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Best way to play ranked?
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Author:  USMCbudder [ Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Best way to play ranked?

New to the game. Level 17 now and play just the standard ranked matches. Not the standard 2021 or the others. Is there a preferred ranked lobby to play or the funest and why? Also my matches don’t show up on my tool or whatever it’s called. It did record my 4 from yesterday. Do I need to open the app first then play?


Author:  Banedon [ Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best way to play ranked?

Don't think so, there's only one ladder. You could also play unranked, in which case there's an algorithm that tries to match your deck against decks of roughly equal strength. There's no such protection in ranked. Or you can play limited, which has different queues and different playstyles. You could also play BO1 vs BO3 (which have different playstyles), historic, etc.

No idea about any tools.

Author:  sixty4half [ Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best way to play ranked?

Play whatever lobby you have the most fun in. I'm not playing Standard Ranked but I play Standard 2021 Ranked and Historic Ranked. Its whatever you feel is your best, favorite, most reliable deck and whatever lobby it can fit in

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