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PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:02 pm 

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Monk's build is a little bit out of the range of things I like to play. I refuse to run pure aggro without at least a few 4+ drops, just because it's boring as **** for Jack to play.

In this case, the 4+ drops here add a ton of later game steam to the deck making it work better if you don't win right away. So there are also some positive reasons to include them. After all, we all know the fun that is 2 3/1 haste creatures out of nowhere. The paragons make it very common to have a bunch of 1/1 creatures turn into 3/3 or large creatures. And.... the dragon wins games by itself. If you wanted to run a slightly higher curve, then... Jack thinks he made some good choices.

That being said, I agree. Monk's deck will win more games flat-out.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:46 am 

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Monk1410 wrote:
Ok so I thought I would break mono red down for newer players. This is designed to be the fastest and cheapest deck available. You have a great core of 16 one drop creatures (granted goblin bushwhacker is a two drop but can be played on turn one if necessary). These are...:

I joined just so I could say a big thanks to Monk for this amazing RDW deck!

I've been running it and very, very pleased with the smoothness and consistency and of course, win rate.

As a possible contribution, I've had a lot better flow running with Hall of Triumph vs. SkullCrack as the bonus card.

Anyway, thanks again for coming up with this deck and sharing it!

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:07 am 
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Thanks guys, the feedback is very nice to hear, glad everyone is enjoying the deck. I tested hall of triumph. I am currently at 18 land with 2 skullcrack but had tested 19 land and 1 hall of triumph before.

It is definitely a solid option and can help vs tokens or other weenie strategies. It depends on what you see a lot of. I am currentlyseeing a lot of big creature decks and life gain so at the moment am using skullcrack.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:12 am 
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mobiuschickenstrips disagrees with monk's RDW build because that's his nature and he asked me to share this alternative. I haven't tested either monk's build or this one because RDW doesn't appeal to me, so you guys will have to test it for yourselves. The rest of this post is straight from a piece of mail I received from him:

monk's list has more potential I guess to cheese his way to victory with an unanswered 1-drop, but his also has NO plan B/reach when the creatures don't get there. Mine doesn't suffer from that problem by packing Heat instead of Auras/Tricks. Sure you have a slight nonbo with Guttersnipe and Rabblemaster, but what kind of moron would have both those in play at the same time?

0 (0): None

1 (16): 4x Goblin Arsonist, 4x Foundry Street Denizen, 4x Goblin Bushwhacker, 4x Shock

2 (12): 3x Skullcrack, 4x Goblin Shortcutter, 1x Fling, 4x Krenko's Command

3 (10): 2x Goblin Rabblemaster, 3x Guttersnipe, 4x Bolt of Keranos, 1x Hall of Triumph

4 (0): None

5 (0): None

6+ (0): None

Land (22): 22x Mountains

22 Lands because of the amount of 3-drops, 1 Hall because it's Legendary (and again, requires a board presence to be good), and the Fling, well, it used to be a Trumpet Blast, but I've found some uses for it, mostly as a game-ender with the rarely-seen Rabblemaster attack. It's another spell for Snipe also, even though you can't sacrifice the Snipe itself to it for the extra 2 damage (Snipe won't be on the field before it's cast).

Ask yourself this question: Would your Grixis deck (or even a control deck in general) have a harder time with Monk's Auras/Tricks or my Burn? I guess a nicer way of putting it would be that I have more ways to interact with my opponent instead of crossing my fingers hoping my opponent doesn't interact with me.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:49 am 
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That list is actually very solid (I wouldn't expect any less from mobius)

The main issue I see with the list is that it is a couple of turns slower. This is very good against removal heavy decks that plan on controlling the game because you have so much burn.. But against decks packing pelakka wurm or resolute archangel you may struggle to kill them before they take over.

Great deck Mobius I will test it when I have internet again.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:18 am 
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mjack33 wrote:

1. shocks are absolute killer in this meta, I think I played them in all my red decks.
2. If you are going for 23 lands, Wrecking Ogre is supposed to be awesome here, better than the dragon.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:55 pm 
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mobius' list looks a lot like mine did before I found out about the Furored Satyr combo, as far as I can remember. I dunno, I might switch back to something like that, because I think this archetype has permeated the meta enough by now for people to be playing with it in mind enough to run counters to it. I seem to be petering out lately a lot more with this deck then I was initially.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:15 pm 
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You know I'm kind of surprised, but I don't see nearly as many RDW decks as I thought I would. I'd say the most common builds out there are some sort of :w:(add 2nd color here) token decks. At least from my experience. It has been more varied than the past though, which I really like.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:48 am 
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Goblin Rabble
Premium Deck

Land (19)
19 x Mountain

Red Cards (39)
3 x Coordinated Assault
4 x Goblin Arsonist
4 x Foundry Street Denizen
4 x Goblin Bushwhacker
4 x Furor of the Bitten
4 x Shock
3 x Skullcrack
4 x Goblin Shortcutter
4 x Krenko's Command
2 x Goblin Rabblemaster
3 x Guttersnipe

Colorless Cards (2)
2 x Hall of Triumph


Unless every one of your creatures would die in bad trades, you should always be attacking with this deck. Play your spells right to help give your creatures the edge. This deck consistently wins before the end of turn five, so for every turn after that the game goes, the less likely you are to win. Goblin Bushwhacker costs two mana to cast. Two mana, always. Never cast him for less. Ever. One of the more common finishers this deck has is Skullcrack; combined with Guttersnipe, it deals 5 damage straight to the noggin (well, technically still 3, but Guttersnipe contributes).

Edit 1: Removed unnecessary information and deck stats.

"Don't underestimate the aerodynamic qualities of the common goblin."

Last edited by djAMPnz on Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:27 am 

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Hakeem928 wrote:
mobiuschickenstrips disagrees with monk's RDW build: "monk's list has more potential I guess to cheese his way to victory with an unanswered 1-drop, but his also has NO plan B/reach when the creatures don't get there. Mine doesn't suffer from that problem by packing Heat instead of Auras/Tricks."

I wouldnt call it cheesing, as much as finding the gaps in the meta. Without things like Doom Blade or Condemn, the only early removal is damage/toughness based (e.g. Shock, Prey Upon, Ulcerate), so Furor both boosts toughness out of range of early removal, and gets under 3+CMC removal. That's why I prefer Furor to Fist though, since Fist doesn't boost toughness, and avoiding the 2-for-1 requires me to hold up mana in a land-light deck.

My deck has more reach, more in the style of a classic RDW, but that's more of a restriction from not having premium cards - not having playtested it, I'm not sure if given the options, where my deck would fall between my non-premium and Monk's list. My deck still includes Furor though, and based on the cards at various mana slots available, I find it pretty much irreplacable if you're going for the style of RDW that's capping out at the 3-drop and not the 5-drop. Normally I wouldn't touch such an enchantment, but I think it's well suited for the time being, due to the lack of early unconditional kill, lack of a 4-mana sweeper, and the prevalance cheap opposing blockers in opposing decks (even control).

Last edited by HexStarDragon on Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:47 am 
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Even though I was quoted in that post, I am not the author of the content. Just to clarify for anyone who didn't read my full post. :)

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:53 am 
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Just to defend my list a bit it actually had quite a bit of reach. You have:

4 shock
3 inferno fist
2 skullcrack
4 goblin arsonist

And that does not count surprise attacks with bushwhacker and multiple goblins dropped on the same turn.

I actually win a lot of games by getting my opponent to less than 5 then finding a way to poke through the damage.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:29 pm 

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Been playing this deck tonight. Don't think I've lost in five games. Made 3 tweaks to Monk's great list which I've liked. I wanted to share my thought process as well as I've been lazy commenting on decks so far.

Basically I've found inferno fist to be disappointing, mainly as it is dwarfed by Furor and I hate enchantments in a meta with bounce effects and easy removal for 2/2s. The best target for Inferno Fist is Satyr but everything else is still 1 toughness which I don't like as they just get blocked by another 1/1. Also Turn 1 Satyr into Turn 2 Inferno Fist isn't always great as you'd rather play Furor turn 2 and your opponent could have a 2/1 to block with if you do cast Fist. Also you have to spend 3 mana to use it as a burn spell for 2 damage. Why do that when there are other options to burn available? With that in mind I've gotten rid of all 3 Inferno Fist for the last Skullcrack, and 2 Bolt of Keranos. I think Bolt is another move spell and also holds value with scry ability late game. I think there are situations where you might find you need a creature in play to cast Fist in order to burn for 2 when your board has been swept. Bolt gives you an out to make it. My curve is 27, 11, 4 so I still believe 18 mountains is right.

Credit to Monk for the initial list. I think my changes are based around my dislike for enchantments in general. Thanks for reading.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:36 am 

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4 Turn 'Flawless Victory' with Monks RDW:

I have rarely lost online with Monks build to date, and after having mana issues 2x with my dual color deck, I pulled up Monks RDW for some mono-red 'no mana issues' play.

Turn 1: Satyr Hoplite
Turn 2: Fury enchantment - attack for 4 damage + shock during their turn to remove their first defender
Turn 3: Goblin Bushwhacker kicked - attack for 7 damage (2+5)
Turn 4: Inferno fist enchantment to Satyr - attack for 8 damage (bushwhacker + satyr), finish off with Inferno Fist to the Face for 2 more damage (21 points total damage, 4 turns).

Always fun when you get the exceptional 4 turn wins and credit to Monks deck!

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:19 pm 
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4 Turn 'Flawless Victory' with Monks RDW:

I have rarely lost online with Monks build to date, and after having mana issues 2x with my dual color deck, I pulled up Monks RDW for some mono-red 'no mana issues' play.

Turn 1: Satyr Hoplite
Turn 2: Fury enchantment - attack for 4 damage + shock during their turn to remove their first defender
Turn 3: Goblin Bushwhacker kicked - attack for 7 damage (2+5)
Turn 4: Inferno fist enchantment to Satyr - attack for 8 damage (bushwhacker + satyr), finish off with Inferno Fist to the Face for 2 more damage (21 points total damage, 4 turns).

Always fun when you get the exceptional 4 turn wins and credit to Monks deck!

That's pretty impressive. If you like winning quickly and flawlessly, I have a deck that can go berserk. You should check it out.

"Don't underestimate the aerodynamic qualities of the common goblin."

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:43 pm 
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I had a turn 3 win in rakdos auras.
T1 satyr
T2 deviant glee, furor swing for 7
T3 deviant glee, inferno fist swing for 13 (16 is possible with 2 furors).

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:02 am 

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djAMPnz wrote:
That's pretty impressive. If you like winning quickly and flawlessly, I have a deck that can go berserk. You should check it out.

Your build looks like a blast - thanks for the tip. Will be playing it tonight!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:04 am 

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bentz wrote:
I had a turn 3 win in rakdos auras.
T1 satyr
T2 deviant glee, furor swing for 7
T3 deviant glee, inferno fist swing for 13 (16 is possible with 2 furors).

Amazing - turn 3 win is incredible. I have not played any black decks yet so wasn't even aware of deviant glee aura.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:44 am 
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I got a turn 3 kill with mine as well
Turn 1 - Satyr Hoplite
Turn 2 - 2 x Furor of the Bitten
Turn 3 - Foundry Street Denizen, kicked Goblin Bushwhacker

Seriously, building a mono red deck is the easiest thing to do.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:53 am 
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I don't know why, but I'm in the mood to play some ball-busting aggro when I get home from the cabin later today. Do you have an updated list, monk? I'm going to try yours and mobius's over the next few days.

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