KeeperofManyNames wrote:
The MPAA is also notoriously sexist, homophobic, and prudish in its outlook, and TV and movie ratings reflect that bigotry. It's not a very good standard to go by.
I do agree here, as a general statement. It's one of the better reasons to avoid references to film ratings when discussing stuff that should or shouldn't be around the boards - what the MPAA allows James Cameron to use ("OMG! Boobs!") are verboten for other film makers, for example.
Now, that said... while the rating systems are inconsistent (if you want to be nice) or rigged (if you're a cynic), the FCC is pretty consistent about what it fines broadcasters for. And so that's where the "it's allowed on broadcast TV argument comes from.
The fact that users are now bringing it up as something that makes them uncomfortable, which was the entire rationale behind censoring "***," is enough to at least spur discussion, which you seem to be kind of implying isn't going to take place, Fire.
Frankly, if I was looking to squelch discussion, I would've locked the thread and simply said no.
Barinellos wrote:
Honestly, as far as my concern goes is the fact that limiting my options of word choice in fiction can cause such a total pain in the ass.
There are some words that I cannot think of even being useful in that context, but there are others that do get censored that are incredibly inconvenient to try to work around.
This is a decent argument, but it also extends to words like the f-bomb. I don't know if that was covered by your second sentence or not (probably). So while "artistic license" is something we'll keep in mind, if the final decision is that whore and/or slut should get filtered then it'll be like the f-bomb - something you have to work around in fiction.
And to be clear, it
is under discussion. Shortly after this thread was started a thread was started in the mod forum to discuss. The ultimate decision is up to Bun - this is her site. All we can do is point out the pros and cons to adding it to the filter, and the best way to do that is to keep this talk open.