Sorry that I've been sort of quiet on this front, but Wednesdays are busy for me... and this really kind of exploded.
Also, Sorry that I'm only really responding to Luna here, but he's mostly responding to others, so take that as my commentary.
I'm not sure if this is Barinellos's world or whether he's opening it up to the community, though. I've been mostly assuming it's the latter.
Think of me as a creative lead.
Let me construct a current list based on that assumption:
Life/Death - Fate
Growth/Decay - Time
Order/Chaos -Nature
Thought/Instinct -
Growth and Decay don't work for me. Like... at all. I just see it as the crux overlapping both Order/Chaos and Life/Death. I can see where you're coming from, including the idea of Time, but... It just feels like a lot more physical than conceptual.
Also, Order and Chaos as concepts aren't exactly indicative of Nature since it's not meant to be two opposing forces, but two states on the same scale. If anything, it is more symbolic of Entropy than Nature. THAT'S the symbolism close to Time instead of Nature in physical terms.
In addition, just to elaborate on why Life and Death is Fate, the gods are the maintainers of the balance between these forces, so in this situation, it would be a god dedicated to measuring life and death... hence, Fate.
I'm... iffy, but open to Life/Death being attached to white and black. White still feels very very strange as Life considering it works mechanically, but not necessarily thematically.
I'm honestly starting to dislike thought/instinct. Maybe mind/body, but that's still not abstract enough for me.
It's very abstract symbolism meant to structure civilization and wilderness. It's not literally thought and instinct as much as it is the core concepts that DRIVE those larger concepts. It is meant to encompass the two aspects of the World's structure, a very physical aspect that is taken its highest abstraction. This one is one that I am... really going to insist on considering the scale up it ends up generating. If you can find another way to represent the scale of Civilization vs Wilderness in an abstract manner, I'll listen but until then...
I must say, this is an absolutely brilliant hook though; I am really enjoying brainstorming this.
Eh, I like to be provocative, glad you are enjoying it.
The amusing thing too? We haven't even gotten to the CHARACTER building yet. We're still wrestling with the conceptual basis! Ha!
Though I was the one who suggested Denial/Indulgence, I personally find it a little lacking in terms of applicability. You could only really use it towards societies or cultures, you can't really apply it to inanimate objects like the landscape or even properly apply it to natural creatures.
Perhaps a lesser god, but I can't see it as being one who had helped create the physical realities of a world. It's not abstract enough.
There are no lesser gods. Only five major ones.
I actually really like Denial/Indulgence, but I feel like it is too abstract to scale into the physical and might end up folding into Instinct/Intellect, which I've already talked about above. It is Intellect which drives Denial and Instinct which demands Indulgence. It's definitely a different flavor of what that is representative of, but it still feels like it slides into that.
I am open to dissenting opinions though, I welcome them.