Thanks for the info.
My preference is to keep games down in the play-by-post section. I do recognize that sometimes there are exceptions.
So, I think what we can do is create a "shadow" topic in Magic General that will point down to the actual thread in the play-by-post game. Every so often, we can "refresh" the shadow so it stays on the first or second page. Over time, though, I would like to see that shadow simply drop and stay down where it is. Ideally, there's a FAQ or guide or whatever in the Magic forum that points down to 3cm and suggest that anybody who was interested could start any other game down there.
I understand the philosophical desire to keep things in their "proper" place, but what's the practical value of putting 3cm in posting if you're going to dump a thread about it in general too? cluttering both forums seems like the worst possible option.
Well, like I said. That's just my preference. I'm willing to bend - as painful as it is for me at this old age - when it makes sense.
The shadow topic would serve as an "interlude" of sorts, and get people used to looking for the game. The interlude will be "temporary but indefinite" in that once it makes sense, we can stop but it can go on for any amount of time as necessary. The generation of a good FAQ for the forum would be one condition where I'd say the interlude would expire, but probably not the only one.
As for why: the goal, from day one, is growth. Early conversations around forum design had all sorts of forums that we don't see at the moment - and also didn't include some of the ones you do see (like the Spoiler Room). We decide to pare back to what would be "bare bones" and expand as demand warranted. (Even with that, we actually contracted the RPG section once.) In my perfect dream world, there would be enough Magic-themed play-by-post games to warrant the (re-) creation of Magic Puzzles and Games - whether it had that name or something new. If I can temporarily have one thread show in two places and use that to potentially drive growth, I'm in favor of the temporary clutter in exchange for the long term gain.
And, maybe we add the shadow and over the long term it really does come out that the same 10 people (+/- a few) play the game, and nothing new comes of it. And that's OK too. That says there is no market for magic-themed forum games here. And in that case, I'd say roll 3cm into Magic General.
if there's absolutely, positively no market for a Magic Puzzles and Games type of sub-forum, I'm not at all interested in forcing it into existance. That doesn't serve the community - either community, actually, since it would be detrimental (at least a little bit) to both Magic and PbP. But right now, all any of us can really do is speculate as to whether such interest would develop or not. So the shadow topic method seems to be a decent (not great) way to try and nudge into that direction, and is simple enough to discontinue at the drop of a hat.
As for the game in YMtC, I need more information. I'd like to hear from folks who regularly peruse and make use of the YMtC forum, including the mods of the area, to learn about the game a bit. Is there a strong reason to leave the game there? Is there going to be WW3 if we move it (and leave behind a shadow topic)? And so on. Basically, I'd like to get information and then discuss that information.
1) games, plural. there's five right now.
Good to know!
2) basically, they're a series of threads where one person designs a card, then the next person designs a card to follow that based on some criteria layed out in the OP. (for instance, in the CMC game, you make a card that costs 1 more in the same color, or once it gets high enough you roll over to the next color. Let's Have Some YMtC Fun, on the other hand, has you make a card whose name contains a word from the previous card's name.) each one plays exactly like a game thread, but with card design.
3) the reason those games are in YMtC is two-fold. first, they've always been in YMtC. some of them have histories on that forum longer than I do. they're an important part of the community. and two, they're of no interest to people outside the community. while many of the general forum posting games are just social interactions, the YMtC games require specific knowledge of and interest in Magic and its design. I think moving them would be damaging to the YMtC community for no gain, since no one who doesn't YMtC wants to play them.
edit by way of preview: Mark jumped in to say basically this same thing while I was typing up my novella. And I agree with Mark's assessment of the drafts in limited as well. It plays out like a game, but it's really a "guided brainstorm" with the goal of creation at the end of the tunnel.
Also good to know!
Given this information, I'd be inclined to leave them in YMtC, to be honest. While they certainly have game elements to them, they have more design elements involved. (As a creative type, I'd classify it more as a "guided brainstorm" than a game, really. I've participated in many similar threads, with a writing bent, with fellow freelance writers.)
This, to me, looks like exactly one of those gray areas where the right answer is to leave the game thread where it is. First, it's a better fit just by the nature of the forum. Second, the game really is just a means of guiding design and development of new cards - the purpose of the forum.
PS: actually, if you count A Contest Like No Other, there are six. and really that's probably the best example here, since it plays almost exactly like 3cm, with delineated rounds and competition, but it's clearly a YMtC thing so YMtC gets it.
Can you give me a bit more info about this specific game?