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 Post subject: Brawl
PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:38 pm 

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Post your best Brawl deck?

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 2:22 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:51 pm 
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Fight you for it.

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:02 am 
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Kaalia Brawl Deck

Decent Pile ;)

1 Kaalia, Zenith Seeker (M20) 210

5 Plains (ELD) 253
5 Swamp (ELD) 261
4 Mountain (ELD) 265
1 Embodiment of Agonies (M20) 98
1 Feather, the Redeemed (WAR) 197
1 Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice (GRN) 153
1 Opportunistic Dragon (ELD) 133
1 Seraph of the Scales (RNA) 205
1 Spawn of Mayhem (RNA) 85
1 Angel of Grace (RNA) 1
1 Doom Whisperer (GRN) 69
1 Serra Angel (DAR) 33
1 Skarrgan Hellkite (RNA) 114
1 Rakdos, the Showstopper (RNA) 199
1 Dragon Mage (M20) 135
1 Serra's Guardian (M20) 310
1 Drakuseth, Maw of Flames (M20) 136
1 Realm-Cloaked Giant (ELD) 26
1 Sephara, Sky's Blade (M20) 36
1 Vilis, Broker of Blood (M20) 122
1 Arcane Signet (ELD) 331
1 Tome of Legends (ELD) 332
1 Chromatic Lantern (GRN) 233
1 Spinning Wheel (ELD) 234
1 Firemind Vessel (WAR) 237
1 Trapped in the Tower (ELD) 33
1 Despark (WAR) 190
1 Final Payment (RNA) 171
1 Bedevil (RNA) 157
1 Mortify (RNA) 192
1 Price of Fame (GRN) 83
1 Epic Downfall (ELD) 85
1 Lava Coil (GRN) 108
1 Reave Soul (ELD) 103
1 Ritual of Soot (GRN) 84
1 Blood Crypt (RNA) 245
1 Bloodfell Caves (M20) 242
1 Boros Guildgate (GRN) 243
1 Command Tower (ELD) 333
1 Evolving Wilds (M20) 246
1 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
1 Godless Shrine (RNA) 248
1 Orzhov Guildgate (RNA) 253
1 Rakdos Guildgate (RNA) 255
1 Sacred Foundry (GRN) 254
1 Scoured Barrens (M20) 251
1 Temple of Silence (M20) 256
1 Wind-Scarred Crag (M20) 260


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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:44 am 
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Not my deck, but seen on reddit:
Gadwick, the Wizened
rest Persistent Petitioners and Islands

sounds like great Draft fun..

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 6:00 am 
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I'm playing a somewhat janky Mowu, Loyal Companion deck (it's basically just every +1/+1 counters matters card in mono-green). I faced the Gadwick deck and it milled me just one turn faster than I could kill it. It was annoying, to say the least.

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:31 am 

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Kaalia Brawl Deck

Decent Pile ;)

Thank you

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 10:39 pm 
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Had some success with this deck:
Domri Brawl

Lost my first 5ish games with multiple boneheaded decisions due to my unfamiliarity with Commander formats in general, but it's 9-4 since. Still got some learning to do, but I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Mulliganing aggressively feels more important given that this is a fairly aggro deck in a format with 25 life; the first mull being free and knowing your Opp's commander really helps your decision making. Having a T1 play is preferable (especially if it's Gilded Goose), but a T2 play is mandatory to avoid falling too far behind.

I've been enjoying the multiple engines available to end the game. The Great Henge is the obvious one, but Evolution Sage works with the riot creatures or Grumgully, the Generous to take over the game pretty quickly. Domri, Anarch of Bolas has been especially effective with all the power based removal (Thrash // Threat, Domri's Ambush, Voracious Hydra). There's only one human in the list (Robber of the Rich) that the non-human matters cards (Wildwood Tracker, Wildborn Preserver) don't work with and those have been staples in the deck.

A few issues: Legion Warboss feels pretty anemic here and Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin is hit or miss (especially good with Grumgully though). Not sure if I should swap in another mana creature for the 25th land perhaps.

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:36 am 
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My first Brawl deck!
Cheers to Vert and Nomad for helping me tune in a couple of cards.
Mind you that just like DCG I'm really unfamiliar with EDH in general so I'm bound to do some losing and learning and I've only gotten one game in with this deck before it was spooky movie time around our house last night but damn, it was a good game (see below picture).
I will assume Rankle will be more than one person's commander. I've seen that sixty's first deck has him also. Emry being able to fetch Stonecoil back in multiple times to stall and set up lethal was key in my first game and I'm sure it won't be the last time it is.
Obviously an artifact-centric deck with Mirrormade giving me another copy of whatever is needed at the moment and Masterful Replication making everything a Steel Overseer was such beautiful lethal/overkill setup.
Possibly the best thing about Emry being commander is the lessening of the commander tax per artifacts on the board. The third time I brought Emry back in it only cost me one.

Emry's Brawl

1 x Emry, Lurker of the Loch

21 x Island
1 x Witching Well
1 x Vantress Gargoyle
1 x Corridor Monitor
1 x Renowned Weaponsmith
1 x Fblthp, the Lost
1 x Animating Faerie
1 x Folio of Fancies
1 x Mirrormade
1 x Mystic Sanctuary
1 x Charmed Sleep
1 x Shimmer Dragon
1 x Masterful Replication
1 x Gadwick, the Wizened
1 x Golden Egg
1 x Crashing Drawbridge
1 x Steel Overseer
1 x Ugin, the Ineffable
1 x Dungeon Geists
1 x Heraldic Banner
1 x God-Pharaoh's Statue
1 x Stonecoil Serpent
1 x Stolen by the Fae
1 x God-Eternal Kefnet
1 x Augur of Bolas
1 x Essence Capture
1 x Negate
1 x Narset, Parter of Veils
1 x Sinister Sabotage
1 x Drawn from Dreams
1 x Castle Vantress
1 x So Tiny
1 x Spectral Sailor
1 x Brazen Borrower
1 x Unsummon
1 x Frogify
1 x Bag of Holding
1 x Gingerbrute
1 x Finale of Revelation



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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 8:42 am 

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Here is my Rankle and Black Knights deck:

Commander1 x Rankle, Master of Pranks

1 x Castle Locthwain
1 x Witch's Cottage
19 x Swamp
1 x Blast Zone
1 x Cryptic Caves
1 x Emergence Zone
1 x Interplanar Beacon
1 x Cauldron Familiar
1 x Witch's Oven
1 x Cavalier of Night
1 x Knight of the Ebon Legion
1 x Gutterbones
1 x Sanitarium Skeleton
1 x Blacklance Paragon
1 x Murderous Rider
1 x Vilis, Broker of Blood
1 x Locthwain Paladin
1 x Syr Konrad, the Grim
1 x Midnight Reaper
1 x Foulmire Knight
1 x Order of Midnight
1 x Smitten Swordmaster
1 x Belle of the Brawl
1 x Bake into a Pie
1 x Barrow Witches
1 x Dreadhorde Invasion
1 x Legion's End
1 x Piper of the Swarm
1 x Ugin, the Ineffable
1 x Liliana, Dreadhorde General
1 x Witch's Vengeance
1 x Dread Presence
1 x Leyline of the Void
1 x Blood for Bones
1 x Ill-Gotten Inheritance
1 x Spawn of Mayhem
1 x Aid the Fallen
1 x Gravewaker
1 x Taste of Death
1 x Bag of Holding
1 x Gruesome Menagerie

Once you get Gutterbones, Sanitarium Skeleton, Dreadhorde Invasion, Liliana or Ugin out Rankle turns into Value Town. Cauldron Familiar works well too if you have been able to put some food on the table. Even without those there are plenty of ways to get creatures back from the GY to keep sacing cheap creatures for, hopefully, valuable creatures your opponent has.

Suspect cards are: Piper of the Swarm - he's probably the best 2-drop available to mono-black that I'm not already using. Maybe the Sorcerer's Broom fits here with the sacrificing theme. Legion's End - It will never kill more than 1 creature, but getting to see the opponents hand can help inform your plays for the next few turns. There are several top tier 1 and 2 drops in Brawl. That removal card could be Finale of Eternity or Reave Soul. While not removal Forever Young seems like it would fit the theme of the deck. Belle of the Brawl and Lochtwain Paladin - these seem like the weakest Knights of the group but the Menace has been relevant, though not always. Ill-gotten Inheretance - always seems weak when I'm playing it. Doesn't seem to do enough. Maybe it should be Revenge of the Ravens or one of the other cards I've mentioned like Finale or Forever Young. Bake into a Pie - it's 1 mana more than Ob Nixilis' Cruelty but it comes with a Food Token... IDK if that's worth it but I think in a 1-of format it is.

I should also probably find a spot for The Elderspell

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:52 am 
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Staying on theme from my last post, here's another Domri deck for Historic Brawl. Finished 19-3 tonight.
DCG-MTG wrote:
Importable list

Commander (1):
1 Domri, Anarch of Bolas

Creatures (29):
1 Fanatical Firebrand
1 Gilded Goose
1 Llanowar Elves
1 Pelt Collector
1 Rigging Runner
1 Tin Street Dodger
1 Wildwood Tracker

1 Burning-Tree Emissary
1 Dire Fleet Daredevil
1 Gallia of the Endless Dance
1 Kraul Harpooner
1 Merfolk Branchwalker
1 Robber of the Rich
1 Voracious Hydra
1 Zhur-Taa Goblin

1 Anax, Hardened in the Forge
1 Bonecrusher Giant
1 Gruul Spellbreaker
1 Jadelight Ranger
1 Klothys, God of Destiny
1 Phoenix of Ash
1 Rampaging Ferocidon
1 Thrashing Brontodon

1 Questing Beast
1 Rekindling Phoenix
1 Shifting Ceratops

1 Ox of Agonas
1 Skarrgan Hellkite

1 Ravager Wurm

Instant/Sorcery (4):
1 Domri's Ambush
1 Lightning Strike
1 Thrash // Threat

1 Light Up the Stage

Artifact (2):
1 Arcane Signet
1 Embercleave

Planeswalker (1):
1 Vivien Reid

Land (23):
1 Command Tower
1 Fabled Passage
8 Forest
8 Mountain
1 Rootbound Crag
1 Rugged Highlands
1 Stomping Ground
1 Temple of Abandon
1 Timber Gorge

Been playing this list the last week or two in direct challenges and it translated well to the Erebos event. The major decision points come before you play a card at all; try to mulligan (down to 6 even) to get a 1 drop against Kiora or Niv Reborn. A curve starting no later than 2 is mandatory and is solid vs Yarok, Torban, Muldrotha, etc. Domri is not just the commander but the most important card in the deck; resolving it early allows realistic Vivien and Ravager casts, and it pumps the team without committing more to the board in the face of board wipes. Use Domri liberally to fight mana dorks (particularly against Kiora) or obnoxious blockers and don't be concerned about casting it at 3 or 5 cost into countermagic.

Side note: Legitimately have never cast Ox of Agonas despite having added it about 25 games back. Feels like a good way to refill, but haven't drawn it much and was already too far ahead for it to matter when I did. Hoping to get a better feel for it with the Erebos event this weekend.

Here's a Dovin, Grand Arbiter deck I had some success with in direct challenge as well. Hasn't performed quite as well in the Erebos event and needs some refinement, but I think a UW tempo deck should be pretty solid against the other Brawl "meta" decks.
Dovin Brawl

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 10:57 pm 
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Doesn't look like y'all are playing the Erebos event much but figured I'd post my updated stats anyway:


Kenrith falls under mono-W for some reason but I've only faced it twice anyway, the other four mono-W decks were Heliod. Niv remains the toughest matchup, but it's extremely play/draw dependent - I'm 4-1 on the play and 0-5 on the draw. Found I never really had the time or wanted to cast Ox of Agonas, so that got swapped out for Arboreal Grazer. Jadelight Ranger's low toughness doesn't play especially well with Domri and the deck doesn't get any other bonus from Explore, so I swapped it out for another haste semi-unblockable threat in the form of Gingerbrute. Contemplating Veil of Summer as most Opps have U or B and it's great against Casualties of War/Agent of Treachery/Deathsprout/etc, but I don't know if that upside is worth it being a complete blank against Heliod and Torbran.

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 12:56 am 

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Played a Trostani deck inspired by the old Selesnya tokens list I used to play, went 3-0 after crushing two Gitrog Monsters (RIP anyone playing Rotting Regisaur against a tokens deck) and a Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner deck (I stalled on two lands but Healer's Hawk + Ajani's Pridemate + Haazda Marshal did a ton of damage, and although he had River's Rebuke, I had God Eternal Oketra on the next turn and he promptly folded to the zombie tokens).

My deck had tons of issues, e.g. I didn't realize until after game 2 that I (of course) should have dual lands in my deck, not to mention Commander's Tower. Also replaced the likes of Thalia, Elspeth Conquers Death and Lyra Dawnbringer since no synergies, doubt it mattered much though.

One nice thing about playing Selesnya tokens was I got to experience the synergies I never actually tried out! For example, I got to use Gideon Blackblade's invuln to get Emmara to make a token a turn, won one game with Benalish Marshal acting as an anthem, and in another game, I had Song of Freyalise out with Emmara in play. I forgot to tap Emmara for mana just to generate a token, then realized I can do it on my opponent's turn too. Song was also threatening enough that my opponent used a Vraska activation on it (died anyway on the following turn to a different anthem, heh).

Never gonna play the format again - I don't find it interesting.

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:20 am 
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For Standard Brawl I have a great Kiora deck that I'm happy to play basiclly whenever.
When I wanted to upgrade it for Historic Brawl I ended up with 66 cards and no cuts :V

In the end I beat the event with Syr Gwyn (mostly a DOM + ELD Knights deck) and played a few games with an Alela list (Mind Stone is what that deck needs).

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:26 pm 
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Man I'm tired of Niv. Faced it in 8 of 17 matches last night. Glad Brawl is free for the month, but hopefully people start finding other decks to play.

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 Post subject: Re: Brawl
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 10:49 pm 
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First match playing with Winota, attacked for 24 on turn 4 on the play. Pretty sure it's already peaked and I oughta retire the deck now :V


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