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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:10 pm 
YMtC Champ '11
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I'm not sure how much I like uncover. Because you reveal it, it will usually be worse than a cantrip unless you have a way to manipulate your topdecks. Even if you hit, you only get a marginal benefit of having better mana efficiency or in the cases where casting a spell of said type at instant speed is a significant improvement. All the other time, you will probably be miffed because of missed opportunities, or because it whiffs when you try to play into it.

[Warchief] Custom EDH Project
you're like the kind of person who would cast Necropotence irl

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:44 pm 
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Mown wrote:
I'm not sure how much I like uncover. Because you reveal it, it will usually be worse than a cantrip unless you have a way to manipulate your topdecks. Even if you hit, you only get a marginal benefit of having better mana efficiency or in the cases where casting a spell of said type at instant speed is a significant improvement. All the other time, you will probably be miffed because of missed opportunities, or because it whiffs when you try to play into it.

The playing it instant speed is only the common cycle. Other uncover cards are planned to do different things.

But, I dislike Uncover as well, and it might get cut.
There is VERY little uniuqe design space.

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squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:29 pm 
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Added a "cycle" of common lands.
Added a cycle of rare creatures.
Filled in rare artifacts
Added a mirrored pair of myhtic rare equipments
Added a mythic white enchantment
Added minimum 12 commons (one per tribe, per color ignoring white)
Added some uncommons
Reprinted some cards.
Updated Tribal Lore *some*

Added Cards 14.08.14:

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:06 am 
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I really hope the Guys have placeholder names.

What makes the kachinto different from aven?

Duskwoven Murder is quite cool, but I'm not sure why I would ever play it as a morph.

Leaf-Cover Spider has no mana cost.

Atomize doesn't feel green at all.

Prophecy is already a card.

The format of YMtC and the Expanded Multiverse.
YMtC: My Deck of Many Things | NGA Masters | 2 | 3 | Roses of Paliano | Duel Decks: War of the Wheel | Jakkard: Wild Cards | From Maral's Vault | Taramir: The Dark Tide
Solphos: Solphos | Fool's Gold | Planeswalker's Guide | The Guiding Light | The Weight of a Soul
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:45 am 
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I really hope the Guys have placeholder names.

What makes the kachinto different from aven?

Duskwoven Murder is quite cool, but I'm not sure why I would ever play it as a morph.

Leaf-Cover Spider has no mana cost.

Atomize doesn't feel green at all.

Prophecy is already a card.

Yes, the 'Guy's are placeholder names for now. Mostly it's the dire tribe people, I'm constantly swapping them back and forth between beast, human or something else which is why I say guy.

A kachinto is more human than an aven. I think of an aven as a bird with human-like characteristics; I think of kachinto as a human with bird-like characteristics. To put bluntly, think of it as a more feral angel and you have the right idea.

The Murder and Headhunter were originally swapped (and at common simply threatening a monster is good enough for morph :p ) Now that you pointed it out, I might bump it to BB even.

Leaf-Cover spiders is supposed to be 2gg with a morph of 3g.

Atomize is green because if used defensively, it gives you a +1/+1 counter. The entire cycle is supposed to have an "aggressive" color and a "defensive" color, and each spell is supposed to be able to be used accordingly. That said, I might need to tweak it for the monogreen decks. Personally I'm fine with the stretch, it makes the stronger card stronger, and the weaker card dead which is a green philosophy, i dunno.
Atomize: Can be used to burn something out, or increase the power of your strong guys.
Delve: Can mill you (for delve), or your opponent.
Prophesy: This is the odd one out, but you draw a card, or you cast something at instant speed. Also, it's Prophesy (the verb) not prophecy (the noun). But it is noted, and I'll find something else (Maybe Forecast?).
Reduce: You tap an opposing creature, or reduce the size of an opposing creature, or you can reset one of your creatures.

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:50 am 
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So a kachinto is a harpy?

The format of YMtC and the Expanded Multiverse.
YMtC: My Deck of Many Things | NGA Masters | 2 | 3 | Roses of Paliano | Duel Decks: War of the Wheel | Jakkard: Wild Cards | From Maral's Vault | Taramir: The Dark Tide
Solphos: Solphos | Fool's Gold | Planeswalker's Guide | The Guiding Light | The Weight of a Soul
Game design: Pokémon Tales | Fleets of Ossia: War Machines | Hunter Killer | Red Jackie's Run

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:55 am 
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STOP IT. They're completely different... :p

*grumble grumble*

Yeah, pretty much. But less mosntrous. Between an angel and a harpy is about right. But it's not an aven.
Might I point out that dogs have hounds, wolves, jackals and werewolves; and cats have cats and leonin.
Just let me have this one :p

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:45 pm 
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Angels are very majestic, and are almost always white.
Harpys tend to be vicious and dark and tend to be black.
Avens are too birdy for my tastes, but are roughly in the right colors.

Kachintos are more wild (less sophisticated) than angels, but not vicious like harpies. They don't always fly, but they have bird-like features. Think of a sphinx and chimera. Each one is unique, but they all have generally the same characteristics.

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:48 pm 
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Bumped for my ease of re-entry.

I'm currently doing a complete overhaul of how I organized this. The previous way, was getting very disjointed after switching several times.
This time I preplanned everything on a spreadsheet so teh layout and format of my organizational lists should be more maneuverable.

Of course, that means nothign to you guys really, except that I'm effectively restarting. Though, obviously, a majority of the designs will transfer over.

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:19 pm 
YMtC Champ '12
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I read a bit through your themes and structure, but I'm more interested in commenting on cards, so I'm gonna do that.

Enlightened Discovery - This is not very common at all. It's basically Scout's Warning. It also feels like you'd rather just limit the effect to one idea. Like "Uncover - Draw a card and reveal it. If it's an enchantment card, gain 3 life." It's simple without being boring and still has a ton of build around capacity. Your commons don't want to do everything. Usually just one thing well. EDIT: Upon further inspection, you've done this across the board. Again, it's not a very common thing to do and it doesn't add a ton of value being able to maybe cast something as an instant.

Noonguard - WOTC have actually moved away from repeatable damage prevention to creatures at common. It mucks up combat math too much. The last one to see print was Godtoucher, and that's over 5 years ago.

Illume Shadows - Strictly worse than Last Breath.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:56 pm 
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I read a bit through your themes and structure, but I'm more interested in commenting on cards, so I'm gonna do that.

Enlightened Discovery - This is not very common at all. It's basically Scout's Warning. It also feels like you'd rather just limit the effect to one idea. Like "Uncover - Draw a card and reveal it. If it's an enchantment card, gain 3 life." It's simple without being boring and still has a ton of build around capacity. Your commons don't want to do everything. Usually just one thing well. EDIT: Upon further inspection, you've done this across the board. Again, it's not a very common thing to do and it doesn't add a ton of value being able to maybe cast something as an instant.

Noonguard - WOTC have actually moved away from repeatable damage prevention to creatures at common. It mucks up combat math too much. The last one to see print was Godtoucher, and that's over 5 years ago.

Illume Shadows - Strictly worse than Last Breath.

I'm always glad for comments. Plus, I haven't actually fleshed out the lore and such here.
For Enlightened Discovery specifically, it's actually called Wishes on the Wall now... took me forever to find what card you were talking about. Right now it's very different than Scout's Warning. It only sometimes let's you cast something at instant speed. Also, it's cmc is two (1W) it probably could go up to 2w, but that's besides the point.
@Uncover: The major theme of the set is discovery. An entire culture was hidden from the others until a simple mistake brought them colliding together. As such, I need to get discovery in there somehow. I have limited uncover to some simple abilities for now (especially at common), but I have plans to expand on it later in the block. Also, the abilities are currently placeholders at best. Right now, as part of my overhaul I'm doing commons only and I'm working from there.

Noonguard probably isn't going to make it into the final set. I know all the mumbo jumbo about not being NWO friendly, but I put something there just to fill in space. It will probably end up sacrificings itself to flicker something (given the rest of the "cycle" its supposed to compare to).

Currently, Illume Shadows is weaker than Last Breath on purpose. I'm waiting to see how KTK does overall, given it has a larger morph theme, before I make up my mind about how powerful removal should or shouldn't be... but that is something I'm aware of.

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:28 pm 
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I added images of the first official cards in the set, WOOO!
What do you guys think?

CL01 - Archaeological Dig*
CL02 - Evolving Wilds*
CL03 - Cliffside
CL04 - Shimmering Grotto*

Super exciting... I know...
And before it gets brought up, their arts are entirely my images nothing from other people.

I'm going to try and get a pickaxe into the Archaeological Dig, a throwback to the original.

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:51 pm 
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Full list of commons!And if you're interested in playtesting / leaving feedback HERE is the file for cockatrice.

A list of archetypes so far...
What I've done, because I don't know what is good and what isn't... I've been using the same pool to build different decks.
Anything 1.0 was the same pool.
Anything 1.1 was from the same pool etc.
Now I've actually used several pools, but I didn't record the first few... It wasn't until today that I had the idea to record the decks :teach:
I haven't gotten very far yet, because I did a major overhaul after the first match of 1.1 (I found enough changes that even I couldn't simply play the cards "the right way" so I took a break to edit and do other things)...
Version | Archetype | Record WLT | Rank
1.0 | UR Weenies | 0-4-0 | 4
1.0 | Mono White | 3-2-0 | 2
1.0 | BRG Midrange | 2-2-0 | 3
1.0 | GUB Control | 4-1-0 | 1
... | ... | ... | ...
1.1 | (Not) Mono White | 2-0-0 | 1
1.1 | UR Aggro | 0-2-0 | 2
... | ... | ... | ...

Changes: Current Version 2.0

Groma Commons 29.10.14:

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:01 am 
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Alright... a shameless bump for this.
I know I said that I was going to rework this set, BUT I was wondering if before I did, if anyone would be willing to do somewhat of a sealed playtest with it?

I'm in no rush, but if possible it would be nice to be able to playtest it by the end of the week. If anyone is interested let me know.
Here is the file you'll need for cockatrice...

Also, here is what I was thinking of how it would be done.
I'll give each interested person a pool of 7 booster packs.
6 boosters will have 14 Commons.
1 booster will have 5 Uncommons

The commons remain mostly unchanged from before, usually just number tweaks.
The uncommon pool is this:

If there is enough interest, I could form an event around it, but just keep in mind this would be its first "official" playtest. I'll let this sit for a few days and I'll start setting up pools for sometime next week. Probably wednesday or thursday.

PS: Sorry if this isn't the optimum place to post this.

Interested persons:
1 - altimis
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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Last edited by altimis on Sun May 31, 2015 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:11 am 
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You should do this in Magic General.

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Solphos: Solphos | Fool's Gold | Planeswalker's Guide | The Guiding Light | The Weight of a Soul
Game design: Pokémon Tales | Fleets of Ossia: War Machines | Hunter Killer | Red Jackie's Run

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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:17 am 
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Anyone interested click here...

quotes wrote:
squinty_eyes: Alt, you have fantastic logic. And zero political prowess.
CKY: Through a convoluted series of events involving three tons of garden gnomes and a pickup truck, Henderson’s Magikarp defeats the Deoxys terrorizing the city.

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