm just being honest. And I've been using the auto-card thing since this DotP forum began on here and before on the mothership, so it isn't that new. And no, I don't have every single card committed to memory. I explained how to auto-card so he would receive more help.

iOS Username: minddrifter
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BattleTag: minddrifter#1397
NGA: Formerly known as "Nebula"

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:45 am 
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My suggestion was genuine, despite the fact that I used a mild sarcastic quip. I don't read lists that aren't autocarded because card art is a big part of how I remember what a card does.


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