I've done two Amonkhet drafts now. Both went badly. First draft I thought I had a pretty good B/W Zombies deck, but come deckbuilding time I realized I was actually dreadfully short on playables. I not only had to splash blue for some extra cards, I also didn't have bombs. This was really bad since in one pack I opened Glyph Keeper and passed it, thinking it wouldn't fit into my deck. Looking back at the draft, at that point I had like only four black cards (admittedly one of them was
Lord of the Accursed) and had been seeing lots of blue so I really should've gotten the bomb rare. Still won like 4 games which was surprising.
The other draft I first picked Sandwurm Convergence but quickly moved into UW. I wound up with a really good deck - or so I thought. It had Curator, nice defensive creatures (1/3 Embalms and
Those Who Serve, it had good removal, it had big late-game flyers, it even had Control Magic. And I went 2-3 anyway. One game I mana screwed, another game I couldn't establish a fast-enough clock and the 2/1 gives-unblockable guy won the game, and the last game it turns out that even with Gideon's Intervention, my opponent could just keep attacking with the GW 4/4 guy to unblock all his other stuff while exerting them. Ouch.
Amonkhet sure is a hard format. Maybe I should draft aggro decks instead, all the exert creatures make defending a nightmare.