Of course. What would you like?
While writing this, I'm more or less wondering if I should just try to develop a dice roller myself for the experience, since you complained about the current implementation, and this request is going to be a bit wild.
Well, okay, so, you see. While d20 is probably the most popular game system, there's a world of other games that uses a dice pool mechanic instead, which doesn't necessarily use a sum of dice for conflict resolution. Furthermore, many game systems, even a few mechanics in 3.5, has exploding dice, in which some die results cause other dice rolls. Now, I'll let you decide how much of a masochist you want to be, but as some examples:
So, in Burning Wheel, conflict resolution is done through pools of d6. The degree of success is determined as the number of die results with a face of 4 or higher, although they can be modifier to succeed on 3+ or 2+. Additionally, any result of 6 adds another dice to the pool under certain circumstances, meaning you can chain 6s. Example die pool with 6d6: 1, 3, 3,
5, [
6, 1] = 4
In Double Cross, conflict resolution is done through a pool of d10s. The degree of success is determiend by the highest result among the pool of d10s, added to any modifiers to the final result. Any results of 10 are rerolled, adding 10 to the final sum on each iteration. This threshold can be reduced as far down as 2
(as 1 would go infinite), giving each die a 90% chance of being rerolled
(and adding 10 to the result, not the number rolled). Example die pool of 6d10+4, threshold 7: 1, 3, 5, 5, 24
(7, 10, 4), 44
(8, 9, 8, 10, 4) = 48
My favorite RPG system, ORE, also uses a pool of d10s. Degree of success is determined both by the number of die with the same face, in addition to the value of those dice. The user determines which group of like-faced dice to utilize for the skill after they are rolled. In game terminology, 2x4 means a group of two d10s showing 4 as a result. Example die pool of 6d10: 9, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7 = 3x4, 2x7, 1x9
Fate, which is fairly popular, in part due to the nature of being freely available, uses the fudge dice system. Fudge dice are essentially D6s with two negative faces, two neutral faces and two positive faces. You can already technically emulate it through 4D3 - 8, as you basically just add 1 for every positive result and subtract 1 for every negative result, so I guess this isnt that big of a deal. Example die pool of 4dF: -, -, -, 0, +, + = -1
If I remember correctly, then Ars Magica also has some d10 roll where you can achieve results that are 2
x where x is the number of sequential 10s or something crazy like that.
Honestly though, I would just sort the numbers, and then if you want to add exploding die, then put the results after each of those, possible grouping them by brackets or something. So, say, 4d6e5 = roll four d6, add another die for each 5+ result = 1, 3, [6, 5, 2], [6, 4], and just ignore if the bracketed results aren't ascending because there's probably a system that cares, although I can't come up with any.