I wasn't tied to Dante specifically, like I said. The achievement that was mentioned in thread earlier was what I personified. My aim was to collect 60000 souls, which I did by people dying. I literally had to do nothing this game nor take anybody's side and I would have probably had the same chance of winning.
Canto 1 I targeted garren because I figured he was Lucifer and the big guy would have mad stocks of souls. Which was right. But aargh flipped divine and had the exact same number of souls, which is why I thought garren might be divine when I originally claimed. Infernos flipped lower, alt flipped similar to inferno. Comedy's, for the most part, flipped extremely low. I ended the game around 45000 and spent most of the last canto discrediting people not because he believed alt wasn't Dante, but because everything alt claimed made me 100% sure he was Dante and I needed to prolong the game.
Yeah, after canto two I realized numbers was being "too nice" to me to actually believe that I was lucifer.
@numbers: I was going to kill you next canto if I survived:
1) Because I figured your wincon was tied to dead people; like if X people die you win.
2) Because you were so vehemntly arguing for my cause, I figured it would make me look better if the person fighting for me suddenly died.
Also, how annoyed were you at pretending to believe me?
@Hello World: I thought someone was messing with me lol. I thought I was being tempted by Garren (lucifer) and so I originally had no intention of going to circle 9. I also didn't know it was you who sent the post to me, I was told "spirits" or a spirit, i don't remember exactly.
I killed Aaarrrgh canto one because I found him suspicious. It wasn't until canto two that i realized I killed the person to post last, and I decided to keep that pattern so that people wouldn't be able to track killings back to me. It would also keep some people on edge about when to post.
I knew as of canto 2 that scarlet was on to me, but I couldn't justify killing him without drawing attention to myself.
Essentially, I was lying the entire game except for when I was revealing circle information.