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PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:15 am 
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:b::u::g: Sultai :b::u::g:

:b::u::g: Multicoloured Card List :b::u::g:

:b::b::b: Black Card List :b::b::b:

:u::u::u: Blue Card List :u::u::u:

:g::g::g: Green Card list :g::g::g:

Colourless Card List

Non-Basic Land Card List

Note: Please mark decks as "Premium" if you use Premium cards in your deck builds. Thank you.

If I left anything out or you see any errors please let me know.

Source: Atharva's Decklists & Strategies Thread

iOS Username: minddrifter
Steam Profile Name: minddrifter
BattleTag: minddrifter#1397
NGA: Formerly known as "Nebula"

Last edited by minddrifter on Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:42 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:32 am 

Joined: Jul 13, 2014
Posts: 139
Three-colored version of a Simic bounce deck (repost from there) :

Here's Da Combo ! :
Lands (24):
8x Island
6x Forest
2x Swamp
4x Simic Guildgate
2x Golgari Guildgate
2x Dimir Guildgate

Creatures (15):
3x Elvish Visionary
2x Quickling
3x Archaeomancer
2x Saruli Gatekeepers
2x Species Gorger
2x Rune-Scarred Demon

Spells (17):
4x Fog
2x Treasured Find
4x Voyage's End
4x Think Twice
3x Dissolve
1x Time Warp

Artifacts (4):
1x Elixir of Immortality
3x Darksteel Ingot

The plan is easy enough :
- Stall long enough by abusing etb/bounce/fog effects to draw/tutor into combo then make fun of your enemy by playing infinite turns.

Last edited by Aranthys on Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:33 am 
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Great build, can't wait to try it out, in a bit! One small thing, though is you've included 18 spells, and not 17, which brings the total card count to 61 instead of 60. It's nothing too major, and can easily be remedied by cutting an extraneous spell, I just wished to notify you is all.

Who needs good grades when you got SWAG?!?!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:33 pm 

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Posts: 139
Tested the deck, indeed, had 61 cards. Corrected that by removing 1xQuickling - it's a good creature, but there's never a time where you want to have two of them in your hand, unlike other spells / creatures so I guess it's fine. Post edited to reflect that change :)

Otherwise, the deck is pretty cool ! Lots of draw power, you get to bounce left and right and counterspell key creatures until you finally get what's needed to combo into victory.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:52 pm 
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You've tested the the deck ehh?

Post your results. What is your win/loss ratio so far? What kinds of decks are you bad against? Is it enough control for aggressive decks? How frequent is your combo going off? How useful is Elixir?

We wanna know everything!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:55 pm 
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You've tested the the deck ehh?

Post your results. What is your win/loss ratio so far? What kinds of decks are you bad against? Is it enough control for aggressive decks? How frequent is your combo going off? How useful is Elixir?

We wanna know everything!

Agreed, we wish to know!

Who needs good grades when you got SWAG?!?!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:09 pm 

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Played 4 times against Planeswalker AI, won all my matches.

Decks faced were Jace (Pure blue), R/W, G/B and R/B. Seemed to do fine, but I had some very hard times against the faster decks (spent 3 turns at 1hp)

Don't like playing PvP on iPad, I'm waiting for Steam for that :D

Edit.: Elixir was useless the 4 times, but I prefer to include it just in case. At worst, it's a 5 hp heal. At best, it prevents death by no draw.

Edit2.: 5th win against Chandra. Managed to stall the game with Fog by playing it 6 consecutive turns, until finally getting enough mana to be able to bounce Archaeomancer for eternal fog.
With 2 counterspells in hand, I then stalled until I had enough mana to go infinite.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:34 am 
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Aranthys wrote:
Three-colored version of a Simic bounce deck (repost from there) :

Here's Da Combo ! :
Lands (24):
8x Island
6x Forest
2x Swamp
4x Simic Guildgate
2x Golgari Guildgate
2x Dimir Guildgate

Creatures (15):
3x Elvish Visionary
2x Quickling
3x Archaeomancer
2x Saruli Gatekeepers
2x Species Gorger
2x Rune-Scarred Demon

Spells (17):
4x Fog
2x Treasured Find
4x Voyage's End
4x Think Twice
3x Dissolve
1x Time Warp

Artifacts (4):
1x Elixir of Immortality
3x Darksteel Ingot

The plan is easy enough :
- Stall long enough by abusing etb/bounce/fog effects to draw/tutor into combo then make fun of your enemy by playing infinite turns.

I like the idea of this deck, I don't think I would play the fogs/counters/elixir game plan. I would just make it like a midrange deck, that can also combo out. You can win through attrition, but alternatively you can win through combo. Maybe I'm wrong about that, not sure.

Dosen't Cultivate interact better with your Archaeomancers, than Darksteel Ingot?

The Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. - Tywin Lannister

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:15 am 

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Posts: 139
Well, they are basically almost identical.
But since the deck is mostly blue-oriented, I thought that using colorless mana would be more consistent than requiring green mana.
Plus, the ingot is more flexible than lands color-wise.

That, and I honestly think there are way better targets for Archaeomancer than Cultivate.

Counterspells are mandatory here, since you're not really packing a lot of removal playing
Fogs. Yeah. Not sold on them either, I have to admit.

I'm actually pondering removing them altogether, and redo the deck to include Gravedigger and Flesh to Dust or Ulcerate

Something like that :
Here's Da Combo ! :
Lands (24):
7x Island
5x Forest
3x Swamp
3x Simic Guildgate
3x Golgari Guildgate
3x Dimir Guildgate

Creatures (16):
3x Elvish Visionary
3x Quickling
2x Archaeomancer
2x Saruli Gatekeepers
2x Gravedigger
2x Species Gorger
2x Rune-Scarred Demon

Spells (16):
2x Ulcerate
4x Voyage's End
4x Think Twice
3x Dissolve
1x Time Warp
2x Flesh to Dust

Artifacts (4):
1x Elixir of Immortality
3x Darksteel Ingot

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:38 am 
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Aranthys wrote:
Well, they are basically almost identical.
But since the deck is mostly blue-oriented, I thought that using colorless mana would be more consistent than requiring green mana.
Plus, the ingot is more flexible than lands color-wise.

That, and I honestly think there are way better targets for Archaeomancer than Cultivate.

Counterspells are mandatory here, since you're not really packing a lot of removal playing
Fogs. Yeah. Not sold on them either, I have to admit.

I'm actually pondering removing them altogether, and redo the deck to include Gravedigger and Flesh to Dust or Ulcerate

Something like that :
Here's Da Combo ! :
Lands (24):
7x Island
5x Forest
3x Swamp
3x Simic Guildgate
3x Golgari Guildgate
3x Dimir Guildgate

Creatures (16):
3x Elvish Visionary
3x Quickling
2x Archaeomancer
2x Saruli Gatekeepers
2x Gravedigger
2x Species Gorger
2x Rune-Scarred Demon

Spells (16):
2x Ulcerate
4x Voyage's End
4x Think Twice
3x Dissolve
1x Time Warp
2x Flesh to Dust

Artifacts (4):
1x Elixir of Immortality
3x Darksteel Ingot

Sometimes the line of play would go: Cultivate > Archeomancer, getting back Cultivate > Cast Cultivate and something else > Rune-scarred Demon, fetching Time Warp. Seven Mana can be a lot and often getting cultivate twice can be the right play to set yourself up for the combo. Cultivate is still a fine target to get twice, because casting your guys repeatedly will consume alot of mana.

I think Tribute to Hunger or Assassinate are better than Flesh to Dust, and as much as I don't like Ulcerate it's probably the best replacement for Fog or maybe a bounce spell.

The Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. - Tywin Lannister

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:45 am 

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Posts: 139
Hunger, while good, would suck here, since his "smallish" creatures would be lying around due to your own creatures. Hence, it's these he'd sacrifice first... and it's not the small creatures that are a problem for this deck, it's the bigger creatures that can't be handled by your own 2/2 creatures.

It's either Flesh to dust, or Assassinate.
I chose Flesh to dust simply because there are already a lot of 3 drops to play, and you'll draw more than enough to be able to afford 2 more mana for instant speed.
In your example, you're not doing much during three turns - turn 3, 4 and 5.

Basically :
Turn 3 : Cultivate (3 mana used, 0 left)
Turn 4 : Archaeomancer (4 mana used, 1 left)
Turn 5 : Cultivate (3 mana used, 3 mana left)

That's a lot of turns doing almost nothing but ramp. But, yeah, I guess you may sometimes need that.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:52 am 
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Aranthys wrote:
Hunger, while good, would suck here, since his "smallish" creatures would be lying around due to your own creatures. Hence, it's these he'd sacrifice first... and it's not the small creatures that are a problem for this deck, it's the bigger creatures that can't be handled by your own 2/2 creatures.

It's either Flesh to dust, or Assassinate.
I chose Flesh to dust simply because there are already a lot of 3 drops to play, and you'll draw more than enough to be able to afford 2 more mana for instant speed.
In your example, you're not doing much during three turns - turn 3, 4 and 5.

Basically :
Turn 3 : Cultivate (3 mana used, 0 left)
Turn 4 : Archaeomancer (4 mana used, 1 left)
Turn 5 : Cultivate (3 mana used, 3 mana left)

That's a lot of turns doing nothing but ramp - remember, this is NOT a ramp deck, you only have 2 fatties.

I'm comparing Cultivate to Darksteel Ingot, Cultivate is better in this case than darksteel Ingot, heck even getting a ramp and a land for after on it's own is much better. and I'm not saying you will always follow that line of play, but when you do you go off much faster than alternatively.

The Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. - Tywin Lannister

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:56 am 

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Posts: 139
That's true, yeah. I'll do some more testing tonight :D
Edit .: Darksteel Ingot has the advantage of leaving one mana open on turn 3 for Ulcerate
But yeah, overall, they both have adv/cons

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:35 pm 
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why aren't B/U/G decks called Urborg decks tho?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:48 pm 

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Are you going to want all the guild gates and travelers amulents and such before embarking on a tri deck, or can you get away with just your Darksteel Ingots?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:30 pm 

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why aren't B/U/G decks called Urborg decks tho?

Because people are lazy and Bug is a lazy name for BUG?

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:20 am 

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Small update :
- I've removed Think Twice, and replaced it with Elvish Visionary and an additional Quickling. Together, they provide a lot of draw power.
- I've replaced the Darksteel Ingot with Cultivate
- I've removed the Elixir of Immortality and added Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. They achieve the same result (Infinite play), but at least Kozilek has inner value beside lifegain.
- I've also added 2xUndying Evil - Should work pretty well with all the ETB effects of the deck... and who doesn't want to live the dream of casting Undying Evil on a Rune-Scarred Demon ?

Here's Da Combo ! :
Lands (24):
6x Forest
5x Island
4x Swamp
3x Simic Guildgate
3x Golgari Guildgate
3x Dimir Guildgate

Creatures (18):
4x Elvish Visionary
3x Quickling
2x Archaeomancer
2x Saruli Gatekeepers
2x Gravedigger
2x Species Gorger
2x Rune-Scarred Demon
1x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

Spells (18):
3x Ulcerate
2x Undying Evil
4x Voyage's End
3x Cultivate
3x Dissolve
1x Time Warp
2x Flesh to Dust

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:15 am 
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How useful is Dissolve on that build? I figure more often then not you want to cast something on your turn. I do like the idea of the deck.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:49 pm 

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djAMPnz wrote:
I don't know, I kind of want to build a deck that makes the "Cruel Sadist + Illusionist's Bracers + Paragon of Open Graves" combo work.

I'm fiddling around with Cruel Sadist myself right now, using Doubling Season + Illusionist's Bracers to make the most out of her. I wanted to ask why you mentioned Paragon of Open Graves, though? It doesn't apply a +1/+1 counter, so all it does is make the Cruel Sadist a base 2/2.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:54 pm 
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Overmaster wrote:
djAMPnz wrote:
I don't know, I kind of want to build a deck that makes the "Cruel Sadist + Illusionist's Bracers + Paragon of Open Graves" combo work.

I'm fiddling around with Cruel Sadist myself right now, using Doubling Season + Illusionist's Bracers to make the most out of her. I wanted to ask why you mentioned Paragon of Open Graves, though? It doesn't apply a +1/+1 counter, so all it does is make the Cruel Sadist a base 2/2.

Paragon of Open Graves confers deathtouch to Cruel Sadist so you only need to cause one damage to kill. I questioned whether deathtouch would work in such a manner but a google search seemed to suggest it would.

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