Hakeem I like your new version better than your other one for some reason, at least the removal seems to be working a lot better and it has relevent creature threats to drop. Of course I have only done one battle against the AI so I will have to test it more but to me if a deck works really well from the start then its a good sign. Your last one was....well durdling too much
lol, I like to durdle in general, but at least now I get to win by doing so through
Sphinx-Bone Wand.
I'm not sure I'd trust testing against the AI, though, unless you're doing the practice duels against your own decks. The encounters are built with specific strategies in mind and sometimes you'll find that a certain deck can't beat a certain encounter. While that's endemic to Magic (rock, paper, scissors, and all that), I think this Grixis deck is well-positioned to bring into the online lobbies because it is packed with creature removal in a creature-based format.
Another thing this deck has going for it is that nine of the removal spells can also point at the face for direct damage.
Oh, and any control deck that has access to Anger of the Gods is in a pretty good position. Add in all the draw power because of the blue splash, and you'll see it more often than most decks would. Don't forget that Rune-Scarred Demon can grab it, too; I just beat a
Spider Spawning deck by tutoring Anger.
But the real All-Star of the deck has to be the Jailbreaker; He's a huge roadblock for aggressive opponents because you have so much removal that they can't go wide around him. Then there are times when you just keep the board clean with your ample removal and this guy gets in for four every single turn. The fact that he survives Anger and gets in for four on the turn you cast it is just sweet, delicious gravy.
I'm currently ranked 20th on XBLA on the back of this deck.