I was frustrated with how linear the Golgari Spider Spawning decks were so I decided to build a Simic version that used the eight on-color gates that also produce black mana solely so I could pay the flashback cost. What I came up with ended up turning into a hybrid mill/spider deck and after some testing I eventually added three black cards to the deck, so that's how it comes to be in this thread.
This deck is very much a work in progress (I've played about 15 games and made a few changes along the way), so I'm really interested in some feedback to help make it better. I like the concept and how it has multiple win conditions; you start by milling yourself and flooding the board with spiders and if you get into a board stall you can switch gears and mill the opponent instead.
Here's the list:
4 x
Dimir Guildgate4 x
Golgari Guildgate8 x
Forest6 x
Island3 x
Hedron Crab4 x
Satyr Wayfinder4 x
Elvish Visionary4 x
Doorkeeper3 x
Treasured Find4 x
Grave Bramble3 x
Gargoyle Sentinel3 x
Guard Gomazoa3 x
Niblis of the Breath3 x
Chill of Foreboding1 x
Beastmaster Ascension3 x
Spider SpawningTwenty two land hasn't been a problem because the deck has a very low curve and the Wayfinders and Visionaries help with hitting land drops consistently.
The self-mill strategy is faster and more consistent that the Golgari version because we have Crabs, Wayfinders, and Chill to start us off and the Doorkeepers to keep things churning if we have nothing else to do with our mana.
As for defenders, this deck has access to some of the best ones in the game in Guard Gomazoa, Grave Bramble, and Gargoyle Sentinel. Most defenders don't deter attacks because they can't kill anything, but that just isn't the case in this deck. These guys will buy you a serious amount of time to get your spider army online and aren't easy to remove.
Niblis of the Breath was added to the deck because I needed to add an interactive card and I didn't want to compromise my creature count. It is a bit slow and frail, but I'm not sure what else I can add to deal with the likes of Terra Stomper and other troublesome creatures without detracting from the deck's core focus.
I decided to add Treasured Find as copies 4-6 of Hedron Crab because I was binning a lot of them off early Wayfinders and Chills and wanted a way to buy them back. With the speed of the mill here these are great tutors and since I already have 28 creatures I feel like they belong in the list.
I normally don't like Beastmaster Ascension in these decks because you get no value if you mill it and it is generally win-more. This deck, however, is designed to create board stalls and has no creature bombs so this fulfills that bomb role. I initially had a singleton Elder of Laurels in this slot, but once I decided to include Treasured Find I thought that Ascension would be better because it's more difficult for my opponent to interact with.
Again, this is a rough draft, but I'd like to see if anyone else is interested in working on this hybrid mill/spider archetype. Let me know your thoughts.