No Goblins Allowed

Is the Land algorithm still messed up?
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Author:  Ballz [ Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Is the Land algorithm still messed up?

Earlier in the beta, the land algorithm was pretty messed up. Decks with 22-25 lands favored opening hands with 2 lands. You had to go to 26 lands to get preferred 3-4 land hands. I've stepped away from the beta for a long break, and I'm curious if this is still the case? It appears that way, as I endlessly open with 2 lands unless I bump land to 26 (and then I flood every game of course :) ).

This could just be my own perception/bias, but wanted to see if this is still a thing?

Thank you :)

Author:  divinevert [ Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the Land algorithm still messed up?

The starting hand algorithm hasn't changed, but it's also not necessarily "messed up". I don't think it was ever actually messed up.

Author:  Turbo [ Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the Land algorithm still messed up?

Also, it's only like that in Bo1, not Bo3. So for Bo1 it favors hands with 2 lands, but other amounts still happen, it's not a guarantee.

Author:  Ballz [ Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the Land algorithm still messed up?

divinevert wrote:
The starting hand algorithm hasn't changed, but it's also not necessarily "messed up". I don't think it was ever actually messed up.

messed up was a poor choice of words. I just always found it awkward playing decks with 24 lands because of the algorithm. Messed up in my own head. :)

Also, Turbo...that's interesting. How does it work in BO3?

Author:  Turbo [ Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the Land algorithm still messed up?

In Bo3 it should be true "random", as good as it gets with software anyway. I can't say I have seen or felt anything to the contrary though in all the 100's of Bo3 matches I played on arena to date.

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