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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:08 pm 

Joined: Sep 22, 2013
Posts: 889
Artifacts of the Dominia Cabal
current list by Tevish Szat
Status: Open :chaos:, subject to additions

The Eye of Foresight
Description: A glass eye. When inserted in an empty eyesocket (easy enough for a pre-mending planeswalker, who would not strictly need to be maimed), the Eye of Foresight grants the ability to see the future. Most of the time, the visions it grants are very immediate -- events that will, if unaltered, occur in the next 1-30 seconds in the immediate vicinity of the bearer. The effect of this is to give the bearer a prescience in combat: knowing what your opponent will do before they do lends itself to knowing how to counter them. Rarely, though more frequently the more visions the Eye provides, it can grant a brief glimpse of some far-off future.
History in the Cabal: Worn by the Historian (who had needed it as a mortal), the Eye ensured he was one of the few members of the cabal, ranked or otherwise, to survive its collapse. He did not last long thereafter, though -- in the war, he had needed the Eye's visions constantly, and the further futures it had begun to reveal were maddening. The Historian threw the Eye away, but what it had showed him still haunted him and he committed suicide to avoid reaching the future it foretold.

The Calling Bell
Description: Calling Bells were massive, brazen bells. When struck, the voice of such a bell could echo for miles. Its tone would, over a few strikes, lull most humanoids who heard it into a very suggestible state. While no examples of installed bells are known, there was one made of a smaller sort: it possesses the same enchantments with a shorter range, but is carried and rung by hand, allowing its bearer to easily control a particular crowd.
History within the Cabal: Made by the Mentalist, Calling Bells were used to keep mortal populations tractable. The Calling Bell that survives, the hand-held Bell, was created by one of the Mentalist's apprentices, who went over to the rebel side and used it to turn populations against the loyalist members of the Cabal.

Aether Vent
Description: A metal sphere with several small holes, about the size of a bowling ball. When activated, it taps into the Blind Eternities and begins to vent Aether onto the current plane, which tends to quickly dissolve the reality, including just about anything that doesn't have the Planeswalker spark or otherwise couldn't survive. The Aether flow actually powers the device, meaning that the process accelerates. Eventually, even a single Aether Vent could dissolve a plane if not shut off, by creating an expanding bubble of the Blind Eternities
History within the Cabal: Aether Vents were the final weapons of mass destruction utilized in the death throes of the war. Often, many were seeded on a particular plane, ensuring that the damage would be catastrophic even if some were located and eliminated.

The Staff of Endless Memory
Description: A long staff of carved wood. The Staff holds the memories of many beings. A willing target is able to place their memories into the staff, or it can draw in the memories of an unwilling victim. The holder can search through all memories in the staff quite easily, though there are many lifetimes complicating the procedure of finding relevant information.
History within the Cabal: the Chamberlain's staff of office, its offensive uses were kept hidden for some time as he attempted to find a way to make it function in a hostile fashion on a pre-mending planeswalker. It never worked that way, able to draw them into the staff and leave them a vegetable, but the Chamberlain was able to use it to store his own memories and absorb and sift through the minds of mortals. Supposedly, he could even return the stolen memories, doctored.

The Black Grail
Description: A chalice of tarnished silver, it has no effect when filled with simple liquids, but runes along the rim describe how to 'fill' the grail with mana as well. Any normal individual who drinks from a mana-filled grail is transformed into an unstable abomination of magic. They have immense power access and can survive in the Blind Eternities, but the effects are lethal very quickly -- the longest observed survival was 20 days, but the average was three with many having merely hours. When combined with relatively simple knowledge of teleportation magic, the user/victim acts in many ways similar to a Planeswalker until their swift and inevitable demise.
History within the Cabal: The Grail was first created by the Mender, who sought a way to allow all people to become planeswalkers. After failing time and time again, though with some intermittent success in enhancing physical or magical aptitude, she finally abandoned the project as strictly impossible. The grail was taken by the treasonous faction and its spellcraft amplified to its current nature. Though grail-users were an order weaker than proper planeswalkers of the era, the former could still threaten the latter, especially in numbers and with the ferocity of caring nothing for their own survival. Between the devoted, the deranged, and the brainwashed, there were many mortals willing to give their lives in order to become effective assassins, and to the likes of the scientist and the chamberlain, mortal life was a cheap thing indeed.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:34 pm 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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you have a quote tag at the end of the staff of endless memory paragraph.

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:20 pm 

Joined: Sep 22, 2013
Posts: 889
TPmanW wrote:
you have a quote tag at the end of the staff of endless memory paragraph.

Thank you. I have not yet read any of the Dominia Cabal's associated works, so they represent a large blind spot as far as editing goes.

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