It is fun. I've played 7 times with it. 4-3.
I was thinking the opposite regarding Rankle. I feel like hes just about everything the deck needs. A little bit of surprise damage. A sac outlet to fill the GY. A draw engine. A discard engine, to fill the GY. Emptys the opponents hand. Removal.
I also think the deck wants more Paragons. It's the most efficient answer to Questing and Lovestruck and it's a little bit of lifegain. That lifegain may be the difference between a buying yourself some time, and/or pulling a lethal combo.
I was thinking; drop the Cavaliers to add 2 Paragons and a Rankle. Command the Dreadhorde will like the paragons better than the Cavaliers.
Yeah, those may be good changes. The deck seems solid, but definitely could use some more tweaking. It feels like it is almost there, but missing something.
For me, I may have started to cool a bit on Rankle because the last batch of games I was either facing the 4/4 flying demons a few times, or was in a situation where my sac would be more valuable to me then their would to them and/or the draw/discard was at best neutral. Maybe it was some play mistakes on my part, but on the other hand, my first play session they were very could just be a bad streak.
I originally had 4 paragons, but swapped out for some Cavilers for some more staying power. The deck does need a bit more removal, and Questing is the real issue (Beast can be held off w/ deathtouch) I had Rider in there, but the lifeloss and no graveyard did not go well w/ the deck. I have considered the 3 mana Sac creature, but just seems too janky. I even had Priests, but they seemed too slow and not enough payoff. With all that said, they are options I may try again as the deck evolves.
I really should play a fires deck, they look fun...but I try to avoid the top decks as a general rule. I am just stubborn that way.