I think I'm finally arriving to a satisfactory Dimir build, at least for me. As it isn't exactly control, nor pure discard, nor tempo, but a mutant hybrid, I thought it maybe deserved a new thread
Sorry for the format, but my Arena can't show a proper horizontal view for its life
Plus 25 lands...that I don't show out of shame for my lack of nice duals
Things to note:
Heavily slanted to survive the early game, with 3 sweepers + 4 x 2CC removal. All the creatures survive the sweepers.
Typical discard package with 4 x Erasure + 3 x Disinformation + 8 more surveil triggers
Late game based on Predators
The new adition that made it jump from struggling to win against incremental value decks like Boros mentor, most Golgaris, Divine Visitation tokens or Parun Jeskai, just to name a few, is
Helm of the Host, of course, which is quite awesome when equiped into a Predator. The full Sabotages and the discard are suppossed to make it survive...even the couple of not that usual Azcantas are there as lightning rods for artifact/enchantment removal, besides being awesome in themselves
It's pretty difficult to control a stream of flying 3/3s with hexproof and deathtouch, that can manage basically anything on defense while growing into a game-winning treat
The rest of the creatures chosen, if not that resilient, are also amazing with the Helm, once the hand of the opponent is crippled with discard, and with the Sabotages taking care of the topdecking
Multiple Dream Eaters can Disperse all the oposing field, Sovereigns can stabilize your life while giving damage reach at the same time, Whisperers are big and bad, eat Drakes and can find key cards if you're healthy enough, and Etratas can win any game by themselves in literally a couple turns, even against TurboFog & like
And it's a build that induces to rage quits, which is always a plus, lol