Abandon All Hope (Premium Heavy)
19 Creatures:
Wall Of Omens4
Elvish Visionary4
Phyrexian Rager1
Baneslayer Angel1
Soul Of Zendikar2
Pelakka Wurm2
Rune-Scarred Demon1
Kozilek, Butcher Of Truth 17 Spells:
Angelic Edict3
Treasured Find3
Flesh To Dust1
Planar Cleansing24 Lands:
Orzhov Guildgate4
Golgari Guildgate4
Selesnya Guildgate5
PlainsAll 3 low creatures draw cards for each color. Visionary, Wall of Omens, Phyrexian. So 11 of them. Easy to get rolling with that.
Have yet to have a bad start with it for some reason. Only played about 15 games, but still waiting for it to happen. lol
One kinda rough start I happened to draw into Planar and wiped my opponenets token Armada with it.
And Another wasn't really a rough start but he was playing a deck similar, Like End Of Days, But, once I got the upper hand it was over.
This deck gets the mana it needs to start laying down fatty after fatty. Angelic+Treasured Find are rockstars in the deck.
Pretty basic beatdown, With too many Win-More cards. Plus too many Premiums. 1st deck I play online where half my opponents say something to me. "So, how much to get all the premiums?" Etc. No hate, just point out the premiums.
But, fun to play a deck that can answer to almost anything. I treasured Find Angelic out of Graveyard 3 times in one match, plus used all 3 others when He kept dropping Séance, Séance, Doubling season, Sanguine bond, Beastmaster. Which is funny since that's the same 3 colors I was using only I was the counter deck to that. lol
A lot of fun for sure. Any Ideas are welcome. It's also pretty even in colors which helps. 14 green,12 black, 12 white. Went 14-1 so far.
EDIT: Removed Shadowborn Demon for a 2nd Flesh to dust.