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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:05 pm 

Joined: Jul 11, 2014
Posts: 123
Hey look, I can make aggro decks too. I'm quite pleased with this Goblin deck.

Goblin Mob

Creatures - 18
4 Foundry Street Denizen
4 Goblin Arsonist
4 Goblin Bushwhacker
4 Goblin Shortcutter
2 Goblin Rabblemaster

Other Spells - 22
4 Shock
3 Coordinated Assault
3 Skullcrack
4 Krenko's Command
4 Trumpet Blast
2 Hall of Triumph
2 Act of Treason

Land - 20
20 Mountain

The last slot I was testing between Tectonic Rift, Raid Bombardment, and Paragon of Fierce Defiance as a nice closer cards, but I found Act of Treason to outperform them. The Rift was ok, except when I ran into flying creatures. Raid Bombardment isn't the most reliable follow up to compliment Trumpet Blast. Paragon cost 4 mana. Basically, think of each one as a math formula, where the goal is to do the most damage with the card the turn you play them.

g=your goblins' attack power
n=number of goblins

Rift: d=g (unless there's a flying blocker)
Raid: d=g-b+n
Paragon: d=g-b+n-1 (one of your bonus power from the Paragon won't be getting through due to the blocker)

More often than not, when it comes to pushing damage through, Act will be the most reliable. We could run calculations where Raid and Paragon would outdamage Act, but that would require you to have a large army already, and if that's the case, you should already be able to win (and possibly without any of the 4 cards in question).

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:52 am 
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Hi mega,
first of all, I have no access to premiums, so I can't test it.
the observation I have is that you may have called it a goblin deck,
but in fact it is an aggro deck that happens to contain many goblin, and the only tribal reference is rabblemaster's goblin must attack each turn, and that his attack gets boosted by every other attacking goblin. so with so many instants and sorceried in your build, I would consider using kiln fiend, look how cool he is.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:48 am 

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bentz wrote:
Hi mega,
first of all, I have no access to premiums, so I can't test it.
the observation I have is that you may have called it a goblin deck,
but in fact it is an aggro deck that happens to contain many goblin, and the only tribal reference is rabblemaster's goblin must attack each turn, and that his attack gets boosted by every other attacking goblin. so with so many instants and sorceried in your build, I would consider using kiln fiend, look how cool he is.

I've thought about Kiln Field, but I don't care for him in this build. While the 2 Rabblemaster's are the only things that are really related to the goblin tribal synergy, there aren't any goblin cards I want to take out for Kiln Fiends. Bushwackers, Shortcutters, and Rabblemasters all impact the board and help push damage through on the turn they're played. Kiln Fiend doesn't do anything the turn he's played except act as a removal magnet (ok, Rabblemaster is a removal magnet too). So that leaves me with removing some of the non-creatures to make room for Kiln Fiends, and I don't really like those options either. Trumpet Blast won't stop him from being blocked. Shortcutter can stop a blocker, but that doesn't activate Kiln Fiend's effect. Coordinated Assult helps him survive combat, but that's still not getting that extra damage through. Skullcrack is best used in response to lifegain and is usually one of the last cards I'll play. Shock has good synergy with it, except I don't like using early shocks to remove blockers, I like to hang onto them as the last cards in my hand in case I need to throw them at my opponent's face. I'd rather play shortcutter before playing shock to stop blockers, as the shortcutter goes better with a Trumpet Blast or Bushwacker as a follow up.

So yeah, I don't really have a spot for Kiln Fiend in here.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:02 am 
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Mega that's the build I'm using for RDW however I'm not running Trumpet Blast or Act of Treason.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:23 am 
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This is the thread I need as I suck at aggro.

Going to copy these decks verbatim...can I get sued for plagiarism? lol.

Then I'll play them until I think I know what I'm doing....that may take a long time.

The Best defense is one where the attacker breaks himself upon it, allowing you to counterattack them into oblivion.

If You get an aggro player to stop attacking, you've got the match won.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:56 am 
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Shadowcran wrote:
This is the thread I need as I suck at aggro.

Going to copy these decks verbatim...can I get sued for plagiarism? lol.

Then I'll play them until I think I know what I'm doing....that may take a long time.
Net decking is better than staying with bad builds and being ignorant in my opinion as long as you don't go around saying "I MADE THIS AWESOME DECK MYSELF"

Plagiarism for everyone!

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:46 pm 
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Ok so I thought I would break mono red down for newer players. This is designed to be the fastest and cheapest deck available. You have a great core of 16 one drop creatures (granted goblin bushwhacker is a two drop but can be played on turn one if necessary). These are:

4 x satyr hoplite
4 x foundry street denizen
4 x goblin arsonist
4 x goblin bushwhacker

You then have 15 must have support cards

4 x shock
4 x furor of the bitten
3 x coordinated assault
4 x krenko's command

So we are at 31 cards. We need a few ways to force through damage, looking at the pool I think these 6 cards are a must.

4 x goblin shortcutter
2 x goblin rabblemaster

From testing we want 18 mountains, this leaves us with 5 slots to play with. We have a lot of options, we can choose from:

Kiln fiend
Inferno fist
Act of treason
Trumpet blast
Hall of triumph

I have chosen to use inferno fist as an extra trigger for satyr hoplite, a way to push through extra damage and shock number 5-7. I have also gone with skullcrack to help vs life gain and give a bit of extra reach. So here is the final list.

[manapie 90 -w -u -b r -g][/manapie]

Rabble Red

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (22 :creature: , 20 :instant: , 18 :land:)

Color 42 cards
Coordinated Assault
Foundry Street Denizen1/1
Furor of the Bitten
Goblin Arsonist1/1
Goblin Bushwhacker1/1
Satyr Hoplite1/1
Goblin Shortcutter2/1
Inferno Fist
Krenko's Command
Goblin Rabblemaster2/2
Colorless18 cards

Last edited by Monk1410 on Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:30 am, edited 5 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:54 pm 
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I've been meaning to brew RDW, and that list looks really good. Please delete it so that I don't have to play against it.

Call me crazy, but 19 land could be viable there. If you're going to get aggressive, then get aggressive! Only semi-joking.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:06 pm 
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You are possibly right on the land count although hitting 3 land is only just reliable with 20. And even though it doesn't seem like you need 3 land very often, inferno fist is much better with 3. Honestly if there was another cheap card available I would cut a land to play it but at the moment there is nothing in the pool that is worth it.

I have been playing this all night and went 18-1 with my loss being another goblin deck where I drew 7 mountain and he eventually ground be down. I kept a 3 land hand which is always risky with this deck and he played very well.

Last edited by Monk1410 on Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:10 pm 
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I imagine Satyr into Furor is the nut draw, especially on the play. Shortcutter looks brutally efficient here.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:20 pm 
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You have 2 strong openings of satyr into furor or denizen into command or double 1 drop followed by bushwhacker.
Both come up quite often.

Glad you like it, I always value your opinion and if you can't see a change I'm happy.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:24 am 
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Seriously monk, this is a really good way to post a deck list. I love how you broke things down into reasons why and did so with minimal description but enough to know exactly what you were thinking and going for! I have to agree with Hakeem, delete this post immediately, LOL. Now to make my "monk's red deck of death" Actually I have something VERY similar, although your build looks a little better than what I have.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:37 am 
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Thanks nebula let me know how it goes. I figured posting the decks that way makes things easier. Normally when you post a list there are a few questions of why certain cards are included. This just skips that step.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:38 pm 

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I've been tweaking my RDW deck, and it's similar to Monk's, but I don't have premium cards. It's a good breakdown, especially for newer players who think aggro building/playing take no skill, but then make an aggro deck with no 1-drops and complain about their luck. The deck feels pretty tight, but I'd welcome any feedback and tweaks.
Deck: RDW Image

21 Mountain

4 Bolt of Keranos
3 Coordinated Assault
2 Fling
4 Furor of the Bitten
4 Krenko's Command
4 Shock

4 Foundry Street Denizen
4 Goblin Arsonist
2 Goblin Rabblemaster
4 Kiln Fiend
4 Satyr Hoplite

I chose not to include the Fist, because while it synergizes with Satyr, I didn't feel it was as useful on other creatures without the Shortcutters to get damage through. Also, while Furor increases toughness to put any 1/1 out of Shock range, having to hold up M in case my Fist-enchanted creature gets shocked felt slow and clunky. The Kiln Fiends give a second synergy point for Coordinate Assaults and Krenko's Command, and the Flings are great to finish off the opponents with a pumped Kiln Fiend or attacking Rabblerouser, even if they get blocked or targetted by removal.

If I had the option of premium cards, I'd switch things up - at the very least I'd swap out Bolts for Skull Crack, since they're cheaper and I'm usually going to the face with them anyway. The Skull Cracks get extra utility with what seems to be a lot of lifegain in this meta, and it also counters the damage protection of Gods Willing as a bonus.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:08 pm 
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Interestingly I had 3 kiln fiend in my list where I now have the inferno fist it is definitely the next best choice. Nice list hex, it's good for people to have the non premium option and that looks like a very strong list. I would say it gets a turn faster with premium but you have more reach with bolt and fling.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:33 am 

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"Monk's Red" is definitely the top cut. The consistency is insane-- the only thing I'd like to cut is just one more land. Opening hands with even 3 land can be a let-down. What do you think about cutting the Mountains down to 19 for the 4th Inferno Fist? I've also been toying with the thought of a one-of Explosive Impact. If you get Angry Gods before you can finish them off, at least you can draw and pray for that last 5 damage. Certainly, it's better than drawing into your 20th Mountain!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:51 am 
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I agree a land can get cut. It could be a 1 of hall of triumph but cutting a land for a 3 drop seems weird. Outside of that I am not sure.

Edit - in fact 1 darksteel axe could be good

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:49 pm 
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Wonderfully smooth deck Monk!

What about Quest for the Goblin Lord as the 3 cards filler?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:10 pm 
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To be honest I think quest is bad. It slows you down by a turn when played early or it is a really bad draw late in the game. In the ideal scenario of turn 1 quest followed by 5 goblins over the next 2 turns and the opponent not playing a couple of blockers it can very good but outside that it is bad. . If it boosted toughness too I would be all over it. Quite often my opponents stabilize on a low life total and inferno fist in addition to shock, shortcutter and bushwhacker means I can force through damage.

If I was to run quest I would run 1, it is terrible in multiples. That could be the 1 slot to replace the mountain as it had a similar effect to axe but is cheaper. I think I will test that. After all a mountain late is just as dead as quest.

Last edited by Monk1410 on Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:15 pm 
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If you're looking to cut a land, I think a singleton Skullcrack could be a nice addition. It's decent reach and a nice out to have against lifegain. Live the dream and cast it in response to a Resolute Archangel trigger!

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