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 Post subject: Isareth
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 5:57 pm 
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Isareth the Awakener
It was one of my rares from Sealed I just cracked. I decided to do one more M19 in hopes of another Demon of Catastrophes but no such luck.
In a vacuum it doesn't seem bad to me but I haven't seen it played at all. 3cmc for a 3/3 Deathtouch isn't bad to begin with and the ability looks like it could be a decent mana sink or blowout in a reanimator deck. The attack clause sucks but it is Deathtouch so how many people are going to chump?


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 Post subject: Re: Isareth
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:08 pm 

Joined: Oct 13, 2016
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Good in limited, mediocre in constructed. You don't get to cheat on mana with Isareth, you only get to grind more, at which point you might as well play Golgari.

3/3 deathtouch for 3 isn't particularly strong. It's not bad, but not good either. Opponents might not have to chump - they can also trade, e.g. Resplendent Angel, Jadelight Ranger, Enigma Drake, Steel Leaf Champion are some of the common 3-drops I can think of that all trade with it. You trade at parity so it's still not terrible, but you're still the one attacking.

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 Post subject: Re: Isareth
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:21 pm 
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Thinking along the same lines as I'm concluding. It's in my Sealed deck I've yet to play but I can't think of anything I would want to replace in my Golgari deck for it in Constructed.

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 Post subject: Re: Isareth
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:00 am 
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It found some play in early Golgari builds when the meta was still less settled, but it seems there are just better 3-drops (or they are just skipped these days, except Jadelight of course). It's not a bad card, if unopposed you can get some value, and it stops a Carnage Tyrant if needed. But for recursion/utility Find/Finality is just better.

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