hexstar, by yoir logic, every cantrip is an auto include! :<
Visionary will chump block and die (not even, if the other creature has trample or flying or if the opponent has Sparkmage) while watering down your deck so you draw more lands. Granted you could lower your land count to counteract this, so now get land screwed whenever you dont draw visionaries, or waste tempo on turn 2 and 3 casting visionaries. You will get keep a 2 land hand, play visionary and not draw a land (or just draw another visionary) because you regrettably treated visionary as a land.
I run visionary in GB, since it counts as a creature for spider spawning, and enables rescue ftom the underworld. And in GW, because it feuls Beastmaster ascension and counts toward Convoke, not to mention Selesnya Evangel. Its also auto include in any deck with Species Gorger, both because its a draw engine and because its a cheap way to keep Gorger in play. But if the visionary doesn't bring any such interactions to your deck then its reasonable not to run it_ especially if you already have two drops or run cards such as shock, bolt, dead weight, ulcerate, Sparkmage, Gomazoa, or the like.
granted, I haven't seen the list being discussed, before writing this
edit: I'll admit this, that visionary might be good in this meta simply because Raise the Alarm and Krenko's Command are commonly played. (as are Satyr Wayfinder and other Visionaries)