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PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 7:39 am 
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Joined: Dec 19, 2015
Posts: 1855
Interesting. The deck has a lot of playables and I could see it going a few ways.

The two cuts I would spot immediately are Crush Dissent and Firemind Vessel. Vessel is the worst of your four(!) mana accelerants, Dissent doesn't really fit your deck since you hardly play on the opponent's turn (No Escape is alright though).

I do think your deck has more than enough permanents for Bond of Flourishing to be a card I'd always want to run (also gives your Narset another target, which you should be concerned about).

19 creatures is definitely to many, especially seeing how you have cards like Narset, Parter of Veils and Flux Channeler in your deck. You want a high creature count due to Band Together, Jiang Yanggu and New Horizons, but we should trim down to at least 15 creatures. For now, I'll trim one of each of Primordial Wurm, Wardscale Crocodile, Iron Bully and Snarespinner.

This would put us at the following 25 cards:

1 x Sky Theater Strix
2 x Kronch Wrangler
1 x Pollenbright Druid
1 x Snarespinner

1 x Flux Channeler
2 x Arlinn's Wolf
1 x Iron Bully

2 x Bloom Hulk
1 x Centaur Nurturer

2 x Wardscale Crocodile

1 x Primordial Wurm

1 x Narset, Parter of Veils
1 x Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter
1 x Dovin, Hand of Control

1 x Jace, Wielder of Mysteries

1 x Arlinn, Voice of the Pack

1 x Bond of Flourishing
1 x New Horizons
2 x Band Together
1 x No Escape

This seems like a decent baseline, and there's a few different ways to go from here. I'll line out my way of thinking from here.

Seeing how you're fairly low on interaction and how it can enable and sometimes even trigger Proliferate, I think I want to add Teferi's Time Twist to the deck. It's a card I generally don't like much, but I feel like it could work really well in your deck (For instance, time twisting a Bloom Hulk puts two +1/+1 counters on it by itself).

Another interesting thought would be adding Arboreal Grazer over the other Snarespinner. Again, not a card I generally like much, but we need some early drops to put Yanggu or New Horizons counters on, and this one can sometimes accelerate you into these. It does need +1/+1 counters and some Proliferate triggers to be an efficient card, but then again, Snarespinner is not much better off.

My last three cuts after that would probably be the other Primordial Wurm (you can maybe cut that card from the 42 in general), maybe the other Iron Bully (it fits your deck very nicely, but it probably is your lowest power level card) and maybe Dovin, Hand of Control (I can see it being useful to blank an opposing attacker and even attack ito it, but it seems like the least impactful card in your deck).

So, the final product in my case would look like this:

1 x Arboreal Grazer

1 x Sky Theater Strix
2 x Kronch Wrangler
1 x Pollenbright Druid
1 x Teferi's Time Twist
1 x Bond of Flourishing

1 x Flux Channeler
2 x Arlinn's Wolf
1 x No Escape
1 x Narset, Parter of Veils
2 x Band Together
1 x Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter
1 x New Horizons

2 x Bloom Hulk
1 x Centaur Nurturer
1 x Jace, Wielder of Mysteries

2 x Wardscale Crocodile

1 x Arlinn, Voice of the Pack

8 x Island
9 x Forest

I decided against running Interplanar Beacon. With all the early game Green cards we really wanted a ninth Forest, and the Island helps cast more cards than the Beacon (Beacon helps cast Jace and Narset, Island helps cast these plus all of the other blue cards), something a couple points of life don't compensate for.

The main alterative to this build is to cut Narset and run a more creature heavy build (something like Dovin/Primordial Wurm > Narset, Iron Bully > Time Twist, Snarespinner > Grazer, maybe another creature over No Escape). I don't think I like that build as much, but YMMV and I can't deny it's there.

Definitely an interesting build, and IMO not one where there is a 100% clear best deck.

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 10:05 am 

Joined: Oct 13, 2015
Posts: 9132

Mayhem Devil + Bolas's Citadel = 20 damage out of nowhere

I oriented my scries toward this and got half of my 7 wins from this.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 1:18 pm 
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Joined: Dec 19, 2015
Posts: 1855
Have an interesting decision at hand in my latest WAR draft, where my deck could go two fairly different directions.

ATM I consider the following 16 cards as my base; i.e. I'll happily play them in both decks::

1 x Ajani's Pridemate
1 x Erratic Visionary
1 x Sky Theater Strix
1 x Callous Dismissal
1 x Lazotep Plating
1 x Dovin's Veto

1 x Trusted Pegasus
1 x Aven Eternal

2 x Thunder Drake
2 x Elite Guardmage
1 x The Wanderer

1 x Ashiok's Skulker
1 x Wanderer's Strike

1 x Commence the Endgame

Would you rather pair these with
Option A:
1 x Defiant Strike
2 x Grateful Apparition
1 x Pouncing Lynx
1 x Teferi's Time Twist
1 x Makeshift Batallion
1 x Iron Bully

Or go with
Option B:
2 x Divine Arrows
1 x Guild Globe
1 x No Escape
1 x Narset Parter of Veils
1 x Totally Lost
1 x Parhelion II

I could see going both ways, or doing something in between (e.g. I'm not sure whether I want to play Parhelion at all seeing how I always need 2 creatures to crew it). I could also see e.g. not liking Dovin's Veto in Option A and replacing it with, say, Totally Lost from Option B.

So, what're your opinions?

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 6:43 pm 

Joined: Oct 13, 2016
Posts: 1832
I'd totally take the second option, partly because I prefer more controlling decks, and partly because the card quality there is just higher. The deck is hardly strong enough to aggro opponents. Grateful Apparition is usually a strong card, but you have barely anything to proliferate onto. You also have slow, reactive cards such as Lazotep Plating, Erratic Visionary, Dovin's Veto, Commence the Endgame.

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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2020 3:50 pm 

Joined: Dec 17, 2018
Posts: 176
Anyone been playing WAR limited? I was low on gems and then I realized I actually enjoy WAR more than Ikoria. Been drafting a bunch. Best record so far is 6-3 with a UW control deck that utilized alot of flicker effects (P1P1 was Teferi...). It feels like a pretty deep format. I've done nearly 10 drafts and am still seeing new deck archetypes.

You Make the Conspiracy, a customized cube draft experience.

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