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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:40 pm 
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djAMPnz wrote:

Just played with deck and it is rediculously fun! Major props on throwing this together!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:20 am 
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djAMPnz your deck inspired me to make my on mind control deck and I extremely pleased with what I got. Along the way I added more cards after coming across some silly interactions with opponents cards and I finally got this deck list fleshed out:

Mind Slave
5 x Island
4 x Plains
3 x Mountain
4 x Azorius Guildgate
4 x Izzet Guildgate
4 x Boros Guildgate
4 x Cloudshift
4 x Raise the Alarm
4 x Negate
3 x Wall of Omens
2 x Fling
4 x Act of Treason
2 x Anger of the Gods
3 x Banisher Priest
4 x Archaeomancer
1 x Bident of Thassa
3 x Switcheroo
1 x Roil Elemental
1 x Charmbreaker Devils

Without a doubt the most flexible deck I have played in a while. Basically, you will be stealing creatures with Act of Treason into a Cloudshift. You will be keeping board control with a Banisher Priest and can Cloudshift in response to removal. You can also get back a Switcherooed Archaeomancer with Banisher Priest. You can Cloudshift a Archaeomancer in response and get a negate if needed. The Banisher Priest can exile into each other and trigger Archaeomancer back. I could list about a dozen other interactions with these cards but the possibilities just pop out of the ground with these cards. You run the Negates to protect your board, you don't need to worry about creatures hitting the board as you will be stealing all of the good ones from your opponent. The deck runs a bit slow and is succeptible to aggro decks but you have Banisher Priest, Wall of Omens, Raise the Alarm and Anger of the Gods to help you. Works on 1 v 1 but its even better in FFA.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:50 am 

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But if you Cloudshift a Banisher Priest, you can take back the permanent you briefly returned, but it's EtB will still proc on your opponent's side...

So you've got a bit of a nonbo with a lot of good removal targets, like Rune Scarred Demons and the like... :I
Just something to keep in mind.

Negate has been a very all-star card in my combo-y Counterlash/Jalira build. Glad to see it as a 4-of here.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:18 am 
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Overmaster wrote:
But if you Cloudshift a Banisher Priest, you can take back the permanent you briefly returned, but it's EtB will still proc on your opponent's side...

So you've got a bit of a nonbo with a lot of good removal targets, like Rune Scarred Demons and the like... :I
Just something to keep in mind.

Negate has been a very all-star card in my combo-y Counterlash/Jalira build. Glad to see it as a 4-of here.

Negate has be key in keeping my board position going. I don't need any other kind of counter spells as I want big creatures to hit the board, they are my opponents' undoing. As for banisher priest, I will some times switcheroo a Archaeomancer then exilte it with banisher priest. When an opponent has another threat that I don't want/can steal I will cloud shift the priest, target the new creature to exile and the archaeoamncer returns to the battlefield under my control and get a cloudshift back. Essentially no card disadvantage. Triggering EtB from stolen creatures with cloudshift is pure gravy.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:24 pm 
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The Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. - Tywin Lannister

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:53 pm 
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i'll give that a shot, been trying to make a good jalira deck, but nothing i've come up with has been up to par…

your deck can only get 4 of its bombs with jalira though, has that been enough?

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:57 pm 

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I have a deck very similar to this in the Rainbow thread.

Have you considered Counterlash at all? It became very useful to me whenever I drew into one of my bombs because Jalira could not get it out of my hand. It also helped me protect my board once I established it-- I notice you don't run any counterspells at all. What do you do if they try and remove Jalira or the bomb she just brought out? Also, how often do you end up just playing your bombs out of your hand rather than getting to use Jalira? It seems more like a standard control deck to me, with Jalira splashed in.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:00 am 
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i'll give that a shot, been trying to make a good jalira deck, but nothing i've come up with has been up to par…

your deck can only get 4 of its bombs with jalira though, has that been enough?

I don't need to many, I shouldn't be able to activate jalira more than 4 times in a game before it's over, besides i can't bank on her completely as we only have 2 copies. The deck is more like a RWU token deck that uses Military Intelligence, Bident of Thassa, Switcheroo and Jalira, Master Polymorphist to the fullest. Many game you won't even see a Jalira, although the draw enchantments help you get there.

Overmaster wrote:

I have a deck very similar to this in the Rainbow thread.

Have you considered Counterlash at all? It became very useful to me whenever I drew into one of my bombs because Jalira could not get it out of my hand. It also helped me protect my board once I established it-- I notice you don't run any counterspells at all. What do you do if they try and remove Jalira or the bomb she just brought out? Also, how often do you end up just playing your bombs out of your hand rather than getting to use Jalira? It seems more like a standard control deck to me, with Jalira splashed in.

I didn't consider Counterlash, My deck is more of a token aggro deck and 6 mana is alot for something that can't win the game on it's own. I only have 4 target worth cheating into play and my deck doesn't necessarily rely on them.

On a side note I've been toying around with Phantom General as the main Jalira target. The deck amasses so many tokens that this guy would be able to win games. Not sure so he's not officially in the deck yet.

I want to avoid having to many high costed things, because they will get stuck in my hand to often. It's not too bad when the card you would get stuck with is a Baneslayer Angel as it's still pretty realistic to hard cast it.

The Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. - Tywin Lannister

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:02 am 

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djAMPnz wrote:

Adding Goblin Electromancer (-2x Quicken, -2x Roil Elemental) might be worth considering here. Another body against faster decks, giving you earlier access to your 11 stealing spells and another switcheroo target.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:07 pm 
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Raka 2015 deck (Raka)
60 Cards. 37 nonlands (6 creatures, 31 spells). 23 Lands (2, 4, 2 ).

3 x Wall of Omens
1 x Baneslayer Angel
1 x Stormbreath Dragon
1 x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

4 x Vapor Snag
4 x Shock
2 x Quicken
4 x Think Twice
2 x Voyage's End
3 x Negate
2 x Nullify
3 x Dissolve
2 x Anger of the Gods
3 x Darksteel Ingot
2 x Planar Cleansing

4 x Azorius Guildgate
4 x Izzet Guildgate
4 x Boros Guildgate
3 x Radiant Fountain

Last edited by InFaMoUsGeMiNi on Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:37 pm 
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fma_ wrote:
djAMPnz wrote:
Haze of Lies
Premium Deck

Adding Goblin Electromancer (-2x Quicken, -2x Roil Elemental) might be worth considering here. Another body against faster decks, giving you earlier access to your 11 stealing spells and another switcheroo target.

I actually really like this suggestion. I might see if I can work something out to this effect. Quicken has already been replaced though.

EDIT: Added four copies of Goblin Electromancer and removed both Roil Elemental and a couple of other spells.

"Don't underestimate the aerodynamic qualities of the common goblin."

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:34 pm 

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Been playing this deck for some time now haven't seen anything like it.

2 x reprisal
2 x angelic edict
2 x planar cleansing

2 x quicken
2 x voyages end
4 x think twice
2 x negate
2 x nullify
3 x dissolve
3 x inspiration

4 x shock
3 x volcanic geyser
2 x anger of the gods

2 x sphinx-bone wand
1 x kozilek, butcher of trurh

Surprisingly very effective

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:11 pm 
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Sweet! A deck where I can clear the board on their turn. I am glad quicken found a place in this deck. I will test it this weekend and see what I come up with. We tend to have similar taste in decks Prune.

How is your mana divided up and are you having trouble with all of the double color casting costs?

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:13 pm 
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Time to drop yet another of my brews. This was the very first I build in the game, but didn't share it back them. So I took it for a little spin today and it still did fine, so here it is:

Pillow Fort
4 x Wall of Omens
4 x Doorkeeper
3 x Reprisal
4 x Voyage's End
4 x Think Twice

2 x Banisher Priest
3 x Guard Gomazoa
4 x Coral Barrier
3 x Gargoyle Sentinel
2 x Dissolve

4 x Vent Sentinel

7 x Plains
7 x Island
2 x Mountain
4 x Izzet Guildgate
4 x Boros Guildgate

- So this deck started as Grixis walls. The thought process is that you need Blue because most walls are there (and Guard Gomazoa is the best) and you need Red because Vent Sentinel is your best win-con. I went to Black first because it gave me 6 walls - 4 Corpse Blockade and 2 Ogre Jailbreaker (you don't want too many 4-drop walls) - and removal - Tribute to Hunger (removal early and lifegain late) and Flesh to Dust (because you need targeted removal).
- Problem was that, aside from Ogre, all the Black cards were clunky. And White was there, offering me an awesome wall and cheap, synergistic removal. Could I do with 3 walls less? I added Think Twice in the last few slots to mitigate that. The deck runs much more smoother now.
- As a rule, it's often correct to build your board position first and then you start activating your win-cons. In the early turns, I normally do not activate any of my walls when I can play more.
- I have been thinking about Arrest to replace Priest. Thoughts?
- I think I need more untapped Blue sources. Should I drop the Mountains?
- Speaking of which, you're probably asking why I'm only splashing Red. Well, I'm not really interested in Anger of the Gods, since it actually kills a lot of your stuff. The only other card I could think of is Shock, and it's not worth making your mana worse.
- In the last 5 games, I Vent'ed my opponents 3 times, decked them once and lost a game a turn before decking my opponent due to a topdecked Vapor Snag when I was at 1 life. Funny times.
- As always, I encourage everyone to voice your opinions about the deck. I also concerned that I tend to write a lot about my decks. Should hide those in spoilers? Is this a concern?

Yes, I'm from Brazil and no, I'm not an annoying ****.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:44 pm 
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felbatista wrote:
- I have been thinking about Arrest to replace Priest. Thoughts?

I think Arrest is the better removal. Not so good when they have bounce (though the Priest doesn't fare much better) but the Priest is just too easy to deal with. But the key thing I feel is the point that puts Arrest over the top is its ability to stop activated abilities.

felbatista wrote:
- As always, I encourage everyone to voice your opinions about the deck. I also concerned that I tend to write a lot about my decks. Should hide those in spoilers? Is this a concern?

I wouldn't worry about it. I think your posts are fine how you have them laid out now.

"Don't underestimate the aerodynamic qualities of the common goblin."

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:53 pm 
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djAMPnz wrote:
felbatista wrote:
- I have been thinking about Arrest to replace Priest. Thoughts?

I think Arrest is the better removal. Not so good when they have bounce (though the Priest doesn't fare much better) but the Priest is just too easy to deal with. But the key thing I feel is the point that puts Arrest over the top is its ability to stop activated abilities.

Well, Priest stops them too. I dunno, maybe I'm biased by the amount of Goblin Rabblemasters I've been seeing. I'll try the swap at some point.

Yes, I'm from Brazil and no, I'm not an annoying ****.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:27 pm 
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I agree, in nearly any scenario Arrest > Priest. There's just so much out there to take care of priest. Arrest isn't perfect (such as in a Rabblemaster's case or something like Tomentor) but usually it is better in my experiences.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:59 pm 

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Sweet! A deck where I can clear the board on their turn. I am glad quicken found a place in this deck. I will test it this weekend and see what I come up with. We tend to have similar taste in decks Prune.

How is your mana divided up and are you having trouble with all of the double color casting costs?

Honestly i haven't ever really had mana issues cuz of the draw and dual lands...I'm still wanting to go to 25 but if it ain't broke don't fix it i guess

All 12 guildgates 3 plains 4 mountains 5 islands i think is what im running ...I'll check it when i log in again

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:07 am 
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Haze of Lies is good, but it's an auto-lose against pretty much any weenie deck. I've been working on improving its chances vs weenie/tokens. That means Angers and more early blockers. Here's what I ended up with:

Lies of the Meek (premium cards)
4 x Cloudshift
3 x Wall of Omens
4 x Raise the Alarm
2 x Mentor of the Meek

4 x Think Twice
2 x Talrand, Sky Summoner
3 x Switcheroo

2 x Krenko's Command
2 x Anger of the Gods
4 x Act of Treason
4 x Portent of Betrayal

2 x Blasting Station
2 x Darksteel Ingot

4 x Plains
4 x Island
5 x Mountain
3 x Azorius Guildgate
3 x Boros Guildgate
3 x Izzet Guildgate

Mana emphasis has shifted from white to red. Two lands replaced with Ingots (goes smoothly thanks to Walls and Think Twice's). In come the Angers and Krenko's Commands. Also, the Mentor! This guy feeds off the Walls, Alarms, Commands and Talrand drakes (and Talrand himself). Also, blocks tokens and goblins. He's been pretty good. He's big friends with Talrand: when both of those guys are on the board, things become a little crazy.

The deck is doing much better against weenie rushes, but still not perfectly. It can be tweaked further, adding more Commands or maybe Shocks, but at the expense of core cards, meaning it's going to be less solid against other matchups. It's your choice.

Edit: forgot to mention that the Angers also address a certain weakness against Golgari Spiders, which is a big part of the current metagame. While this deck can take care of their big creatures, it loses if they get to Spawn an army. So, when playing against Golgari you sit there confidently with an Anger in your hand, going about your regular business and feeling pretty good rather than shivering at the thought of a Spawning.

Another thing: the purpose of Ingots is not only to improve chances of being able to play the Anger when you need it; sometime they also let you play an ability of an enemy creature you control which has G or B in the cost.

Last edited by Yondar on Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:12 am 
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The problem with spider spawning is they get 6 uses of it to your 2 uses of anger of the gods. Few good players will commit both of their uses of a spider spawning if they know their opponent is playing red ( for anger of the gods) or white ( for planar cleansing). Plus Anger of the Gods is at odds with most of your creatures. I wonder if you would be better suited to hold a couple negates or dissolves in their place?

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