Thallid is one of the best 1/1 cmc 1 creatures, because it has the potential to be two or three 1/1 creatures. Its not good alone, and honestly its not goof in a thallid deck, but its a turn 1 play that could provide us some coverage for several turns. I'm still sad they didn't print
Deathspore Thallid or
Utopia Mycon in MM. If they're going to have thallids as an archetype, they are pretty essential.
It's okay to not know much about the format but saying blatantly incorrect things doesn't help anybody else get better. Thallid is terrible in this draft format. Thallid is just terrible in general, actually, but that doesn't matter. For cards to be good in the abstract you need to be able to create scenarios in which they are good. In the abstract this card isn't good and on top of that you haven't played the format at all, where it isn't good.
@Chu: Of course Thallid wasn't a good card. It would never do anything but chump block, but the thought was that that was necessary to keep us alive during our first 3-4 turns before drop the bombs.
I'd rather play basic land over a bad fog. And fog is a terrible card.
I'd like to know how you have any idea how much I've played this format? A 1/1 for 1 is on par. We have absolutely nothing to do turn 1. A 1/1 body is better than nothing. The potential to generate more 1/1's is also okay. There are exactly 9 CMC 1 creatures in MM. Thallid is no better or worse than any of them aside from