You should try things out before you yap.
I get tired of seeing the "you should try this out" line, as if everyone else's experience with MtG, card evaluation, meta, and cardpool knowledge and experience mean nothing when looking at a deck. We know how this game works, and there's a lot we can tell by looking at any given decklist. We don't always need to try out stuff to know if it's a horrible idea. For instance, we don't need to try out a deck with a mana curve of nothing but 4cc+ cards to know it's horrible. We don't need to try out
Skeletal Wurm to know it's bad in comparison with the other high end creatures black has to offer. And likewise, we don't need to try out a "12 creatures that die to shock" aura deck in a meta where red is a prominent removal color to know it's just not a good idea.
And it's not like you have just any 12 creatures that are all 1 drops. No, you have 4 one drops, 4 two drops, and 4 three drops. What this means is if you don't draw 1 of 8 cards in your starting hand and first draw, then you're not playing your first threat until turn 3, at which point any deck with removal (aggro or control) with be in a pretty good spot to either start dealing with your threats while still advancing their board (aggro) or will easily have complete control of the game since your deck is so threat light (control).
But if you're going to completely shut out any and all advice under the "you should try it out first" banner, then people aren't going to give you advice. It'd be a waste of time for them if you never intend to listen.