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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:16 am 

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So I read a guide on the format and drafted this for my very first Midnight Hunt run:


Based on the guide I'd have thought this deck is busted. I still went 0-3 however. It felt like all my creatures are too small and I cannot beat e.g. the 3/4 black giant; in fact most of my creatures can't block 2/2 Decayed Zombies.

For the people with more experience in my format: is this deck good and the 0-3 due to variance, or is it bad? I didn't see any of the UW gold cards, although the color combination was definitely open.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:11 pm 
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I drafted a fair bit of Midnight hunt, i think 0-3 is harsh on that deck, but wouldn't say it's great

Organ hoarder is one of the best cards in the set, but apart from that you don't have too much synergy going on i.e graveyard stuff/Coven ect

My opinion was pretty much every archtype was playable if open - Except werewolves, they were a total trap try and not draft them if possible, way too much maindeckable hate

Blue and black were the best colours in the set but often were fought over hard, white was good, green was decent (G/W Coven could be very good if you got the right cards) and red was the worst, but still worth taking a bomb out of

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 5:41 am 

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The guide I read had Organ Hoarder very high too so I was happy to have so many copies, but it didn't seem very good in this run. After all it too can't block a 2/2 creature, and it's stonewalled by the 3/4 black giant. It is nice card advantage though and the body is not that bad for the cost. Maybe I just needed more beef or something.


What would you take out of this pack? I took Stickfingers P1P1, then Baneblade Scoundrel over Eaten Alive (might not have been the right pick, but the Scoundrel does look like a premium creature), followed by Skaab out of nothing. Seems to me like all the options this pack are also bad. Take Consider, I guess? The guide says UB is a zombies deck in this format though, and Consider doesn't look like it's useful in that archetype. Faithful Mending maybe?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:38 am 
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Consider is great.


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:04 am 
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I have zero memory of Baneblade which means it was probably terrible haha 100% take eaten alive there

Would have went Consider but weak pack

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 11:16 am 

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Thanks for advice, this is what I ended up with.


I opened P2P1 Meathook Massacre and stuck to Black. It still felt like I was in the wrong colors though, just check out how many 2-drops I have. This might be another bust. It feels like I lack removal (definitely regretting not taking Eaten Alive there), curve, and good cards (outside of the bombs). Is Stickfingers worth splashing? I only have one Lantern for fixing.

Maybe I should've gone for BG instead of UB. I took the UB gold cards as signals, but I seem to lack the best blue commons.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 5:33 am 

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And another 0-3. Deck was terrible, complete lack of good cards. Boy, I feel like I've forgotten how to draft.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:27 am 
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I'm telling ya, force G/W Coven if you want some wins, when it's open which it usually is it's amazing

Priorities (not in any order)


Gavony Dawnguard - Uncommon mythic, insanly good
Duelcraft trainer - very good even without coven
Contortionist Troupe - very flexibile, good for enabling Coven, good when you have it
Dawnheart Mentor - Amazing for enabling Coven, wins the game late
Rise of the antsNot a coven card, still very good


Shadowbeast sighting- Not even a coven card, just insane for a common
Harvesttide sentry - Helps you beat down early, can't be blocked by zombies
Search party captain - I would run 50 of these if i could
Soul-guide gryphon Graveyard hate is very good in this set, this card is good top end
Gavony trapper - 0 power is great for Coven, will help force damage through, want at least 2
Candlegrove Witch Probably best 2 drop in this deck, very flexible

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:43 pm 
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Midnight Hunt was a bad format. Just don't draft it.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 7:47 am 

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I was going to try Selesnya, but my first pack had Rem Karulos against nothing, and then I kept picking up red cards. P2P1 brought Bloodline Culling and then P3P1 was Florian, so I think my deck is good for once. Need two cuts, what would you say should be removed? Not in screenshot are two copies of Hungry for More, which is apparently a good burn spell, but I lack ways to sacrifice the token for value. Currently I got 6 instants and 0 sorceries, might not be enough for two Ardent Elementalists. I'm also not sure how good Neonate's Rush is. 13 Vampires in the deck should make the discounted mode pretty reliable, but 2 mana for 1 damage and cantrip doesn't seem very strong unless it triggers a "life lost this turn" effect. Also not sure if five 2-drops are enough. I vaguely remember six is preferable for aggro decks, which this one surely is (although Stolen Vitality is the only combat trick and it looks barely playable). Fortunately I still have a couple more bears in the sideboard.


P2P2 I passed a Geistflame Reservoir. Not sure if right, I only had Bloodline Culling and Play with Fire as premium instants at the time; it also didn't seem like blue was open.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:50 am 

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Deck went 6-3. It wasn't bad, but it felt a bit clunky sometimes. I am not sure if the build was right. I seemed to lack 2-drops, removal, and combat tricks all at the same time. Furthermore, although I had good curves leading to Voldaren Ambusher getting a clean 2-for-1 on 3 mana, it felt like my creatures were never big enough to keep attacking. I might also have needed more spells for Ardent Elementalist. After a couple of games I played both Hungry for More and Neonate's Rush for that reason. Maybe I could've cut a Mounted Dreadknight to bring down the curve, or looked for more action 4-drops (Tavern Ruffian does not seem very good). I don't know. Maybe simply the season ending had a big impact since I played against worse opponents.


P1P1 was the rare, then P1P2 I took the red removal spell over Overwhelmed Archivist, which I am not sure is right (since Red is apparently the weakest color in the set) but Moonrager's Slash is rated higher than Overwhelmed Archivist on Draftaholics. P1P3 was another Moonrager's Slash over mostly nothing (the best remaining card was probably Stormkirk Bloodthief). What's the pick here?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:41 am 

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Took the mentor, which does not seem like a very good card outside of Coven synergies, and ended up with this monstrosity. Maybe I should've been UR spells when the Drake came with like 4 cards left in pack 2.

Not sure how to build this now. I assume I shouldn't splash Eaten Alive (nothing to sacrifice) and Storm Skreelix (power level not high enough), but then what? I'm guessing I'm no day/night deck, but I'm also no Coven deck. Maybe just a generic creature deck with an unusually large amount of removal and a burn plan if the board stalls out.

How good is Duel for Dominance? It could be great with Saryth - attack with random 1/1 token, it gets deathtouch, then Duel. On the other hand, I don't have many large creatures, especially during daytime.


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 9:44 am 

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Went 7-2. Deck was surprisingly good. It seems like lots of reasonable creatures backed by lots of removal makes for a winning combination. Timberland Guide overperformed, since it made my attackers bigger and enabled Coven (aka Duel for Dominance). it's definitely better than Pestilent Wolf. Saryth was great of course, I liked how it made my random 1/1s (Guide/Mentor tokens) able to attack. It can also give hexproof in response to removal, although that never came up, presumably because opponents were playing around it. Dawnhart Mentor underperformed a bit. It's a reasonable mana sink, but six mana is a lot for +3/+3, and although it can block it probably can't attack even if played on curve. I wound up cutting a copy from my final 40. Brood Weaver significantly overperformed. It looks like 2/4 is enough to block many of the flyers in the format, even threaten to trade favorably. It never died in my 9 games, but there were times when even the 1/2 it would've left behind can still trade. Opponent needs a pump spell, but I had tons of instant-speed removal in response making pump hard to use. The instants also made Tavern Ruffian & Harvesttide Infiltrator surprisingly good. They're still not great cards, of course, but being able to control day/night made them better. Candlelit Cavalry was meh, since it looks like lots of the werewolves are big enough to trade with it at night (e.g. Infiltrator + a Timberland Guide counter suffices). Seize the Storm overperformed a little and was often two 4/4 or 5/5s in the late-game, potentially growing at instant speed thanks to the other instants I had. One thing I noticed though was that when you are casting Seize the Storm from the graveyard, the original token shrinks. Luckily it never mattered for me, but it would be an embarrassing way to lose a token.

Of the losses, one of the losses was to Dreadhound. This card looks very strong. 6/6 is bigger than most of my removal, and the ability is dangerous; I took like 10 damage from it alone and died shortly after spending two Moonrager's Slash to kill it. In the same way I was somewhat threatened by Drownyard Amalgam in a couple of games, but that card clocks so much slower, and I was able to either race it or find the removal to kill it (Duel/Light Up).

On to the next format :)

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