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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:43 pm 
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@Wacky0: I do think you made some weird picks that draft, but ultimately I think you would have been psychic to end up BW. Neither colour was open at all during pack 1, Red ended up working out for you.
When I attempted to draft it, I would end up with a trainwreck-ish GW deck, so...yay?

My cuts would be Rustwing Falcon, both Oreskos Swiftclaw and probably Two-Headed Zombie.
Skeleton Archer is a premium 4, I'll almost never cut it.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:48 pm 

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Yeah so I went 1-3, mana screwed two times, last loss was to the 2x Ajani's Pridemate deck in the other thread. It's very lame. I'm tempted to just not play M19 draft and save the gold/gems for the upcoming Dominaria.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 6:53 pm 
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Wait a freaking minute....
Looking at one of Cucho's post up there can have more than 4 of a card type in draft???!!!
Why the hell don't I know that? Does the same go for Sealed?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 3:30 am 
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Wait a freaking minute....
Looking at one of Cucho's post up there can have more than 4 of a card type in draft???!!!
Why the hell don't I know that? Does the same go for Sealed?

Yep. If you pick/open six copies of, say, Gallant Cavalry, you may play all of them. The 4-of rule does not apply to Limited Magic.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:03 am 
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Well I'll be damned. My next Limited games should turn out a little better then.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:26 am 

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Another draft, another 3-3. Highlights include:

1) Losing to an opponent on a mull to 5 because I kept a 7-card 2-land hand with a 2-drop and plenty of 3-drops, then drew 7 non-land cards in a row
2) An opponent with maindeck Millstone because he had Tezzeret and Skilled Animator, and of course he drew both of those cards
3) Losing to an opponent who was almost surely dead next turn, except he drew Sleep which is basically a 1-card "I win" spell
4) Losing to an opponent who was also almost surely dead next turn, except he drew Vampire Sovereign which both gave him a flying blocker and a crucial 3 life while I didn't draw any of my removal spells

The decks I draft aren't bad, but this format feels like it comes down to "did you draw the right answers, if not you lose". Better formats would have, "did you draw the right answers, if not you might have to 2-for-1 yourself". As a result the format feels like a coin toss and is genuinely not fun. I think I'll just stop drafting it.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 8:50 am 
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I don't see anything wrong with a blue opponent maindecking millstone, it might just be that he has the uncommon milling enchantment and needs a back up plan because he tried to build a very defensive deck.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:17 pm 
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I was going to draft, but the outlay is quite steep. Currently it’s only for M19. For the same gold entry I am guaranteed 5 rare / mythic cards for whatever set packs I select and I add to the wildcard count. With my Tournament deck fixed and as a ftp player, the route to build for the quest and pick up the 3 packs for 15 wins appears to be a better payoff.

It’s been pointed out too that if the bots basically just draft pick the best cards, not because they are building anything specific, it’s working even against the strategy to draft just the best cards which would never win you enough to even get close to repaying your outlay.

The next set may seem some time away but the plan is to play and hoard which may mean you have between 15 or 20 or even more packs to open in the new set. That’s my view currently. SD

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:06 pm 
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It’s been pointed out too that if the bots basically just draft pick the best cards, not because they are building anything specific, it’s working even against the strategy to draft just the best cards which would never win you enough to even get close to repaying your outlay.

In my experience, the AI doesn't pick cards by power. Sometimes I get passed something like Aurelia halfway through the pack, which is pretty insane and would never happen against humans. I'd say drafting against the AI gives you a better chance for multiple rares and generally good cards.

As for the general value of drafts: If you don't need many cards (M19 doesn't have many relevant rares for the meta), it is obviously pointless. However, drafting something like Ravnica or Dominaria will always offer better value than packs, even with a mediocre winrate. I usually pay 5.000 gold for an average of 2 drafts and each of them gets me at least one pack. So worst case scenario: I trade half a wildcard for a free draft.

Also, drafting fills the Vault pretty fast. I know that the Vault is a bad payoff for the lost value, but it is a bonus. 18-20 drafts equal a Vault (that is, if you don't need the commons/uncommons – if you need them, even better), so going by my stated exchange rate, you get a free Vault for every 10th wildcard you sacrifice for drafting instead of buying packs. A free Vault in addition to the value of the 20 drafts you played.

Last edited by Gegliosch on Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:08 pm 
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I drafted a monoblack Zombie deck around Liliana. It's trash, lol

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 4:06 pm 
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 4:36 pm 

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Okay I lied, I looked at my 5000 coins sitting there and decided to go draft again because so many more days before Dominaria. P1P1 Gravedigger, P1P2 Divination, and I was like okay I'll draft Blue-Black control, and then P1P3 Boggart Brute P1P4 Boggart Brute (it was just the best card in the pack) and for the rest of the pack I was oscillating between blue, black and red cards. I was still intending to draft UB control after seeing a late Bone to Ash (the AI seems to underdraft that card, it's great in my opinion) but I also picked up many playable red cards like Sure Strike and Trumpet Blast. Then P2P1 was Leonin Warleader and I was firmly into Boros.

The damn pile went 7-0:

1 x Banefire
1 x Rustwing Falcon
1 x Goblin Motivator

2 x Field Creeper
1 x Cavalry Drillmaster
2 x Sure Strike
1 x Knight's Pledge
1 x Daybreak Chaplain

2 x Pegasus Courser
4 x Luminous Bonds
2 x Boggart Brute
1 x Trumpet Blast

1 x Leonin Warleader
1 x Hostile Minotaur
1 x Havoc Devils
1 x Star-Crowned Stag

1 x Lava Axe

8 x Mountain
8 x Plains

I thought my deck was bad with so few low drops, but Courser, Stag and Sure Strike were definite MVPs. Without them I'd barely have been able to attack. I feel like drafting Boros is a bit hit-or-miss though, because it's absolutely imperative to pick up these cards or you are busted.

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