I had a deck idea that came while thinking over Hakeem's Fattledriver deck with Warstorm Surge-- when I suddenly realized the everpopular Doubling Season/Seance strategy combos quite devilishly with it.
I haven't gotten to test it yet, but I think I really need help refining the numbers anyways. Here it is.
x4 Boros Guildgate
x4 Selensya Guildgate
x4 Gruul Guildgate
x3 Plains
x4 Mountains
x6 Forests
x4 Cloudshift
x2 Seance
x1 Resolute Archangel (Replace with Arbor Colossus?/Aegis Archangel?)
x2 Anger of the Gods
x2 Ogre Battledriver
x1 Inferno Titan
x2 Warstorm Surge
x4 Cultivate
x3 Garruk's Packleader
x1 Soul of Zendikar
x2 Terra Stomper
x2 Phytotitan (Replace with Arbor Colossus?)
x3 Pelakka Wurm
x3 Darksteel Ingot
x3 Ground Assault
Yup, so the shell is the same as Hakeem's Fattledriver. However, I had first squeezed in Warstorm Surge and Cloudshift as well-- the idea being that you cfould Cloudshift Pelakka Wurm's for 7 more immediate face damage as well as 7 more life and a card off Garruk's Packleader. Cool!
But Seance was too delicious to pass up. With the Fattledriver in play, this means that you're not just proccing EtBs but the haste lets them attack on your turn as well.-- And no matter what, you get the damage off Warstorm Surge as well! The hope is that all these extra ways of throwing face damage and fatties would completely overrun your opponents.
I'm still tweaking with the numbers a bit. Part of me wants more life gain or card draw, while the other part of me wants to cut anything even slightly frivolous like Resolute Archangel or Phytotitan. Perhaps Elvish Visionary deserves to come back in? Or more red fatties? (I guess if you wanted to be REALLY evil, you could put Doubling Season back in... Seance a Terra Stomper with Doubling Season, Warstorm Surge, and Ogre Battledriver in play... GG.)
Please help me with your opinions!