Don't know what game you are playing. 60% of all I see is UB control.
Rarely any aggro
The meta in general is creature focused. If you take the average or random player right now, they may even be just a tester playing with one of the pre-made decks, compared to Duels I dont even think there is a heavily control focused "base" deck anymore. Dinos, Merfolk, Explore etc, it's all board based. That's why control is good to play if you're actually trying to climb (I cant imagine why you would bother at the moment, since a reset is bound to happen.) If you're playing against gold+, yeah, you'll probably run into control-heavier decks more. Best of luck out there
I'm at gold 4 atm and the meta is quite unforgiving. Its mostly Rdw, Gruul monsters/dinos, Cats (least Frequent), merfolk, Embalm tokens and lifegain vamps on the Creature side and BU Scarab-control, some with a red splash for nicol bolas.
Off the top of my head, I'd say mono-red and Dimir Scarabs are Tied in popularity and constitute 50-60% of the meta. Only deck that seems consistent against both creatures and control is mono-red (Yay!).
Just played a really satisfying game against Dimir Scarab control. I got out T1 Buccaneer and my opponent proceeded to counter/kill every other creature I dropped, but bucaneer and deserts get his life down to 9. He starts running out of cards but taps out to drop Scarab god. I look at my hand and see a lonely Magma Spray... I'm screwed right?
Wrong, I top lightning strike and exile the scarab. Feels good
, but its not won yet...
He starts dropping and eternalizing Champion of wits all over the place, but my solitary Hazoret shows up when I need her (contrary to what usually happens when I'm flooding and in top-decking mode) and I bashed him hard and discard with her ability ftw. He failed to draw an answer... Too bad. That win felt really good, killed a Scarab god and won with Hazoret, doesn't get much better than that...