KeeperofManyNames wrote:
I think it might be more useful to have suggested reading orders, since probably going by dates alone isn't going to give readers an optimal sort of walk through the archives.
Hm, maybe if that app works out for mapping the connections we could use it for mapping various reading orders both for our stuff and for Canon?
Actually, it might be interesting to create a reading order that incorporates both M:EM and Canon works. Some of our stuff does depend upon main storyline concepts, after all...
You've definitely got a point. Okay, reading order it is. Ooh! We could even make it up like
the Discworld reading order!
Of course, every now and then we'd need to update it.
As for Official storyline stuff, I don't know how much we really depend on our audience having read first-hand (at least in what we already have). I mean, a lot of our stuff* depends on readers knowing
about The Mending, but I for one have never read the Time Spiral block novels and yet I get along fine.**
*At least as far as our Creative Canon goes.
**If you're talking about our Expanded Canon, though, I can see your point. In that case, I think a simple distinction between "works expanding on the story" and "works expanding on the world alone" would be very helpful. I mean, while you wouldn't need to have read any story for Barinellos's
Meeting, something like RuwinReborn's
Zachari Levar, The Good Pontif needs a deeper understanding of Ravnica (though it doesn't necessarily build upon events presented in the novels).