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Azorius Angels
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Author:  Auunj [ Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Azorius Angels

Guys, what do you think of azorius angels? For now I'm running it through quick play, but the question is, does it really make sense? Is it trying to solve a problem, that doesn't exist - playing angels with blue protection.

//Creatures (16):
4 x Lyra Dawnbringer
4 x Shalai, Voice of Plenty
4 x Tocatli Honor Guard
4 x Resplendent Angel

//Non-creature Spells (20):
4 x History of Benalia
4 x Spell Pierce
4 x Dive Down
4 x Opt
4 x Sinister Sabotage

//Lands (24):
4 x Glacial Fortress
10 x Plains
6 x Island
4 x Meandering River

//View and edit deck:

Feedback welcome.

Author:  Banedon [ Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Azorius Angels

There aren't enough angels for this to work - you're even playing Tocatli Honor Guard for example. When it works it'll look very clever, but when you open a hand with 4 lands, 2 Dive Down and one Spell Pierce you'll look really stupid.

Suggest scrapping the idea entirely, of if you want to play this kind of play-a-threat-and-protect-it strategy, play either monoblue or Niv Mizzet Jeskai control with Dive Down (Niv Mizzet is also more deadly than Lyra if you untap with it).

Author:  Turbo [ Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Azorius Angels

Yeah this is probably too cute to work, I agree. Good aggro will still run over you, Niv will too. Lyra and Shalai being Legendary also doesn't help much.

Author:  Auunj [ Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Azorius Angels

Ok, you guys are probably right. Niv is just better as a play-and-protect playstyle...

Author:  thedevilwuster [ Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Azorius Angels

Azorius Angels is pretty damn fun really. I've had one for a few weeks now. Can't wait to see what kind of support it will get with the upcoming set.
Here's my pile. Fun

Control Your Angels

4 x Resplendent Angel
12 x Plains
4 x Squire's Devotion
3 x Shalai, Voice of Plenty
2 x Lyra Dawnbringer
1 x Teferi, Hero of Dominaria
9 x Island
4 x Moment of Triumph
1 x Light of the Legion
2 x Serra's Guardian
3 x Opt
2 x Blink of an Eye
1 x Search for Azcanta
3 x Syncopate
2 x Unexplained Disappearance
2 x Glacial Fortress
2 x Quasiduplicate
2 x Dive Down
1 x Chart a Course

Yah, I know... Squire's Devotion?
I love to play it on Resplendents and then hit them with Moment of Triumph.
Also, Quasi is an awesome card with the jump start. I used both on Light of the Legion in a game a couple weeks ago and had serious fun.

Author:  divinevert [ Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Azorius Angels

What about Bant Angels with blue protection and green ramp?

Author:  thedevilwuster [ Sun Dec 09, 2018 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Azorius Angels

divinevert wrote:
What about Bant Angels with blue protection and green ramp?

I have given that thought but there isn't that much decent ramp around right now from what I'm seeing. Holding off until January and then I'm sure either the above deck will be revised or a whole new one made altogether.

Author:  Banedon [ Sun Dec 09, 2018 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Azorius Angels

That list is just so awkward though. Like, you're playing with Serra's Guardian, which is a 6-mana 5/5 vigilant flying creature with no other relevant abilities. If it gets countered or dies to something like Cast Down, you're well behind. Against that your opponent could also be playing Doom Whisperer, which is cheaper, bigger, has trample, and can activate in response to a removal spell. You're also playing Light of the Legion, which has the same issues especially since the board is unlikely to stall in constructed.

Off the top of my head, among all the angels in standard there are only two I'd say are strong enough to attract me to the archetype: Lyra and Aurelia. Shalai is barely playable except in Selesnya, while Resplendent Angel is similar. I'd put Resplendent Angel in an angels deck because there aren't better options, but wouldn't build around it.

Sorry for being a spike :|

Author:  thedevilwuster [ Mon Dec 10, 2018 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Azorius Angels

This is a pure fun jank build. I like Angels so I try and build at least one deck around them. This one actually does pretty well because of all the blue spells giving me the tempo to get the bigger stuff out.

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