To make this thread a less lonely place, we'll continue our discussion Lexxx
I've tried Paragons and Childs before but they didn't have any decent impact on my wins, as far as I remember. If buffed 1/1 and 2/1 are a wincon for you, that's great, but that didn't work for me that well.
child of night is no win-con. but it feeds the deck with the needed lp to survive early dammage while playing ulcerate/muses/Ragers. It also stalls, imo better then the scorpion, because it's lifegain serves also against flying attacks or trample, as long as you have a possibility to attack or block with it.
And bloodghasts are never seemed attractive for me for some reason... Yeah. he's impossible to get rid of but his main disadvantage is inability to block and successfully stall the game. Opponent usually has something to stop him each turn and he's not such a big nuisance because of that. Now buffed with the Paragon - maybe he has a chance.
My main wincon are the buffed flyers. Buffed bloodghast's are really strong in this deck. with the card draw, you can almost cast them every round (and your opponent can not know if you have a land on your hand or not), he can get deathtouch from the paragons... and with haste he's even better. I like him a lot in this deck.
I suggest you to try more defensive approach with Scorps instead of Childs and Bloodghasts and Rune-Scarreds instead of Paragons to strengthen the late game and always give you what you want. Rune-Scarred has been in every one of my deck he's available for. IMO, he's the best 7-drop black could ever wished. 90% of time you'll be fetching the second one
I like the Rune-scarred a lot, but don't really like him in a deck without any ramp (even Lelianas deck 2013 had amuletts and the 1/1 bumper tog get enough mana out). And if I don't have at least one muse out, i think he's just to slow to run him...
Overall, we run quite similar decks. Your list more on removal, mine more on creatures. I think the black removal isn't that strong that year (until now least) - to much sorcery speed and situational removal - that I wanna run a removal-based mono-b-list. But would be boring if all play the same list