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PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:22 pm 
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Location: Cucho Lambreta#13992
Ok kids so I´m giving combo a try, but I dont fancy Kethis coz **** Kethis, instead I looked at Underworld Breach and I´m trying to get it going.


So the deck works like this:
You cast this absolutely wacky card, mill yourself (or your opponent if it comes to that) into oblivion win with Thassas Oracle



IMPORTANT your GY is one big resource in this deck and you eat it in chunks of 3, remember this!!!

Key pieces to loop.


Your bread and butter.
So you are ready to go when you cast Breach +


Clasic form, 2 Excavators and one looping artifact. This will mill you for 4 so that's one net card win + one mana for each cycle if you got Emry any PW or Lazav.

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Manaless lock, this one does not generate mana but it can still mill you until you find your Mox Amber.

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So you got Excavator + Emry, Mox and one extra artifact on the board + Emry and Mox on the GY

1.Activate the Mox get U
2.Cast Emry for U
Mill 2 from Excavator + 4 from Emry = 6 cards
3.Recast Mox Burn 3 cards, mill 2 =5 cards
Activate Mox.
Get U
5. Cast emry burn 3 cards= 2
Excavator mills 2 Emry 4= 8
Rinse and repeat

4. For emergency cases only.

This one is not sustainable but it can give you chances to combo, for each time you do this you will see 4 cards.
So 2 Emry + 2 artifacts on the board this could be: Amber, Well, Saheeli's tokens or Wish claw and any combination of them.

1. Cast Emry burn 3 cards if you used Breach, let one die to legendary rule, mill 4. Net +1
2. Cast the Emry that just died from the GY burn 3 cards and U. See 4 more cards. Net +2

This way you are seeing more cards but the mana is not sustainable. Also you are looking to cast Excavators FIRST so then you are netting 3 cards for the cycle. Remember that when you need to cast them coz that's 2 mana + the 3 cards from the GY.

Don't cast the Amber's before or you will **** it up like me.

With Saheeli you can copy your Excavators to get the combo going besides you got quite a few non creature spells to create a defensive board to buy you time.

On an empty Board with Saheeli, 4 mana, 1 Excavator and Serpent or Moxes.
1.Cast Brach.
Saheeli makes a token
2.Cast Excavator from the GY
3.Copy Excavator with Saheeli.
Search for your serpent or your 2 Mox.

Lazav does the same thing at 4 mana.
1.Copy your excavator.
2.Cast Breach.
3.Look for your Serpent or Moxes

Little combos
So with Emry on board you can cast this stone coil, if he dies in combat you just recast it again from the GY. He is one decent blocker vs Gruul.

Nice little mini combo betwen this two, coz with Ashiok on the board your opponent can't wish for things.

So this is what I have been goofing around this couple of days, needs some more work but overal is quite decent and can take off rather fast.


The mana lords PLZ help!!!

How about Jeskai......
This gives us


Extra points on Serpent surviving Clarion.
Jeskai is not the way to go....

Lazav and Wishclaw are very important in the consistency area, besides Clarion just kills all your stuff too, Teferi is nice because it locks the combo, but then the deck felt heavy and it was not as explosive as before.

So I got back to Grixis, but I wanted some interaction, a removal spell that kept me on the game until I set up the combo, so I tried Tyrant Scorn... and this was great coz it gave me options... but the mana suffered I needed a lot more black sources and the tempo loss was huge coz I rarely had 2 spare mana... Soooooooo.... I landed on Unsummon.... and ohhhhh boy this is perfect.... soooooo perfect!!!!
this thing is on my main color most times my mox only make U and cost 1!. It can protect your creatures and is a huge tempo loss for aggro, so it went from 0 to 4 copies just like that!

I also added another Thassa´s Oracle coz sometimes I like to cast it to get a blocker... and sometimes with Saheli or Ashiok this lets me see 5-6 cards, so its a great effect to get your last piece of the puzzle.

I also started working on a SB, and I´m taking this thing to B03, so far so good.

Breach 2.0


Stern dismissal is great against aggro but it also lets you deactivate an opposing leyline of the void when you are ready to combo.
Pierce and Duress are both 1 cmc and heartbreaking for control same as Narset.
Leyline deactivate opposing GY lunatics.


So Teferi... Teferi... Teferi...
Yeah turns out Teferi is broken... Shocker!!!
And the ability to lock your opponent out of your turn is just too big on a combo deck, so we ended up splashing for him on the main... We are basically mono blue splashing white for Teferi and Red for Breach.

So latest changes are:

Side board is a work in progress but here's the current highlights
This feels more controlling and I think just a bit more powerful.
Jeskai Breach 3.0


Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:41 am, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:07 am 
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Not bad. As I mentioned earlier, doesn't seem to have much alt win potential if your combo gets broken and it seems like a worse Kethis.

But it looks fun.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:09 am 
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And FWIW, leyline does nothing to stop kethis combo. It slows it down little but also costs you a card. They just bounce it with Tef and win same turn. I think ego is just cleaner.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 6:16 am 
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On my last run with It I got back to Jeskai, Teferi is just huge for the lock. And provides more time to set up the combo, besides white has lots of tools for the SB.
Fblthp works fine as a 2 drop, blocker and ocasional moz enabler, I think Jeskai will. End up being the final form
Edit 2: Thassa can still win you the game, I have done this when I'm out of Breach, and Saheli can get crazy with tokens.

I was thinking about adding Sarkhan to the SB and work as Jeskai Super Friends but I'm not sure about it.

Edit 3
Sarkham makes no sense...
But on Karn and Saheeli are not a bad combo on their own.

This is what I'm thinking.

Jeskai breach Historic:

Maindeck (60)
3 Stonecoil Serpent
4 Diligent Excavator
2 Fblthp, the Lost
2 Thassa's Oracle
4 Emry, Lurker of the Loch

3 Ashiok, Dream Render
3 Saheeli, Sublime Artificer
3 Teferi, Time Raveler

3 Unsummon

4 Mox Amber
4 Witching Well

3 Underworld Breach

4 Glacial Fortress
4 Hallowed Fountain
2 Island
4 Steam Vents
4 Sulfur Falls
2 Temple of Enlightenment
2 Temple of Epiphany

Sideboard (15)
1 Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle
3 Karn, Scion of Urza
2 Dovin's Veto
3 Deafening Clarion
3 Mystical Dispute
3 Shatter the Sky


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:49 pm 
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Updated pile:


Things we got from jumpstart

So this 2 artifacts are replacing the wells, Aether spellbomb how ever adds a whole new layer to the deck, with it you can lock some problematic creatures out of the board or you can save you own key pieces from wrath or removal, and with either Lurrus or Emry you can do this every turn creating a lock that works offensive and defensively.

Chromatic sphere adds more stability to the mana base that sometimes can have a hard time casting Lurrus.
This kitten is also a big addition to the deck, because it lets us cast Breach directly from the GY adding consistency to the combo.

A little review of how this works for folks new to the deck:

So the deck works like this:
Win con

IMPORTANT your GY is one big resource in this deck and you eat it in chunks of 3, remember this!!!

Key pieces to loop.


Your bread and butter.

So you are ready to go when you cast Breach +


Clasic form, 2 Excavators and one looping artifact. This will mill you for 4 so that's one net card win + one mana for each cycle if you got Emry any PW or Lazav.

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Manaless lock, this one does not generate mana but it can still mill you until you find your Mox Amber.

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So you got Excavator + Emry, Mox and one extra artifact on the board + Emry and Mox on the GY

1.Activate the Mox get U
2.Cast Emry for U
Mill 2 from Excavator + 4 from Emry = 6 cards
3.Recast Mox Burn 3 cards, mill 2 =5 cards
Activate Mox.
Get U
5. Cast emry burn 3 cards= 2
Excavator mills 2 Emry 4= 8
Rinse and repeat

4. With out Excavator:
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The only card that needs to be on the board for this to work is teshar, once you cast breach you just keep casting those Mox Ambers, for each one you Cas you will get 1 mana and you will bring Emry back to the BTF this will net you 1 card per cycle.

This works with Serpent too before you can get your Moxes.

5. Breach less lock
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So with Teshar on the board you can cast Lurrus get another Lurrus from the GY cast a either Mox for infinite mana or Serpent for infinite triggers if you are fishing.

This will not mill you unless you have Excavator but it can produce infinite mana and can let you grab other pieces from the GY

Or you can cast a big ass serpent that puts a 1 turn clock for next turn.
Best part is that if doesn't work you can cast breach once again with Lurrus next turn.

6. For emergency cases only.

This one is not sustainable but it can give you chances to combo, for each time you do this you will see 4 cards.
So 2 Emry + 2 artifacts on the board so you can cast Emry for U.

1. Cast Emry burn 3 cards if you used Breach, let one die to legendary rule, mill 4. Net +1
2. Cast the Emry that just died from the GY burn 3 cards and U. See 4 more cards. Net +2

This way you are seeing more cards but the mana is not sustainable. Also you are looking to cast Excavators ASAP so then you are netting 3 cards for the cycle. Remember that you need at least 3 extra cards in the GY before you cast it.

Don't cast the Amber's before or you will **** it up like me.

With Saheeli you can copy your Excavators to get the combo going besides you got quite a few non creature spells to create a defensive board to buy you time.

On an empty Board with Saheeli, 4 mana, 1 Excavator and Serpent or Moxes.
1.Cast Brach.
Saheeli makes a token
2.Cast Excavator from the GY
3.Copy Excavator with Saheeli.
Search for your serpent or your 2 Mox.

As for interaction we are using unsubstantiate, so we can gain tempo for the combo part or save a key creature.

Little combos
So with Emry on board you can cast this stone coil, if he dies in combat you just recast it again from the GY. He is one decent blocker vs Gruul and Rakdos.

And either

This little interaction let's you really control how the board plays out.
Drawing cards or removing creatures.

Just remember that you will need 2 artifacts of the board to cast Emry for just U

Last but not least, alternative plan for super heavy GY hate decks you can attack the board with

This two can generate an army out of nowhere that can sometimes lets you finish the game in a different way.


Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:57 am 
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what the fk is this on topic **** in my black barney forum!?!?

As a side note, what have you guys found as the best way to hate out on Kethis?

Stuff like cage doesn't seem so great, thanks to teferi bounce, ooze is pretty good at putting on pressure while hating you out, is there anything you guys fear more then Ashiok?

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:04 am 

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I've been working on a breach build in historic that uses Song of Creation and 0 cost cards like ornithopter and Tormod's crypt. I also have Tale's end in to counter discarding your hand from song, and possible to counter sacrificing underworld breach (though this scenario has never come up). It's really, really hard to play correctly. Also I usually just get killed by goblins before all the fun stuff starts to pop off.

This build looks good though with white added. I always felt like the deck needed teferi.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:10 pm 
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So I'm running 4 Lurrus now, I think that is the right move coz the amount of tempo we get from Spellbomb and Sphere.

Lurrus or Emry with any of those on the board means you are either:

- Saving you key pieces from removal
- Bouncing any shark or problematic creature
- Drawing moar cards

This of course is only great for the fact you are doing it EVERY TURN.

Sphere also helps with mana to cast Lurrus or Emry from the GY when you got no other U legendary permanent.

So G1
- 2 Unsubstanciate
+1 Lurrus
+2 Chromatic sphere

I think this is the final 60 for G1 at least.

Jeskai breach Historic:

Jeskai Breach 4.0

Historic ladder has now become a Field Rec fiesta running 12 cantrips that ramps... Totally cool.
The good thing is that we got tools to deal with it.
Aether Spellbomb let's you bounce those sharks, Teshar and Lurrus makes them pay the full 3 cmc for dispute and Teshar survives magma quake. But most importantly we have Teferi and Veto 2 cards they just can't interact with.

So the plan is to play the counter war, their fields are too slow to be lethal before we are online so we need to hold or counters for Rec and Exp.

If you resolve a Teferi don't down tick him, coz their mana becomes a lot less imoressive and it's harder for them to pull a profitable Exp into it.

Play the long run and hold counters for when you want to combo coz you probably are going to have to fight your way for it, remember that Teshar triggers on cast so that can be a pain for them.

I made a run yesterday went 8-2 with it went from 0-4 in the Temur matchup to 4-4 so it has delivered in that area.

Creature based decks suffer a lot from Solar Blaze and Spellbomb so we still have good chances in the meta.

Don't be greedy and hold your Lurrus or Emry until you can save them with spellbomb I can't emphasize that enough.


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