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 Post subject: Berserker Troubles
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:43 pm 

Joined: Nov 19, 2013
Posts: 43
Aye, in my game we've a berserker in the group. Firstly, can somebody explain to me why this class even exists? His frenzies are so powerful that he pretty much renders the rest of the group a bit redundant. Then he beats the living crap out of us. He's K.O.ed up to half the party on more than one occasion, it's stupid. Why have a character that does that? Secondly, does anyone have any advice on how to deal with it? I'm playing a bard with a defensive reach, Stand Still strategy (unfortunately the berserker also has reach), and a certain amount of inspire courage optimisation. I have the Grease spell, which has saved us a few times, but we keep getting the situation where the last enemy is killed immediately before the berserker's turn, leaving him with only the party to tear apart. There's also a ninja and sorcerer in the group. Does anyone know of any solutions to the berserker frenzy that can be put into effect out of turn with an immediate action?

Cheers guys!

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 Post subject: Re: Berserker Troubles
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:12 pm 
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Just a few clarifications. I assume we're talking about the Frenzied Berserker prestige class form Complete Warrior right? Everything you described makes it sound like that so I'm going to assume that's the case. With that said;

1) The class exists because Wizards has a terrible habit (especially during 3.X edition) of just releasing splat-book after splat-book containing dozen and dozens of barely flavoured prestige classes with absolutely no attempt made to balance these classes in anyway - either with the game as a whole or ever the other classes presented in the same splat book. Basically they just didn't care.

2) The simplest solution would be to slit the 'zerks throat in his sleep. A bit extreme but if he's team killing party members even every other combat then it's clearly a problem. Of course that will cause grief from the party as a whole so let's think of some other scenarios. Simplest solution I can think of off the top of my head is is the wonderful world of illusions; even something a simple as a Silent Image spell should work. When the end of combat is near throw up the illusion to make everyone in the party look like trees or rocks or something then when the last enemy is killed the 'zerk should just stand there - in his frenzied state he will not perceive you as threats and as such should have no reason to interact with you (and thus risk succeeding at a disbelieve check). Both Bard and Sorc have the option of taking the spell and even if you don't want to waste one of your limited choices taking it you can still pick up a Wand of Silent Image for 750gp or even just an armful of scroll of the thing.

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 Post subject: Re: Berserker Troubles
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:28 pm 

Joined: Nov 19, 2013
Posts: 43
Heh! Yeah, I meant Frenzied Berserker. And no kidding! I suppose it's as much my friend's fault for choosing the class, really.

That's a great idea! The bard has Silent Image, so no problem there. Thanks a lot, dude, you give great tip! :D

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 Post subject: Re: Berserker Troubles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:50 am 
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Hey Trousers I didnt know you played D&D!

Id definitely start with Garren's inputs above, and then let us know how it works out. If youre still having issues then we'll try to brainstorm up something new.

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 Post subject: Re: Berserker Troubles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:01 am 
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I'm horribly unfamiliar with the class. Does the player keep attacking you guys due to the abilities forcing him / her to keep fighting, or is the player being an asshat?


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 Post subject: Re: Berserker Troubles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:04 am 
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I'm horribly unfamiliar with the class. Does the player keep attacking you guys due to the abilities forcing him / her to keep fighting, or is the player being an asshat?


The class involuntarily enters a frenzy that makes it slaughter everyone nearby regardless of allegiance.

I would personally tell your teammate to choose a class that isn't the antithesis to teamwork, or run in the other direction/start flying when he gets angry.

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 Post subject: Re: Berserker Troubles
PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:18 pm 

Joined: Nov 19, 2013
Posts: 43
Hey BH! Aye, I've been playing it even longer than MTG. I'm a big fan of Garren's idea, but haven't had the chance to try it yet. It really just leaves us with the problem of what to do when he takes damage from a trap, or falls whilst climbing a wall, or stubs his toe, or God knows what else. So far we've only had a problem with him killing everyone following an encounter, so hopefully...

I did see someone on another forum make the suggestion that you could just throw your berserker in a pit at the beginning of each day and throw stones at him until he's used all his frenzies. Fun, but a bit wasteful, I suppose.

Mown, I would love it if he'd choose a different class - this one was a terrible idea, as far as I'm concerned. The other two players in the group are both new to the game, and not necessarily altogether sure of what's going on. Since the berserker has terrible mental stats, the guy can't exactly contribute much of anything useful apart from brawn and athleticism, which has left me trying to carry the team alone in certain role-playing situations, while his guy stands there going "DUUUHHHHH!" I'm also the only guy even remotely interested in using strategy and teamwork in combat. The berserker obviously just charges mindlessly at everything, and without wanting to be overly critical of a new player, we have a sorcerer who keeps just wandering unprotected into random rooms, and even made a solo, head-long charge into the middle of an encounter with some sort of large demon thing, during the last session. The ninja plays a fair game in combat, but he still operates as a lone unit.

It's particularly irritating as my bard is built for team strategies. He's taking Warblade and Crusader levels to get White Raven maneuvers, etc. I even put Dislocator on his kusari gama so he could throw enemies to the berserker, or get them conveniently lined up for him to cleave. Apart from anything else, the bard has all the cure and vigor wands, so it just makes sense for everyone to stay close to him, but none of them do, it's stupid. You may be able to tell that I'm finding it quite annoying.

As for running in the other direction, I think I'd be outrun - I think I'm better off disguising myself as part of the scenery. Frenzying berserker is not a smart cookie.

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 Post subject: Re: Berserker Troubles
PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:02 pm 
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If its honestly causing this much of an issue I'd politely ask that he roll up another character. Dont be mean or anything about it but at a point when the rest of the group has to start outsourcing to find ways to simply tolerate your characters existence on a mechanical level, you become less of an eccentric part of the group and more of a burden.

"I weep for all the GM's and players who come online for help and instead get taught how to be prejudice towards classes.
D&D is supposed to be a game that plunges you into a world of imagination and instead people around the world are standing around a table arguing over 'tiers'."

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