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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2023 11:05 am 

Joined: Oct 13, 2016
Posts: 1832
As long as I don't have something else to play with SBB in RIP mode, I might keep drafting Magic ...

Reached 7-2 with this list in my first March of the Machines draft:


Immediate thoughts:

- Chandra is retardedly strong.
- The five 2-drops I had are all premium 2-drops. The transform ability on Pyretic Prankster is powerful, 3/2 is often large enough to meaningfully 2-for-1 the opponent. Taking Phyrexian mana to transform the Khenra Spellspear is no big deal, since the flip side is also very strong.
- I significantly underestimated battles. When I first saw them I was like "if I can do 5 damage to this battle why shouldn't I do 25% of my opponent's life? Reason is that if you can kill a battle, your board becomes stronger & often by a lot, making it more probable that you kill your opponent afterwards.
- Stormclaw Rogue underperformed like hell. If the ability were instant speed then sure, but at sorcery speed what am I going to sacrifice to it, treasure tokens?!
- Invasion of Regatha was surprisingly good at instantly killing the red 2-cost battle (which I eventually played over the Forest at some point). Mirrodin Avenged was not great, but it did combo with Invasion of Regatha. I was also concerned about opponents having this card and sniping my Pranksters, but none of them did.
- Consuming Aetherborn is definitely not a good card. Etched Familiar seemed pretty good though. The body is by no means great, but the drain 2 is strong.
- Backup in general seems quite meh. It's true you can immediately buff your other creatures, but it's a 1-turn effect, and you often want to buff the Backup creature anyway because of the keywords on it.
- Incubate seems pretty good, especially since it's instant-speed. However, it's sorta annoying that you can't combine the tokens if you need a big creature.
- I don't understand where all the random non-March of the Machines cards are coming from ...

After P1P1 Sword of Once and Future, which is the best P1P2?

Invasion of Alara, Fearless Skald, Herbology Instructor, Tangled Skyline, Marshal of Zhalfir, Expedition Lookout, Cosmic Hunger, Skittering Surveyor

The Surveyor was really good in Dominaria, but a lot of the other cards seem to go very well with the sword, which I'll always play as well since it's an artifact.

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