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Holiday Pauper - alternative art
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Author:  Mwuanno [ Tue Dec 25, 2018 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Holiday Pauper as you probably know, just offer alternative art on Firemind's Research and Llanowar elves

I didn't spend wildcards on Fireminds, so I at least get a nice rare for every 5-x runs.

How do you feel? Worth it?

Author:  Modulo [ Tue Dec 25, 2018 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

I'd have loved for a better Rare to be at the top; if that were the case I might have tried the 5-x run more often.

As it sits, I made 5-x on my first run to get one copy and just resigned after win 1 4 consecutive times to get the Llanowars (they do look sweet and I'm playing them in Golgari MR). Could've used four Common WCs to get them, but who knows when I need them to craft Secrets of the Golden City or other stuff.
Fun fact: I would've crafted them for Uncommon WCs; sitting on almost 40 of those with no idea what to do with them.

Author:  tmp_tmp [ Tue Dec 25, 2018 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Modulo wrote:
Could've used four Common WCs to get them.

You can't, that's the point

Author:  Modulo [ Tue Dec 25, 2018 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Well, in that case I'm very happpy I did what I did.

Author:  Auunj [ Tue Dec 25, 2018 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Yeah, the full art Llanowar are really nice. I ran 1 5-x to get the 4th Firemind which I'll probably never use. And then did 4x 1-x runs to get the beautiful LE :-)

Author:  Mwuanno [ Tue Dec 25, 2018 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

I've run it 6 times now, got 3 of each. Guess I'll go for the last two, just for completeness sake.


There we go, all done.

Here's the list I ran, I went 5-0, 5-1, 4-2, 1-2, 5-1, 4-2, 0-2(not proud, but lands just kept coming), 5-1, 1-2(just needed the last elf, and I hit concede instead of resigning, might aswell give away a few wins):

11 x Plains
4 x Bishop's Soldier
4 x Martyr of Dusk
4 x Queen's Commission
4 x Vampire Neonate
9 x Swamp
4 x Child of Night
4 x Skymarch Bloodletter
4 x Epicure of Blood
2 x Luminous Bonds
2 x Pious Interdiction
4 x Forsaken Sanctuary
4 x Healer's Hawk



Author:  thedevilwuster [ Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Only had time to get four Elves. Is it still running today? Have to head off to work and no time to fire up the game and look.

Author:  Modulo [ Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Still running today. Still won't get any more copies of Research.

For those looking for a deck, here's mine (GW Veggiepants):

4 x Healer's Hawk
2 x Hunted Witness

4 x Greenwood Sentinel
4 x Vernadi Shieldmate
4 x Talons of Wildwood
2 x Titanic Growth
2 x Adamant Will

4 x Jungleborn Pioneer
4 x Luminous Bonds
4 x Oakenform

4 x Sumala Woodshaper

10 x Plains
8 x Forest
4 x Selesnya Guildgate

Could go down to three Talons to fit another Witness

Author:  DaRkStAr [ Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Thank you Modulo i finally got a 5-0 with a similar deck like yours.

4 x Healer's Hawk

4 x Daybreak Chaplain
4 x Vernadi Shieldmate
4 x Talons of Wildwood
2 x Adamant Will

2 x Dub
4 x Luminous Bonds
4 x Oakenform
2 x Crushing Canopy

4 x Sumala Woodshaper

12 x Plains
6 x Forest
4 x Selesnya Guildgate

Couldn't get to five wins with rdw, wheenies, vampires and sac&steal decks.

Author:  Banedon [ Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

How does this work? Why resign at 4-x anyway? It sounds like there's predetermined rewards for a certain number of wins?

Author:  tmp_tmp [ Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Banedon wrote:
How does this work? Why resign at 4-x anyway? It sounds like there's predetermined rewards for a certain number of wins?

1-4 wins - elf
5 wins - research
Resign 4 times after 1 win to get 4 elfes fastest way possible.

Author:  Banedon [ Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Mwuanno wrote:
I've run it 6 times now, got 3 of each. Guess I'll go for the last two, just for completeness sake.


There we go, all done.

Here's the list I ran, I went 5-0, 5-1, 4-2, 1-2, 5-1, 4-2, 0-2(not proud, but lands just kept coming), 5-1, 1-2(just needed the last elf, and I hit concede instead of resigning, might aswell give away a few wins):

11 x Plains
4 x Bishop's Soldier
4 x Martyr of Dusk
4 x Queen's Commission
4 x Vampire Neonate
9 x Swamp
4 x Child of Night
4 x Skymarch Bloodletter
4 x Epicure of Blood
2 x Luminous Bonds
2 x Pious Interdiction
4 x Forsaken Sanctuary
4 x Healer's Hawk



I took your deck for a spin and went 3-2 on the first try. Thoughts:

1) Mesa Unicorn > Child of Night (especially since I had Cosmotronic Wave played against me twice)
2) 2 Luminous Bonds and 2 Pious Interdiction feels off. I'd go up to 4 Luminous Bonds. If one must keep the Pious Interdiction because quality removal is hard to come by, so be it, but not playing 4 Bonds feels wrong.
3) Queen's Commission is likely too weak as well. Without a lord to boost it, it's just good for Epicure's effect which is not reliable enough.

I'd -4 Queen's Commission -4 Child of Night +4 Mesa Unicorn +2 Marauder's Axe (helps you attack) +2 Luminous Bonds, reworking mana base accordingly. Possibly the Axe should be Jousting Lance as well.

On a more general note, it feels like good removal is hard to find in this format, making auras much better than usual. Parhelion Patrol with Knight's Pledge should be a good combo.

Author:  Modulo [ Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Good removal is indeed not that easy to find; Blue has Blink of an Eye, Black has Eviscerate, Vicious Offering and your 5-mana killspell of choice.
Darkstar's idea of running Crushing Canopy has a lot of merit (at least as a 1-of).

Author:  thedevilwuster [ Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Cannot get to the five for nothing with either my Sely or Red deck. I have like 10 elves toward the vault now I guess. I'm at 97%

Author:  WrightJustice [ Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

It would've been great if you got both at 5 wins instead of changing the elf into fireminds, that way you still get the elves if you go all the way.

Author:  divinevert [ Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Dimir has gotten me two 5-win runs out of about 5 attempts, which is a solid enough ratio.

Don't have the full list in front of me, but Darkblade Agent is the engine that makes the deck run. Add Notion Rain, Fungal Infection, Moment of Craving, Whisper Agent, Artful Takedown, Watcher in the Mist...

Surveil selection and card advantage usually lets you prolong games until your opponent runs out of steam and you can take over via pinging or with Watchers through the air. I run 26 lands with 4x Evolving Wilds to thin me and the manabase is fairly consistent.

Author:  Haven_pt [ Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Finally got around to trying the event and since I had 0 firemind's research, it was actually a nice reward.
I just played my azorius aggro deck from previous pauper events and went 5-1, 5-1.
Don't really care for elves, so I'll leave it at that.

Author:  Mwuanno [ Fri Dec 28, 2018 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holiday Pauper - alternative art

Banedon wrote:
Mwuanno wrote:
I've run it 6 times now, got 3 of each. Guess I'll go for the last two, just for completeness sake.


There we go, all done.

Here's the list I ran, I went 5-0, 5-1, 4-2, 1-2, 5-1, 4-2, 0-2(not proud, but lands just kept coming), 5-1, 1-2(just needed the last elf, and I hit concede instead of resigning, might aswell give away a few wins):

11 x Plains
4 x Bishop's Soldier
4 x Martyr of Dusk
4 x Queen's Commission
4 x Vampire Neonate
9 x Swamp
4 x Child of Night
4 x Skymarch Bloodletter
4 x Epicure of Blood
2 x Luminous Bonds
2 x Pious Interdiction
4 x Forsaken Sanctuary
4 x Healer's Hawk



I took your deck for a spin and went 3-2 on the first try. Thoughts:

1) Mesa Unicorn > Child of Night (especially since I had Cosmotronic Wave played against me twice)
2) 2 Luminous Bonds and 2 Pious Interdiction feels off. I'd go up to 4 Luminous Bonds. If one must keep the Pious Interdiction because quality removal is hard to come by, so be it, but not playing 4 Bonds feels wrong.
3) Queen's Commission is likely too weak as well. Without a lord to boost it, it's just good for Epicure's effect which is not reliable enough.

I'd -4 Queen's Commission -4 Child of Night +4 Mesa Unicorn +2 Marauder's Axe (helps you attack) +2 Luminous Bonds, reworking mana base accordingly. Possibly the Axe should be Jousting Lance as well.

On a more general note, it feels like good removal is hard to find in this format, making auras much better than usual. Parhelion Patrol with Knight's Pledge should be a good combo.

I completely forgot that Mesa Unicorn existed - you are correct, that would be a definite upgrade over the vamp. Between Pious Interdiction and Luminous, that was just what I had I think. They are just there to clear the real big baddies. Everything else, the life gain took care of.

I'd say at least 20 of the wins were on the back of Epicure - after trading blows and outlasting with life-gain, drop epicure and attack with everything. Getting an additional 5-10 lifeloss in the face caught almost everyone by surprise. I even saw really bad blocks, when there were 2 or more Epicures in play. Math becomes hard, when 4-5 lifegainers attack with 3 epicures down.

I got all the cards in 10-11 games. I can't complain. Back to ranked :)

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