It's probably best that it can't call the same entry twice from the same list.
The Calling Bell has resurfaced from the depths of history, and now Ellia the Endbringer planeswalks to Mercadia in search of it. But Ellia the Endbringer gets more than she bargained for when she becomes infatuated and begins stalking a planar native.
Is Ellia capable of infatuation?
A baby Hydra is left on Daneera's doorstep! Now she will have to have to seek the help of Fisco Vane, the Shark in raising it!
Not the best choice, Daneera.
A baby Hellion is left on Ellia the Endbringer's doorstep! Now she will have to find a caring home for the child.
I'm sure that Ellia cares very much. About the quality and condition of its parts.
A baby Pegasus is left on Zhiran's doorstep! Now he will have to figure out what Pegasus babies eat fast, lest he end up on the menu!
Honestly, I'm not worried.
The legendary mox diamond has resurfaced from the depths of history, and now Huinn, Last of the Darkwings planeswalks to a strange distortion in the Blind Eternities--a phenomenon known as Reality Shaping--outside of the continent Slena in search of it. Can he get to it before Phyrexia. All of it.?
Really, only part of Phyrexia has to beat him the mox.
Maral, Celestial Wright interrupts a conspiracy between Daneera and a newly ascended Planeswalker: a Wombat Warrior!
Kirsh of the Flats is deceived by a newly ascended Planeswalker: a Elder Hydra Serf!
Clade stumbles into Keter. There, he tears down civilization, leaving only a Skeleton Assembly-Worker alive.
Maral, Celestial Wright apparently seemingly attempts to apprehend and bring to justice Morgan of Voor , but secretly is working to oppose but is secretly being manipulated by Denner Fabellian and Kirsh of the Flats.
I think something goofed here.
Vasilias, Lord of Ariva attempts to apprehend and bring to justice a newly ascended Planeswalker: a Miniature Kithkin!