mobiuschickenstrips disagrees with monk's RDW build: "monk's list has more potential I guess to cheese his way to victory with an unanswered 1-drop, but his also has NO plan B/reach when the creatures don't get there. Mine doesn't suffer from that problem by packing Heat instead of Auras/Tricks."
I wouldnt call it cheesing, as much as finding the gaps in the meta. Without things like
Doom Blade or
Condemn, the only early removal is damage/toughness based (e.g.
Prey Upon,
Ulcerate), so Furor both boosts toughness out of range of early removal, and gets under 3+CMC removal. That's why I prefer Furor to Fist though, since Fist doesn't boost toughness, and avoiding the 2-for-1 requires me to hold up mana in a land-light deck.
My deck has more reach, more in the style of a classic RDW, but that's more of a restriction from not having premium cards - not having playtested it, I'm not sure if given the options, where my deck would fall between my non-premium and Monk's list. My deck still includes Furor though, and based on the cards at various mana slots available, I find it pretty much irreplacable if you're going for the style of RDW that's capping out at the 3-drop and not the 5-drop. Normally I wouldn't touch such an enchantment, but I think it's well suited for the time being, due to the lack of early unconditional kill, lack of a 4-mana sweeper, and the prevalance cheap opposing blockers in opposing decks (even control).