Well this idea comes from a discussion in the grixis thread, both myself and Hakeem both wanted to test a green splash for ground assault as it is possibly the best removal spell in the game.
The main reason why a deck like this works is mana efficiency, using my mana better than you use yours. It is a simple theory and can be used in a couple of different ways. The first is to use all of your mana every turn, an example of that would be my RDW, you tap out turns 1 to 5 and aim to kill them before they get going.
This deck aims to utilise the other side of mana efficiency, I will trade 1 for 1 with my opponent but my answers are cheaper than their threats.
Shock will usually kill a 2 or 3 drop, dissolve will be countering a 4+ drop, same goes for ground assault and anger of the gods can trade with multiple spells. So what do we do with all of this extra mana, well we draw cards of course, think twice, inspiration and even traumatic visions make sure we do not stumble and that we are use our extra mana to stay ahead in resources.
A lot of our spells have multiple modes too, perfect for the early or late game. Resounding thunder, traumatic visions, banefire, treasure find and obelisk of Alara allow us to have options vs aggro or control. Even ground assault can be a shock in the early game or does a great murder impression in the late game.
In the grixis deck we had sphinx bone wand. We can easily play obelisk here and have more versatility.
Speaking of obelisk of Alara, the card is amazing and should be in every control deck. It does everything from keeping you alive to finding more gas to even winning the game. I have been very impressed with the card.
The key card that makes this mana work is traumatic visions. It is very important early but also gives us 7 hard counters.
Void snare is our catch all, it gives us an out to anything.
Then we have Kozilek as the ultimate finisher plus getting all the burn spells shuffled back in the deck helps close out the game. You can even discard him to the obelisk if needed.
The demons are important as they provide a lot of value and are important for grabbing key cards in a pinch. Kozilek and titan are also great value even if they die immediately
The removal suite is very diversified. This is helped by the utility of demon and treasure find. It means we have an answer to almost everything.